4 best recipes for making fruit wine at home

Many people do not trust purchased alcoholic beverages and prepare it themselves. They give particular preference to fruit and berry wine. After all, it has a tart aroma and rich taste. A glass of this drink, prepared at home, will relieve fatigue after a busy day at work and will give you a good mood at a festive dinner.

The next morning after the feast you will not have a headache.

Subtleties of preparing assorted wine

Experienced winemakers know that when creating an alcohol-containing product, the following rules must be followed:

  1. Use purified water, which is boiled and cooled.
  2. Sand take approximately 200-250 grams per 1 liter of liquid. And the fruit component is 100-200 grams.
  3. You buy wine yeast or regular pressed yeast, but in no case is it fast-acting.
  4. The fermentation liquid is poured into a large glass container.
  5. A thin rubber glove is put on top and secured to the neck with thread or tape. While fermentation is underway, the glove will be inflated and raised up. Once the process is over, she will go down.
  6. During fermentation, the wort is stirred daily with a clean wooden spatula.

The finished young wine is filtered and poured into washed and dried glass bottles. It is better not to use plastic ones. The drink is kept in bottles for a month and only then tasted.

prepare wine

Rules for choosing ingredients

The hot drink is made from cultivated or wild berries. Moreover, they use harvest from their own plot or store-bought products. The main thing is that all components are of excellent quality, without signs of spoilage.

First, all the fruits are sorted, removing rotten ones. They are not washed so as not to remove the natural yeast present on the surface. Berries and granulated sugar become the main ingredients.


How to make fruit wine at home

A berry alcohol-containing product can be made from any fruit. Moreover, in winter and spring the drink is created from frozen berries. You just need to be patient and have the necessary equipment:

  • container in which the wort will ferment;
  • rubber medical gloves;
  • glass bottles for storing alcohol-containing products;
  • plastic stoppers for sealing containers.

An immersion blender and any juicer will come in handy.

fruit wine

Simple recipe

The main ingredients are poured with warm water. The container is covered with a blanket and placed near the radiator.

From various frozen berries

First, you should defrost the product without violating the technology. The fruits are taken out of the freezer, placed in an enamel pan, and left on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator until the ice disappears. This method allows you to preserve the greatest amount of useful substances.

Then the berries, along with sugar, are whipped in a blender bowl. The mass is poured into a fermentation vessel, diluted yeast is added, and water is added. After 2 weeks, a small amount of sugar crystals is introduced and left until the wine brightens.

jars of liquid

Option with honey

A fruit and berry strong drink with the addition of honey has a unique taste. It is prepared according to the following algorithm:

  1. The fruits are placed in an enamel pan with a thick bottom and crushed with a pestle.
  2. Place the container on the fire and heat for half an hour.
  3. The mass is cooled and transferred to a container for fermentation. Sugar, raisins, water are added there, and the container is tied with a cloth.
  4. After 3-4 days, the wort is filtered through gauze folded in several layers.
  5. Add a small amount of sugar, install a water seal and let it sit again.
  6. On the fifth day, liquid honey is added to the wort. If the product is candied, it is placed in a water bath. During the heating process, the treat liquefies.
  7. As soon as sediment appears, the liquid is poured through cheesecloth into bottles.

This fruit and honey wine is not left to stand, but is immediately put on the festive table.

bottles with concentrate

From a mixture of berry juices

They take any berries and squeeze the juice out of them using an electrical device that is available.The liquids are mixed in fermentation containers, water, yeast, and granulated sugar are added. Moreover, in this case they take more than usual. The wort should ferment for a week. Then add some more sugar crystals and leave it alone for 10 days.

Storage rules and periods

Store the fruit and berry alcoholic product in a dark place at 10-14 °C. It is very important that there are no fluctuations in temperature and humidity. The latter should not exceed 80%. The bottles should not be exposed to direct sunlight.

The shelf life should not exceed 1-1.5 years. Opened wine should be consumed within a week. After all, the longer you keep it open, the faster its taste deteriorates.

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