Amethyst Novocherkassky grapes are spoken of as an original variety, which becomes more popular every year. The hybrid was bred by breeders of the Rostov region, successfully passed testing and was included in the State Register. The grapes of this variety are distinguished by high-quality taste characteristics and developmental characteristics that must be taken into account when caring.
- History of creation
- Description and characteristics of Amethyst grapes
- Advantages and disadvantages
- Features of growing the variety
- When is the best time to plant
- Choosing a landing site
- How to plant
- Further care of the crop
- Watering and fertilizers
- Tying up shoots
- Trimming
- Wintering
- Protection from diseases and pests
- Harvesting and storage
History of creation
The Amethyst Novocherkassky grape variety appeared in 2009. Specialists from the Novocherkassk Research Institute created a hybrid by successfully crossing two varieties: Vostorg and Vostorg Red.
The breeders' task was to create a variety that could tolerate climate errors and produce a stable harvest. Today, the created variety is successfully grown in Ukraine, Belarus, and Kyrgyzstan.
Description and characteristics of Amethyst grapes
The variety belongs to the group of red varieties. The tasting score is 8.1 points. The fruits contain from 16 to 23 percent sugar, the acid is rated as medium.
The bushes are prone to intensive growth, so special rationing is required for the variety. One bunch, which develops according to the standard scenario, weighs from 600 to 900 grams. The fruits have a regular cylindrical shape, the color is uniform and rich purple.
Advantages and disadvantages
The variety is designed for cultivation in the absence of temperature changes. The variety has advantages and disadvantages.
Separately, experts emphasize such a feature as resistance to parasites. There are almost no wasps on the lash that can cause harm to the crop. This is explained by the fact that the variety is not prone to cracking, leaking juice, or attracting insects.
Features of growing the variety
Novocherkassk amethyst is grown subject to basic rules. By taking into account the needs of the variety, you can confidently count on a stable and abundant harvest.
When is the best time to plant
The best option is to plant seedlings in the spring. Experts recommend choosing a period when the danger of return frosts has passed and the soil will be warmed up to + 5-10 degrees.
Choosing a landing site
Traditionally, grapes are grown along fences and walls of buildings. For Amethyst, it is recommended to select zones from the south or southwest side. The place must be protected from draft winds.
How to plant
Grape plantings are placed on black soil or loam. The soil must meet all requirements. When planting, the depth of the hole dug for the seedling can be 15-20 centimeters. The depth of groundwater should be calculated. It should not be more than 2.5 meters.
Further care of the crop
After the seedlings take root, it is necessary to build a care plan. The vine requires regular watering as well as proper placement.
Watering and fertilizers
Grape plantings are watered according to a strictly established scheme. It includes 3 approaches:
- spilling before buds begin to bloom;
- spillage before flowering starts;
- moisturizing until the first fruiting begins.
Grape growers recommend fertilizing seasonally:
- in spring using ammonium nitrate;
- in summer with the addition of potassium and phosphorus;
- in the fall using a superphosphate solution.
Tying up shoots
The shoots begin to be tied up as soon as the buds begin to bloom, when there is no first foliage yet. The shoots are carefully wrapped with an elastic cord or twine.The second tying is carried out when the shoots reach a height of 25-35 centimeters.
Reference! You cannot use fishing line or wire for gartering. These materials may damage the bark.
After harvesting, in the fall, special pruning is done. Remove faded and fertilized brushes, last year's shoots, as well as material that is characterized as non-viable.
An important stage of care is preparing the shoots for wintering. The grapevine must be additionally covered where in winter the air temperature drops below - 15 degrees.
Protection from diseases and pests
Despite the fact that the Amethyst variety is known for its resistance to diseases, preventive treatments are carried out to increase its protective qualities. Young seedlings are sprayed at the stage when the buds are just beginning to bloom. If the bush is affected by dangerous oidium, then the drugs “Topaz” and “Tiovit” are used for treatment. They are applied during watering, and also sprayed on the vine using a foliar method.
Reference! The products “Zolon” and “Talstar” are used to attack leaf roller plantings.
Harvesting and storage
The variety belongs to the category of early ripening. The fruits begin to ripen 100-110 days after the first buds appear. Ripeness is indicated by a change in the color of the berry. It turns dark crimson.
When cleaning and storing, follow the basic rules:
- collection is carried out during the day, in dry weather;
- after picking, all berries are inspected, spoiled fruits are removed;
- fruits that need ripening are selected separately from the rest.
The grapes are stored in low wooden boxes or the bunches are hung from racks. One storage method is to immerse part of the vine in water.This method is suitable for those who seek to preserve a large number of berries for a long period of time without further processing.
Novocherkassk amethyst is well transported due to the presence of a thick skin that is not prone to cracking. The fruits of the variety are stored without loss of quality for 30-40 days.