Description and subtleties of growing Everest grapes

The Everest grape variety is a hybrid from Russian breeders and is gradually becoming popular. It is distinguished by large sweet berries, fast growth, the fruits ripen in the third year. It was bred from 2 varieties: Talisman and K-81. The fruits of the crop contain organic acids, pectin and tannins, vitamins, and microelements. The berries are consumed fresh, compotes, syrups, juices, fruit drinks, jellies, and jams are prepared.

Description and characteristics of the variety

Everest took all the best qualities from the original varieties - large berries, beautiful appearance, excellent taste, immunity to fungal diseases and pest attacks.


The grape variety is mid-early, characterized by high survival rate, vigor and ripening along the entire length. The leaf blades are openwork, heart-shaped, large, five-lobed, dissected. From the time the buds appear until the fruits ripen, it takes 110-120 days.


The flowers are hermaphrodite and are able to pollinate themselves. The variety participates in pollination of other plants with unisexual flowers. It is recommended to thin out the ovaries to obtain large berries.

Bunches and berries

Cone-shaped or cylindrical bunches of grape varieties have:

  • attractive presentation;
  • medium density;
  • large sizes;
  • weighing 500-800 g.

The juicy and elastic berries are oval, 4.5 cm long, weighing 18-20 g. Pink at the beginning of ripening, then red-violet with a dense waxy coating. There are 2 seeds in each, they are easily separated when pressed. If not properly cared for, large and small berries ripen on the same vine. The variety has a sweet taste, without sourness or nutmeg aftertaste.

This variety is not recommended for wine.

blue grapes


The harvest rates are high; at least 25 kg of bunches are harvested from the bush. Gardeners grow the Everest variety for personal use and for sale. Harvesting begins in the middle or end of August, the timing depends on the region.


The skin of grapes protects the fruit from damage and external factors. Thanks to it, the variety tolerates transportation well over long distances and is stored for a long time.

Frost resistance

The variety tolerates frosts in the southern and middle regions. Otherwise, frost resistance has not been fully studied. Bushes need to be covered for the winter, especially if the temperature reaches -20 0C. This will guarantee a future harvest of berries.

Everest variety

Resistance to diseases and pests

The variety is resistant to fungal diseases, pests, and is not afraid of wasp invasion. Only preventive treatments are carried out.

Advantages and disadvantages of Everest grapes

The bred table form of the variety has many advantages:

  1. After the brush ripens, you can not pick it for another month.
  2. This improves the taste of the berries.
  3. Transportable over long distances.
  4. There is no cracking or shedding of berries; the bunches are stored for up to 3 months.
  5. Beautiful presentation.
  6. Ability to adapt to different climates.
  7. Cuttings take root quickly.

Disadvantages include the high cost of seedlings and the unconfirmed instability of the variety to low temperatures.

berries on a plate

Specifics of growing crops

To form large and sweet berries, you should know the principles of cultivation and care.

Selection and preparation of a landing site

Choose a sunny, windless place for planting, with light, fertile soil. In a shady area, the bushes grow slowly, the berries will be unsweetened. The best site is a slope, a hill. In areas with a cold climate - a place on the south side. Fruit trees should grow at a distance of more than 3 m.

Preparation of planting material

Seedlings of the Everest variety are still not widespread; it is advisable to take them from a nursery. The cuttings must be healthy, without cracks, spots, or growths on the roots. Length 40 cm, thickness - 5-7 mm, number of buds - 2-3 pcs. Before planting, they are soaked in humate and the ends are trimmed.

planting material

Work order

The crop is preferably planted in October, or in early spring, after the snow melts. Dig a hole 60 x 60 wide and 60 cm deep, pour drainage from crushed stone and expanded clay onto the bottom. The soil is mixed with humus and wood ash. Fill the planting hole and cover it with film. After 3 weeks you can plant. A support is placed on the north side to support the vine. Planting material is placed in the middle of the hole, covered with soil, compacted, and watered.

To enrich the soil, the following method is used: in the spring, the area is sown with peas, and in the fall, they are added 20 cm deep.

Rules for caring for plants

If agricultural techniques are followed, it is possible to reap a rich harvest from the new variety.

plant in the ground

Bush formation and pruning

In spring, frozen parts of the bush are removed. In autumn, when pruning, 5 strong shoots are left on a separate bush, which are cut annually by 8-10 buds. Secondary stepsons, weak clusters, and excess leaves are removed. In summer, the tops are pinched.


Young bushes are watered more often than adults. Plants that have reached 3 years of age are watered in the spring, before buds open, then before flowering begins and when clusters form. During flowering and before picking berries, watering is not recommended.

The water should be settled and warm. At the same time, moisture stagnation should not be allowed. In late autumn, if there has been no rain, mature bushes need to be watered abundantly to increase cold resistance.

Watering can be carried out together with fertilizing; it is diluted in water. Afterwards, you should mulch the soil to retain moisture.

watering the bush

Fertilizer and feeding

In the spring, urea or ammonium nitrate is added - 40-50 g per bush. After the formation of ovaries, fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium are needed.In autumn, feed with mineral complexes. Manure is applied once every 2-3 years.

Shelter for the winter

In areas with low winter temperatures, bushes need to be insulated. Place the rolled vine on boards and cover the top with special material or dry sawdust. Make a layer of film on top to protect it from moisture.

a pile of hay

Protection from diseases and pests

Over the entire season, bushes are sprayed with fungicides 2-3 times for prevention. In the spring, spray the soil and plants with a solution of copper sulfate. Antifungal drugs are treated until the second leaf appears. And again together with insecticides before flowering begins. They use “Topaz”, “Aktellik”, “Tiovit Jet”, “Horus”.

If the plant has been exposed to diseases or pest attacks, it is treated with appropriate chemicals.

Harvest and storage

The variety is harvested as it ripens, in different regions from the second half of August to the end of September. The bunches need to be collected during the day, in clear weather, immediately transferring the berries to the shade. Damaged, dry, unripe, rotten fruits are removed.

The storage room needs to be well ventilated, free of mold; if the air temperature drops below zero, the crop must be insulated. The hands tied with twine are placed on a stretched wire or rope.

Description and subtleties of growing Everest grapes

Wooden boxes are another storage method. Lay the bunches on a layer of sawdust 2-3 cm thick so that the berries do not touch each other. Sawdust from linden, poplar, but not coniferous trees. Then another layer of grapes and sawdust, close the lid loosely. This way it can be stored for up to 3 months. You can also put straw, clean paper, then grapes in one layer in the boxes; the berries will last for 2 months. Regularly inspect and remove spoiled berries.
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