Description and rules for growing Lancelot grapes

Lancelot is a grape variety bred for the northern regions. It is immune to cold climates and fungal diseases, can be stored for a long time, and can be transported. It is in great demand and is used for table wines. The rich, sweet, honey-aromad taste of the berries is liked by consumers fresh and in desserts. It grows in the southern regions, in the central zone and in the Urals, in Siberia.

Origin story

Scientists planned to create a grape variety that is immune to severe frosts and suitable for growing in northern regions. At the Potapenko Institute, breeders created Lancelot by crossing Gift to Zaporozhye, Ecstasy, and the FV-3 hybrid. This happened 15 years ago in the city of Novocherkassk. The grape has established itself on the positive side among gardeners and winemakers.

Description and characteristics of Lancelot grapes

Lancelot stands out for its good fruit quality, large yield, and resistance to grape diseases and pests.

Yield indicators and use

Lancelot allows you to collect at least 7-10 kg of bunches from a bush. Table white wines are made from this variety. Berries can be frozen, added to desserts, and juiced. They are very tasty fresh and are used in cooking.

green berries

Description of the bush, bunches and berries

The grapes are characterized by powerful, vigorous vines. Its shoots are thick and support large clusters. Brick-colored bark. The leaves are bright green, medium-sized with jagged edges, and are used in cooking. The bushes need a lot of space and they grow quickly. The bunches ripen completely along the entire length of the vine.

The flowers are small, white and form paniculate inflorescences. Lancelot has male and female flowers; the grapes do not need pollination. Blooms in May, flowering lasts about 10 days. Berries appear 2-3 years after planting.

variety Lancelot

The clusters are cone-shaped, large, from 800 g to 1.2 kg, sometimes 2 kg. The fruits are oval, weighing 12-15 g. The color of unripe berries is milky white, by the time of harvest they become golden, white-golden, amber.There is a waxy coating on the skin of medium thickness. The pulp is juicy, fleshy, dense, there are few seeds, and there are no small berries.

The taste of the berries is sweet, with a slight sourness, honey-citrus, without the aftertaste of nutmeg. In general, they do not crack when overripe. In the bright sun, a blush forms on the fruits. Foliage that shades the cluster should not be trimmed to prevent the berries from getting sunburned. The sugar content of the berries is 15%, they are suitable for storage for up to 3-4 months. The growing season of the variety is 130 days.

delicious fruit

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The new variety is unpretentious and takes root in regions with different climates - southern latitudes, the Urals, Siberia. Pros of grapes:

  1. Winter-hardy, tolerates -26 0WITH.
  2. Not afraid of drought.
  3. Gives large yields.
  4. The berries ripen early and are delicious with the skin on.
  5. The fruits do not crack after rains.
  6. Has immunity to fungal diseases and pests.
  7. The bunches are stored for a long time and are subject to long transportation.
  8. The pulp contains organic acids, antioxidants, and microelements.

Transportation over long distances does not harm the appearance, taste, aroma of berries.

The disadvantages are rapid growth and the influence of sunlight on the berries; grapes do not tolerate spring frosts well.

box of matches

How to grow a plant correctly

Correct choice of site and further care are the key to a good harvest.

Selection and preparation of a landing site

Grapes are planted in the fall, before frost or in the spring, when the frost has already passed. Choose a site that is illuminated, windless, and has fertile soil.

Groundwater must be deeper than 1.5 m from the ground.

Prepare a place for grapes in advance. For example, when planning planting in the spring, the preparation procedure is done in the fall. The soil is dug up, leveled, and fertilized. The recommended size of planting holes is 80 x 80.Fill them 1/3 with soil mixed with 2 buckets of humus, 3 buckets of peat, 2 kg of ash, 150 g of superphosphate and potassium.

there's a shovel

Planting process

For planting, seedlings without traces of diseases or pest damage are needed. Select seedlings with a good root system and mature buds, 50-60 cm long. The shoot is shortened to 3-4 eyes, the root to 10-15 cm. Then you need to mix clay with manure and treat the roots. The distance between rows is desirable 2-3 meters, for bushes - 50 cm.

Place the plant in the middle of the mound and straighten the roots. They fall asleep, compact, and water. The soil around the bushes is mulched with straw, peat or dry leaves to maintain moisture.

planting seedlings

Features of crop care

With good care of the grapes, the berry harvest will be high. Weeds near the bushes are removed, and the soil is regularly loosened.

Watering and fertilizing

Twice a season, the ground around the grape bushes is watered abundantly. In the spring, before the growing season begins, in the fall - before the cold weather. For 1 sq. m requires 120 liters of water. In summer, plants also need watering. This is done after flowering and before the berries ripen. For each bush - 50 liters. During hot summers, water the grapes more often.

Humus, chicken manure, and nitrogen-containing complexes are used as fertilizers. They are introduced in the spring. In the fall, potassium and phosphorus are added.

watering the bushes

Trimming and shaping

Annual plants with 2 shoots are cut 2 cm above the second bud. For bushes with one sprout, 4 eyes are removed. Biennials have 2 eyes.

Adult plants are pruned in the fall after leaf fall, leaving 3-8 sleeves extending from the main trunk.

The shoots are shortened, leaving 8 eyes on each adult vine. This is necessary to avoid overloading the vine with heavy bunches.

In the spring, frozen shoots are removed from the grapes.Before flowering, shoots are pinched so that nutrients reach the inflorescences. During the growing season, the stepsons are removed at the level of the 2nd leaf. In August the tops are cut off.

grape formation

Preparing for winter

In the south, plants do not require shelter. In cold regions, bushes need to be insulated. The vine is removed from the support, tied with rope, and placed on a floor of straw. They make a structure in the form of a house from boards or film stretched over arcs. Cover the top with special material and sprinkle the sides with soil. Leave holes for ventilation.

Protection from diseases and pests

Grapes are not susceptible to mildew disease, but can be partially affected by oidium; gardeners carry out prevention in early spring. Plants are treated with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture before flowering or use “Strobi” or “Fundazol”. Traps with bait are placed for wasps, and the vines are covered with nets to prevent birds. The effect of grape aphids on the variety has not yet been studied.

drug Fundazol

Harvesting and storage

Harvest in late August or early September. Remove the bunches carefully, without touching the berries. Damaged, dry, rotten fruits are removed. The storage room should be free of foreign odor so that the berries do not absorb it. Humidity - 80% and temperature +1...+ 5 0C. Brushes are stored hanging, in boxes, on racks. It is allowed to keep grapes in the refrigerator.

Bunches of grapes are stored for 2.5 months in a cool place, without losing taste or appearance, even when transported over long distances.
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