Description and characteristics of the Rusbol grape variety, varieties, methods of propagation and care

There are special types of grape crops that for many years show only their best side and remain in demand in the horticultural market. One of the popular and widespread grape varieties in Russian regions is Rusbol, which is the result of Siberian selection, so it is worth learning about its features and advantages.

Variety selection

The appearance of the Rusbol hybrid was the result of the work of a team of Bulgarian scientists and breeders from the Research Center named after. Ya. I. Potapenko. Russian gardeners know the grape variety under the name Mirage. The early ripening variety produces berries of universal use with no seeds inside.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The breeding qualities of the hybrid make it possible to grow Rusbol in regions with difficult conditions, including in Siberia in unprotected soil. The main advantages of the variety include:

  • good resistance to common grape diseases, including fungal ones;
  • the ability to form large clusters with calibrated berries, loosely adjacent to each other;
  • stability of yields;
  • possibility of propagation by cuttings;
  • ability to withstand low temperatures.

Rusbol grapes

The disadvantage of this variety is that it quickly loses its presentation during long-term transportation. Excessive humidity and prolonged rain may cause cracking of fruits and rotting of berries.

Characteristics and biological description

The variety is an early ripening species; the harvest is harvested after 115-125 days. The garden crop produces raisin fruits; the small berries do not contain seeds.

Bush and shoots

A distinctive property of the variety is its excellent rooting ability. Young bushes show average shoot growth rates. An adult plant is distinguished by its strong growth.

Pollination and flowering

The plant produces flowers of both sexes.This quality allows the variety to be used as a pollinator for plants with female flowering.

Rusbol grapes

Bunches and fruits

The conical bunches of grapes can vary in size; they are large, with an average weight ranging from 1 to 1.5 kg. The oval-shaped berries grow small and do not contain seeds inside, which makes it possible to classify the grape variety as a variety of raisin. The diameter of the grape is 1.6 cm, the average weight is 3 g. When fully ripe, the fruits acquire a pleasant amber hue and a characteristic tan on the sunny side.

The juicy pulp of the berries has a harmonious flavor. The sugar content ranges from 19 to 21%.

Frost resistance and region of growth

Rusbol belongs to the category of varieties of Siberian selection. It is able to survive in cold winters and temperatures down to –25 0C. It can leave several healthy buds, from which young shoots actively hatch in the spring.

Rusbol grapes

Hybrid forms

The Rusbol variety is a hybrid variety, but breeders continue to try to obtain a crop with even better qualities. The result of such work was the emergence of two new species - Improved and Muscat.


The second name of the grape is Elf. It has similar breeding characteristics as the parent plants, but has a shorter ripening period, which is 105-110 days. Large-sized fruits begin to form already in the 2nd year. Too wet weather can have a negative impact on yields.

Rusbol grapes

Rusbol Muscat

As a result of crossing with the Bulgarian stable variety, a variety with amber-yellow fruits and a delicate nutmeg aroma appeared. Other characteristics correspond to the parent variety.Due to the inability of grapes to withstand long-term transportation, the variety is recommended for cultivation only on the territory of small household plots for personal consumption.

Reproduction methods

The formation of large plantings of grapes requires significant costs for the purchase of seedlings. The Rusbol variety allows you to avoid this, as it reproduces well by layering and cuttings.

Rusbol grapes


Using cuttings, you can obtain a large number of seedlings and quickly increase the area under grape planting. The material is prepared in advance; for this, healthy and strong shoots are selected in the fall and cuttings 7-12 cm long are cut from their middle part so that the length of the internodes is about 10 cm, and there are 3-4 developed buds. The leaves and tendrils are removed, the shoots are placed in water and disinfected with copper sulfate.

After drying, the cuttings are stored until spring in a cellar at a temperature of +5 0C, placing them in boxes with wet sand.

In March, the cuttings begin to germinate. To do this, their ends are placed in a solution of a growth stimulator and additional lighting is provided. After the roots appear, the cuttings are planted in containers with soil for transplanting to a place of permanent cultivation in May.

grape cuttings

By layering

Reproduction by layering can be deep or horizontal. The first option is used to replace adult grape bushes. To do this, in the spring, dig a ditch the width of a shovel and 0.5 m deep. The outermost shoot is placed in it, bringing the top out in the middle of the ditch and cutting it off by 5 cm, sprinkled with earth and cared for during the season as if it were an adult plant. In the 3rd year, the young bush can be separated from the parent bush.

If horizontal layering is used, shallow grooves of 10 to 20 cm are dug into which the grape shoot is placed. It is pressed with slingshots and covered with a mixture of earth and peat, leaving a mound 10 cm high. A film is placed on top of the ground to prevent moisture evaporation; as soon as shoots appear, it is removed. In the fall, cuttings are dug up and divided into individual seedlings. The root system is immersed in a clay solution and the cuttings are sent to the cellar for storage. In the spring, a 15 cm groove is formed and they are planted, cutting off the above-ground part and sprinkling with fertile soil.

Rusbol grapes

Conditions and rules of landing

For planting, choose a well-lit fertile area. Lack of light negatively affects plant growth and fruiting. The root system is inspected for damage, shoots are trimmed and dry ones are removed. For planting, a hole 80 cm deep is formed, into which a complex of mineral fertilizers is added. The root part of the seedling is carefully placed in the hole, the shoots are evenly distributed and covered with soil. After planting, it is necessary to moisten the landing site well.

Caring for grapes throughout the year

Rusbol is considered an unpretentious variety. Plant care is standard and consists of timely watering, fertilizing, pruning and pest control. If necessary, winter shelter is formed for the shoots.

grape bushes

Formation of shrubs

Due to the height of its shoots, Rusbol needs work to form a bush. Pruning is carried out by 2-3 eyes; with powerful vines, it is allowed to make a correction by 6-8 eyes. For each bush, the total load should not exceed 30-45 buds.Some gardeners practice growing grapes on short sleeves, leaving 3-4 fruiting vines with 12-16 eyes.

Watering and fertilizing

In the first year, the grape seedling needs additional watering. It is permissible to combine work on moistening the soil with the application of liquid fertilizer. In the first 2-3 years, you should not overuse fertilizing, since the amount of nutrients added during planting will be sufficient for the shoots.

watering grapes


To maximize the best qualities, the grapes are grafted using vigorous rootstocks. A special feature of Rusbol is that it can be used on almost all rootstocks.

The need to cover for the winter

The need to form a winter shelter arises only in regions with a cold climate. If snowfall falls more than 50 cm, then additional structures for the plant cannot be made. The root zone is sprinkled with a 10 cm layer of soil, and the soil and shoots are treated with a solution of iron sulfate. Before the onset of frost, the shoots are removed from the supports, laid down and a method of shelter is chosen.

To do this, you can simply sprinkle them with earth or cover them with covering material. Tightness for shelter is unnecessary and dangerous; lack of access to oxygen and holes for moisture to escape will lead to overheating of the eyes.

grape shelter

Protection from pests and diseases

Grapes often suffer from diseases such as oidium, mildew and various types of rot. Rusbol has a natural resistance to such dangers, so preventive measures are sufficient. To spray shoots, use a solution of copper sulfate, hydrogen peroxide or Bordeaux mixture.

Beginning of grape fruiting

Under proper growing conditions, the first harvest from the plant can be expected in the 2-3rd year.The quality of grape fruiting can be described as high, the yield ranges from 85 to 95%.

Rusbol grapes

Berries ripening time

The formation of mature hands can be expected after 115 days, this is the period defined as the minimum. In different regions it may differ up or down, but in September you can begin harvesting work.

Harvest and storage

The moment the bunches of grapes ripen means the harvest can begin. To do this, the brushes are carefully cut and placed in pre-prepared containers. The disadvantage of this variety is the inability of the berries to be stored for a long time, so when carrying out work it is necessary to minimize the risk of damage to the fruit. Grapes can be used fresh as an ingredient for salads, desserts, and juices. The berries are dried and used to make muesli.
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