Description and characteristics of the Veles grape variety, history of creation and pros and cons

Breeders have developed many varieties and hybrids. Among them, a special place is given to Veles grapes. It is considered the most popular type of seedless berries. The culture takes root well in warm regions. By following simple rules of care and planting, gardeners receive large harvests of tasty, juicy berries.

History of selection

Veles grapes appeared in 2009. Breeder Zagorulko V.V. from Ukraine worked on a new variety, and based on Rusbol and Sofia, he developed large, early-ripening bunches of Veles. The name is borrowed from the name of the god of fertility.Many consumers are satisfied with Veles grapes, if only because they are seedless.

Description of the variety

Each seedling produces 3-4 inflorescences. Flowers belong to both sexes. Gardeners still recommend pollinating them additionally. Then the yield will increase by 20%.

The variety ripens early. The description is as follows:

  • the clusters weigh from 600 grams to 2 kilograms;
  • the vine itself is in the form of a cone, quite large in size, neither dense nor loose;
  • the fruits are oval in shape, one berry weighs up to 5 grams, they have a thin skin, but dense, so the fruits will not crack;
  • pink tint when ripe;
  • there are no seeds, instead of them there are barely perceptible rudiments;
  • The pulp is jelly-like, juicy, and has a pleasant taste with hints of nutmeg.

Veles grapes

The appearance of the berries also attracts the buyer due to their thin skin, through which the pulp beautifully shines through in the sun. The culture is quite frost-resistant, will withstand up to -25 degrees. The plant will take root well in the Middle Zone; you just need to insulate it for the winter. In the south, two harvests are harvested from the sultana grape.

Advantages and disadvantages

A short acquaintance with grapes is possible by considering its positive and negative properties. Pros:

  • fast ripening times;
  • frost resistance;
  • high productivity;
  • ease of transportation;
  • excellent presentation;
  • wonderful taste.

Veles grapes


  • the berries become a treat for the bees;
  • fruits crack from too much moisture;
  • prevention of fungal diseases is necessary.

Distinctive characteristics

What distinguishes the fruits of Veles from other varieties? Consider:

  1. There are no full-fledged seeds in grapes, only their rudiments. This happened due to the presence of the Magarach variety in the genotype. The seedless species are called sultanas.
  2. An important characteristic is double fruiting. Many stepsons are formed on the sprouts. Of these, the fruits ripen in October. Therefore, the harvest is harvested twice - in August and mid-autumn.
  3. During drought, ripe berries can stay on the branches for up to 1.5 months without deteriorating in appearance or taste.
  4. Excellent frost resistance. They can withstand up to -25 degrees.

Veles grapes

Veles has excellent tasting properties. In 2010, he received 2 medals in Simferopol for the title of Golden Bunch of Grapes.

When does it ripen?

Grapes are classified as early ripening berries. Only 100 days should pass from the moment the buds open - and the fruits can be picked. The collection begins in early August. In October, the second harvest formed on the stepsons is harvested. One bush produces from 10 to 15 kilograms of berries.

Recommendations for planting

Planting the crop can begin from the beginning of spring until April-May, until the process of sap flow begins. Or throughout October.

Vnograd seedlings

The plant is planted in sunny areas that are protected from the wind. Can be planted near hedges and structures. What recommendations should be taken into account:

  1. Any soil is suitable for the variety, with the exception of wetlands. In such areas, the roots will not receive oxygen and the plant will die.
  2. The crop is transplanted to black soil, loamy, rocky, sandy soils.
  3. Groundwater must pass at least one and a half meters from the surface.
  4. After digging up the bushes, new shoots can be planted in this soil after 3 years.
  5. Grapes should not be placed in dark areas or near plants that require abundant watering.

Caring for Veles grapes

You need to properly care for the plant to get a good harvest. Watering, fertilizing, pruning, gartering - all this is necessary for the crop.

Veles grapes

Veles grapes are a drought-resistant crop. At the same time, it is tolerant of high soil moisture. Bushes need timely watering. The water should have a temperature of 20 to 25 degrees. Irrigate the soil in the evening or early in the morning. To do this, dig a hole of 20 centimeters at a distance of 30 centimeters from the bushes.

After the liquid is absorbed, the grooves are filled with dry soil and loosened around the grapes.

Fertilizing also has a beneficial effect on the harvest. It begins to be implemented from the third year after planting. Before this, the culture has enough nutrients that were added to the hole. To feed, dig holes in the ground along the bushes and place fertilizer to a depth of 30 centimeters.

Pruning helps improve the taste of the berries. In addition, plants need to be trimmed to prevent them from growing on nearby walls. The procedure is carried out in the fall, when active processes in the crop stop, so it can more easily withstand the cutting of branches.

grape garter

The culture needs to be tied up. In the first 2 years after planting, stakes are used. Then the plants are tied with special trellises.

Reproduction methods

The procedure can be carried out in different ways, with the exception of planting with seeds. You can prepare cuttings at home, but it is recommended to purchase them from gardeners. Shoots are planted in autumn and spring. Either of the two seasons is favorable.

Diseases and pests

This grape has a stable immunity to fungal infections. But if he gets sick, it will be impossible to save the culture. Therefore, preventive measures are necessary. To do this, the bushes are sprayed with special preparations.

Veles has almost no competitors with similar characteristics. The fruits are characterized by excellent taste, they are seedless, with a nutmeg flavor. The price for the shoots is budget.Growing them is not difficult. Veles is always in great demand. This is one of the best types of grapes.
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