Seedless grapes are in demand among lovers and consumers. Due to demand, varieties have been created for growing in households. Let's consider the description and characteristics of the Zaporozhye raisin grape, its pros and cons, features of care and agricultural technology. How to plant a seedling, water, fertilize and prune it. How to treat diseases and pests. When to harvest and how to store the crop.
Characteristics and description of the variety
The Zaporozhye raisin hybrid was bred from the Victoria and Rusbol varieties.Belongs to the early ones, the berries ripen in August, after 110-120 days of the growing season. The clusters are large, weigh up to 1.5 kg each, medium density, cone-shaped. The grapes are oval, weigh 2-4 g, purple and dark red. The skin is medium-thick, the flesh is juicy, the taste is sweet, the fruits are firmly attached to the stalks.
The grape bush is vigorous, the vine ripens quickly. The variety is self-pollinating; 2-3 inflorescences can form on the shoots. Zaporozhye raisins are productive, but require rationing; the load per bush is 27-35 buds.
Pros and cons of Zaporozhye raisin grapes
The last drawback can be neutralized by proper plant care and watering regulation.
Care and agricultural technology
Planting Zaporozhye raisins is not difficult. The general principles of planting and care are standard for the crop.
Grape seedlings are planted in spring and autumn. The variety is quite frost-resistant, but in the fall, planting should be done no later than a month before the onset of cold weather and the bush should be covered for the winter. Plant in spring before buds open.
Sunny places are suitable for grapes of this variety; the sweetness of the berries depends on the lighting. Preferable soils are fertile, light, loose, air- and water-permeable. Seedlings are planted in a row at a distance of 2-3 m, in holes 0.7 m deep and wide.The ground is covered with mulch to maintain moisture.
Watering and fertilizing
After planting the seedlings, they should be watered frequently until rooting occurs. Then the frequency of watering is reduced to 1-2 times a month. While the grape bush is young, it needs artificial watering, especially in the heat. Mature, powerful plants no longer suffer as much from lack of moisture.
First, nitrogen fertilizers are applied, then those containing phosphorus and potassium. You can feed the grapes with humus, ash, or choose mineral fertilizers for them. In this case, you can add nitrate, urea, superphosphate, and potassium mixtures.
Pruning rules
In addition to autumn or spring pruning, which involves removing dry, frozen, diseased and insect-damaged shoots, summer pruning is carried out. In summer, excess young green shoots are cut out and growth points are pinched. The vine is tied to a trellis. This method of cultivation makes it easier to care for and harvest.
Shelter for the winter
Before the onset of cold weather, the soil around the vine must be insulated with plant material. The mulch layer should be at least 15 cm. In cold regions, it is advisable to cover the shoots - remove them from the wire, tie them together and place them on the ground. Cover the ligaments with agrofibre or other insulating material.
Treatment against pests and diseases
According to breeders, the Zaporozhye raisin hybrid is resistant to major grape fungal diseases. However, you should not rely on this alone.To be on the safe side, it is necessary to carry out preventive spraying with fungicides until the period when weather conditions become favorable for the spread of infection. You can choose any drug with a fungicidal effect. Usually 1 treatment is sufficient if the disease situation in the region is not serious.
You can also prevent pest damage in the same way. Only to destroy them you need to use insecticides. When choosing a product, you need to pay attention to the waiting period, that is, the time that must pass after the last treatment before the berries are removed.
If it lasts for a long time with chemical drugs, then you should choose biological products, for example, bacterial ones. They can be processed even during the ripening period of the berries.
Harvest and storage
Seedless grapes ripen in August. The bunches are removed after ripeness. The harvest can be immediately sent for processing or sale. The bunches selected for storage must be whole and undamaged. They are placed in boxes in 2-3 layers, layered with paper. Place the boxes in a cold and dark cellar. There, Zaporozhye raisin grapes can be stored until the New Year at most.
The fruits of the hybrid can be eaten fresh, canned, or added to other fruit preparations. They are also suitable for the production of raisins. The berries are moderately large and sweet; their juiciness allows them to be juiced and dried to produce raisins.
Zaporozhye raisin is a promising fruitful hybrid, the seedlings of which can be planted on a private plot. Its main advantages are seedlessness, sweet taste, self-pollination, low maintenance requirements, and the ability to bear fruit on stepsons.The hybrid is frost-resistant, so it can be planted not only in regions with a temperate climate, but also in colder areas (with shelter for the winter).