Description of the variety and fruiting characteristics of cherry Garland, planting and care

Before purchasing Garland cherries, study the description of the variety and all its characteristics. Find a good one hybrid of cherry and sweet cherry It's hard enough. But the Garland variety is one of those hybrids that combines the best characteristics of cherries and sweet cherries.

History of selection

The hybrid was bred by breeder A. Ya. Voronchikhina.To create a new variety, the Krasa Severa and Zhukovskaya dukes were used.

cherry garland


The description of the variety begins with the characteristics of the tree. The plant is not tall, reaching a height of about 2.5 m. The crown is round in shape, the density of branches is weak. The leaves are large, rich green in color, the leaf surface is matte. Often the leaves have an asymmetrical shape.

The inflorescences are large, pinkish in color, collected in bouquets of 3-5 flowers. The diameter of the inflorescence is 3-4 cm. The fruits of the Garland are large, the average weight is 6 g. The peel is red-scarlet, the flesh is juicy with a sweet and sour taste. The seed is small and easily separated from the pulp. The tasting score is 4.1 points out of 5.

fruit characteristics


Before choosing cherry tree litter, attention is paid to the plant’s resistance to frost and drought, productivity, pollination of inflorescences and resistance to disease.

Drought resistance and winter hardiness

The cherry tree does not tolerate drought well. Therefore, the soil should not be allowed to dry out. But the plant tolerates frost well. The garland can withstand even severe frosts. The shoots begin to freeze if the temperature drops below -30 degrees.

plant resistance

Pollination, flowering period and ripening time

The variety belongs to the mid-early variety. The first red berries are harvested in late June. Garland is one of the first to bloom in the garden. Many gardeners claim that the hybrid does not require pollinating trees. But, as a rule, in the south more than one tree grows in the garden, so pollination occurs in any case.

Productivity, fruiting

After planting a seedling, the plant begins to bear fruit in the 3-4th year. The first few years the yield is low, but as the tree grows the yield increases.A young tree produces up to 7 kg of fruit. Gradually this figure grows and ranges from 25 kg per fully formed tree. The maximum harvest that can be harvested from Garland is 65 kg.

mid-early variety

Resistance to diseases and pests

The resistance of cherries to diseases of fruit crops is average. The variety often suffers from coccomycosis. An exception is the monilial burn. The hybrid is immune to this disease.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The advantages include:

  • Early fruiting period.
  • Taste of fruits.
  • Productivity.
  • Immunity to monilial burn.

The disadvantages include the thin peel of the fruit, due to which the berries are characterized by low transportability.

fruit taste

Landing rules

During planting, attention is paid to choosing a location, preparing seedlings and planting itself.

Landing dates

Cherries are planted in late April and mid-October.

Selecting a location

It is recommended to plant seedlings in open, sunny, elevated areas. Water should not accumulate near the tree in spring.

small garlands

What can you plant nearby?

It is not recommended to plant raspberries and sea buckthorn next to the Garland. Other varieties of cherries and cherries, as well as other fruit trees, are considered the best neighbors.

Selection and preparation of planting material

For planting, select healthy seedlings with a strong root system without signs of damage. Before planting, a few hours before planting, the rhizome is dipped into growth-activating preparations. And just before planting, the roots are dipped into an aqueous solution of clay.

preparation of material

Planting stages

Planting stages:

  • Dig a hole, add fertilizer (manure, nitrogen and ash) to the bottom.
  • Leave the pit for 2-4 weeks.
  • Drive a stake into the middle of the hole.
  • Place the seedling in the hole and cover it with soil.
  • Compact the earth near the trunk.
  • Tie the trunk to the stake.

At the end of planting, water the hole generously with warm water.

abundance of berries


Maintenance includes watering, fertilizing and pruning.


The hybrid is watered 4 times:

  • During the period of bud formation.
  • During flowering.
  • Before fruiting.
  • Before the onset of cold weather.

Watering is carried out with warm water.

cloud in the sky

Top dressing

In the first half of the season, nitrogen and organic fertilizers are added to the soil. In the second half of the season, cherries are fed with phosphorus and potassium. From organic matter, manure, compost, peat, mullein and ash are used.


In the spring, formative pruning is carried out. Young branches and shoots are trimmed. A few skeletal branches are left. In autumn, diseased and dry branches are pruned.

big bunch

Diseases and pests, control methods and prevention

As a preventative measure, trees are sprayed with iron sulfate and copper-containing preparations. Plants are treated against pests with Atkara, Nitrafen or any other chemicals against pests of fruit trees. In addition, a solution of laundry soap helps. As a preventive measure, garlic or marigolds are planted next to the cherries. The smell of these plants repels insects.

fruit tree
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