Description of the cherry variety Valery Chkalov and characteristics of the fruit, pros and cons, cultivation

Gardeners are reviewing thousands of options in search of suitable plants. Studying the description of the cherry variety Valery Chkalov, summer residents often choose it. This is due to the following reasons: the species is old, time-tested, productive and frost-resistant. Some sources call this variety cherry.

History of the variety's creation

Chkalov's cherry has been known to gardeners since 1974. The species was created jointly by two large breeding organizations.The experiment was based on the goal of creating a tree that could withstand low temperatures, adverse weather conditions and much more. By crossing varieties with each other, we got the look Valery Chkalov.

By studying the description of the variety, the gardener makes the final decision about whether the variety is suitable for cultivation in the region of residence.

creating a variety

Characteristics of the tree and fruits

A description of the tree will help the gardener choose the right place for it on the site:

  • height 5-6 m;
  • the trunk is strong, brown in color;
  • wide, spreading crown;
  • massive branches;
  • flowering period end of May;
  • the first fruits are harvested in early July;
  • the productivity is high.

In addition to the characteristics of the tree, the summer resident needs to know what berries the cherry has. Valery Chkalov.

Valery Chkalov

  • large fruits, 6 g;
  • fleshy;
  • dark red shade;
  • the stone is large;
  • sweet and sour;
  • well stored;
  • used for canning and fresh consumption.

Growing cherries on the site is common. The difficulty is in choosing the right variety that satisfies all the needs of the family.

cherry variety

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Any plant has positive and negative characteristics. You should familiarize yourself with them in a timely manner.


  • Ripening is early; by mid-summer, delicious berries will be on the table.
  • A large harvest volume and the number of fruits directly depend on how much attention the gardener pays to caring for the tree.
  • Winter hardiness. Resistance to low temperatures is a significant feature for gardeners living in cold regions.
  • High taste characteristics, versatility of use.
  • Undemanding to soil composition and maintenance.

early maturation


  • low level of field health;
  • poor transport tolerance;
  • demands for formation;
  • the need to plant pollinators in close proximity.

Cherry Valery Chkalov has many advantages, which the gardener will be able to appreciate after planting the tree on his plot.

Description of the cherry variety Valery Chkalov and characteristics of the fruit, pros and cons, cultivation

Planting and care

After the gardener has decided on the choice of variety, the seedling should be planted correctly. By fulfilling simple requirements, you get a healthy and actively fruiting tree.

It is best to plant cherries in the spring, before the juice begins to flow. Over the summer, the seedling will take root and gain strength for wintering.

Proper care will help you get the desired yield.

demand for formation

Growing conditions

To get fruits, it is necessary to create conditions under which the plant will produce the maximum possible yield:

  • The first step is to choose a place for growing. A sunny area protected from drafts is best.
  • Groundwater should be at a depth of 3-4 m; it is best to plant cherries on a hill; some gardeners create mounds on their own.
  • The distance between trees is 3-4 m, from the building 5 m.
  • Be sure to install a support so that the young plant grows straight and is protected from strong winds.

When a tree grows in a favorable environment, its yield is much higher.

growing conditions


The pit for the cherries is prepared in advance. Since planting by vein is preferable, it is prepared in the fall. Dimensions 70 * 80 cm. Before planting the tree, organic and mineral fertilizers mixed with the fertile layer of soil are poured onto the bottom. From here the seedling will receive nutrition for 1-2 years.

Then a support is installed, to which the young tree is subsequently tied.They fall asleep so that the root collar remains above the surface of the earth, and water generously.


The young seedling Valery Chkalov needs watering, but it should be watered as the top layer dries. Waterlogging will lead to rotting of the roots. To retain moisture longer and ensure access of oxygen to the root system, the peri-stem circle is loosened. This will help avoid the appearance of weeds.

young seedling

Gardeners also practice mulching. It performs almost the same tasks as loosening.

There is no need to feed at first. When the cherry gets stronger, it is necessary to feed it 3 times per season:

  • in spring before flowering;
  • during the period of maturation;
  • after fruiting.

It is better to alternate organic matter with mineral supplements.

Pruning is mandatory; the seedling should be shortened, leaving 50 cm. Then the skeletal branches should be shortened annually by 1/3 of the length. Remove old, dry, deformed branches.

fruiting time

Diseases and pests

Protecting yourself from diseases and insects is no easy task. For prevention, summer residents treat all trees in the garden without exception in the spring. They also do this in the fall. Use chemicals or proven folk remedies.

Planting cherries Valery Chkalov in the garden will not cause any difficulties. It is necessary to follow the instructions of experienced summer residents.

black cherry
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