How to get rid of lichen on an apple tree, the best methods of control and preventive measures

The appearance of scaly plaque on the bark of an apple tree is a problem that both beginners and experienced gardeners have to face. It is not recommended to delay the fight against the fungus - the spread of lichen threatens the loss of the tree. Before getting rid of lichen on an apple tree, it is recommended to understand the reasons for its appearance, treatment methods, and prevention.

What is a lichen?

Lichen is a plate-like formation that resembles a bluish or yellow coating on the bark of an apple tree. The new growth consists of algae and fungus thickly covering the wood. The formation does not feed on tree sap, but uses the trunk or branches as support. Lichen is a small rosette, but often grows rapidly, occupying large areas.

Varieties of lichen

Several types of lichen live on apple trees. The most common types are:

  • scale;
  • lamellar;
  • scaly.

Rarely, there is also a bushy type of lichen that prefers to attack old trees.

Causes and factors provoking the appearance

There is a common misconception among gardeners that plaque appears only on old trees. This is not true, the main reason is high humidity. Among the factors that provoke the formation of lichen are also noted:

  • no pruning;
  • harmful effects of sunlight;
  • frostbite of wood.

lichen on apple tree

With a weak root system, the risk of lichen formation also increases.

What harm does it do to a tree?

The new growth itself does not pose any particular danger to the apple tree. But if left untreated, lichen clogs the pores, preventing air from entering. The plaque also harbors pests that cause significant harm to the tree. As a result, productivity decreases and the apple tree may die.

General signs of damage

It is not difficult to identify lichen on a tree. The disease has a number of signs:

  • the appearance of green streaks, indicating high humidity;
  • hard dense growths with a bumpy surface;
  • green plaque, rust and mold appear;
  • dry areas on the bark.

lichen on apple tree

At the last stage, the bark is covered with large yellow and blue formations.

When to clean trunks and branches

Trees are treated as needed, there is no deadline. Experienced gardeners usually combine cleaning and spraying of apple trees with spring or autumn pruning. Use hard scrapers for cleaning. Remove especially large formations with a garden knife.

Cleaning and burning immediately after removal. Often insects and pest larvae hide in lichens.

What drugs are effective

How to treat apple trees? Fungicides are considered the most effective against lichens. To treat fungus, it is also recommended to use Fitosporin or Skor. Strictly adhere to the dosage - if you exceed it, a burn may occur.

lichen on apple tree

Copper sulfate

In spring, it is recommended to spray the tree with a solution of copper sulfate (3%). In a few days, the lichens will dry out and fall off, but in case of large formations, the apple tree will have to be irrigated again.

Soda Ash

For minor damage, a solution of soda will help. Add 100-120 grams to a bucket of water. products, rinse the affected areas.


Carry out spring whitewashing regularly. Add 500 ml of lime to a bucket of water, stir until smooth, cover with a thick layer.

apple tree whitewashing


Urea will be effective against fungus. Dilute a matchbox of the product in a bucket of water. Treat the trunk, thick branches, and trunk circle.

How to treat old apple trees?

Old trees should be treated comprehensively, especially if the damage is extensive. The first stage is cleaning the bark. It is better to cut off old branches and then burn them. Next, treatment is carried out with a solution of vitriol.The final stage is washing the affected area with a solution of soda and whitewash.

How to rid a young tree of lichen

Young apple trees must be handled carefully - there is a risk of causing burns to the delicate wood. Clean carefully, using a medium-hard scraper, trying not to damage the bark. When spraying with preparations, make sure that the solution does not get on healthy tissue.

How to get rid of lichen on an apple tree, the best methods of control and preventive measures

Features of treatment in different areas of the apple tree

Depending on the affected area, fungal infection should be dealt with according to a certain scheme. It should be borne in mind that if lichen is found on branches or bark, it is also recommended to inspect the roots and leaves.

On leaves and branches

There is no need to clean it. If the tree is small, it is better to remove the affected leaves and burn them. Treat the branches with a solution of urea and soda ash.

On the trunk

Thoroughly clean the barrel with a scraper and disinfect it with vitriol (5%). Spray with baking soda solution or fungicides several times. Wait until dry, apply a layer of lime.

Whitewashing wood

On the roots

If the lichen has settled on the roots, it will not be possible to remove it mechanically - you will have to treat it with drugs. Water the trunk circle generously three times at intervals of 3-5 days with a fungicide or antifungal agent.

Prevention of the appearance of mosses and lichens

What to do to prevent the formation of lichen on the trunk, branches or roots of an apple tree? The only way to avoid damage is to adhere to basic preventive measures:

  • regularly prune and thin out the crown;
  • treat in the spring with a solution of vitriol (iron or copper);
  • prevent the tree from weakening (watering, fertilizing);
  • combat diseases and pests in a timely manner.

It is necessary to whitewash trees.Avoid cracking of the bark; cover the lesions with garden varnish in a timely manner.

Lichen affecting an apple tree is not a reason to panic. Timely measures taken will help to effectively cope with the damage, prevent the spread of the fungus and save the tree from death.
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