Detailed description and main characteristics of the Martovskoye apple tree variety

The Martovskoye apple tree is considered one of the long-lasting varieties. Named due to its long-term preservation of its presentation. With the right approach to care and cultivation, juicy and sweet apples retain their appearance and taste until March. Due to its high productivity, the variety is grown not only by amateur gardeners, but also by large commercial producers.

History of selection

The variety was obtained by Soviet scientists by crossing the American variety McIntosh with the Soviet Antonovka. Plants older than 10 years were selected for crossing.

At the beginning of the work, the breeders pollinated 18 trees, but for secondary pollination, pollen was collected from 11 of the most successful specimens. After repeated pollination, the scientists obtained seeds of a new variety.

characteristics of the variety

In the 70s, the apple tree passed a state test:

  • seed stratification;
  • hardening of seedlings in cities with harsh climates.

The hybrid entered the state register after 20 years and immediately gained popularity among gardeners and industrialists for its cold resistance, taste, keeping quality and productivity.

Apple tree Martovskoe

Description of the Martovskoye apple tree

Features of the variety: tall, early fruiting and unpretentious. An adult tree grows up to 7 meters, forming an elongated, non-spreading crown. Strong skeletal branches are directed at almost an angle of 90 degrees. Branches of the 2nd and 3rd order are located compactly at an acute angle. The bark is smooth, light brown.

The leaf is large, oblong, deep olive color. The tip is shortened and curled, the edges are slightly raised with small teeth. The surface is smooth with barely noticeable roughness.

early and unpretentious

Snow-white flowers with a subtle aroma are small in size, petals are oblong in shape.

The fruits are large, reaching up to 200 grams, and are distributed evenly throughout the tree. Round apples have thin, smooth skin, white, juicy flesh and a sweet and sour taste. The fruits are olive-colored with well-defined subcutaneous points.

100 grams of product contains:

small size

  • ascorbic acid – 17.6 mg;
  • sugar – 11.7 mg;
  • P-active substances – 223 mg.

Thanks to the detailed description, you can determine for yourself whether the variety is suitable for growing on a personal plot or not.

variety for growing


Apple trees can be grown on different types of rootstocks: on dwarf or columnar varieties.


The apple tree does not lose all its advantages and positive qualities when grafted onto a dwarf rootstock. With this rootstock, harvesting begins 4 years after planting. Even if fruiting is not constant and not high-yielding, efficiency comes from saving space and reducing planting costs.

dwarf species

Dwarf trees are planted at a distance of 3 meters from each other.

Low-growing trees have two disadvantages:

  • not frost resistance;
  • fragility.

trees are planted


This species is small in size and does not have highly developed side shoots. Fruiting occurs in the 3rd year.

Columnar trees do not require much space. They are used to form hedges and cover unsightly places in the garden. The distance between plantings should be at least 1.5 meters. The plant must be provided with drip irrigation, especially in the southern regions.

Columnar species have two disadvantages: they do not have a long lifespan and are not resistant to severe frosts.

fruiting begins

Pros and cons of the variety

Like every variety, the Martovskaya apple tree has its own positive and negative characteristics.

The positive ones include:

  • productivity;
  • resistance to harsh climates;
  • drought resistance;
  • keeping quality and transportability.

negative characteristics

Disadvantages of the variety:

  • low immunity to scab;
  • unfriendly fruit ripening;
  • unripe crops are not suitable for long-term storage;
  • Due to the high growth, crown formation is difficult.

Main characteristics

The variety has gained popularity for its cold resistance and early ripening.

fruit ripening

Apple tree size

The Martovskoe apple tree is a tall variety, reaching up to 7 meters, with large seasonal growth. The crown is pyramidal, not spreading. The branches are large, located almost perpendicular to the trunk.

Frequency of fruiting

Seedlings, with proper care, begin to bear fruit at 3-4 years of age. To reap a generous harvest, the tree must be fertilized twice a season: in the spring - before buds open and during the fruiting period.

The fruits are distributed evenly and appear both on the main shoots and on the ringlets.

Apple tree size

Productivity and fruit evaluation

Young seedlings bear fruit regularly; with age, a slight cyclicity appears. At 10 years of age, the tree can produce up to 50 kg of apples.

To obtain a generous harvest, pollinator varieties are planted nearby: Sinap Severny, Bogatyr or Ranet Chernenko.

The taste is high, apples are harvested in mid-October and stored for up to six months. Marketability is high, at 92%.

seedlings bear fruit

Winter hardiness

The variety has cold resistance at the genetic level. In severe frosts, minor freezing is possible, which is quickly restored during the growing season.

Diseases and pests

Disease resistance is assessed as 3.7 points. In regions with a dry climate, the tree rarely suffers from viral and fungal diseases.

In unfavorable weather, diseases spread quickly, affecting the leaf blade and the crop, which worsens the presentation and taste.

If the rules of care are not followed, the following often appears on the apple tree:

cold resistance is built into it

  • aphid;
  • leaf roller;
  • apple moth;
  • flower beetle;
  • scab;
  • cytosporosis;
  • powdery mildew;
  • bacterial rot.

To avoid diseases and pests, in the spring, before and after flowering, the tree must be sprayed with fungicides.

spray with fungicides

Growing regions

The natural growing region is Central Russia. But thanks to its high frost resistance, the variety can be grown in all regions of Russia.

The tree grows well in moist soil, at an average temperature level, but thanks to genes it grows safely in dry and hot climates. In this case, the plant needs regular watering, loosening and mulching of the tree trunk circle.

The Martovskoe variety is popular due to its high productivity, frost resistance and ease of cultivation. A long shelf life and good transportability make it ideal for growing in home gardens and on an industrial scale.

growing region
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