Apple tree
For many years, the unfavorable climate was an insurmountable obstacle to the cultivation of fruit trees. Heat-loving plants are not
Due to its unique external characteristics, early fruiting and high productivity, the columnar apple tree of the Vasyugan variety is widely used
Among the fruit variety, the Rozhdestvenskoye apple tree has managed to gain popularity, despite its fairly young age.
The apple tree is one of the most popular crops. It’s almost impossible to find a summer cottage without a couple
The apple tree is one of the most common plants in the garden. Its fruits have a large number of useful
Apple tree of the popular variety Sun, late ripening. They love it and plant it in their plots
Columnar-shaped apple trees differ from their counterparts in that they do not have side shoots.
The appearance of scaly plaque on the bark of an apple tree is a problem that both beginners and
All gardeners want to have an apple tree on their plot that does not take up much space, but with a high
The culture is widespread in the gardens of many summer residents. It is important to choose a variety that meets your needs
The apple tree is a common fruit crop that is found in every garden. The difficulty for the summer resident is
Tangerine and pomegranate trees do not take root in mid-latitudes, but in any private yard