Description and characteristics of the Korobovka apple tree variety, planting, cultivation and care

The culture is widespread in the gardens of many summer residents. It is important to choose a variety that meets the needs of the family. The Korobovka apple tree has more than one year of planting experience behind it. During this time, it showed itself as an unpretentious type of fruit tree.

History of the variety's creation

The first scientific description of the variety dates back to 1855. The species got its name because it was sold in boxes, like berries. The view was created by S. I. Isaev together with M. P. Maksimova.

Born as a result of crossing:

  • Wesley;
  • Brown striped.

Korobovka is not common for industrial cultivation, since the fruits are small. But often this species is used to create a new frost-resistant variety.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like other types of fruit trees, Korobovka has a number of positive and negative characteristics. After reviewing them, the summer resident decides whether to plant a tree on the site or not.


  • high taste characteristics;
  • fruits ripen early;
  • versatility of use;
  • the tree bears fruit for 45-50 years;
  • high frost resistance;
  • undemanding and unpretentiousness.

apple tree boll


  • small fruit;
  • low immunity and resistance to diseases;
  • short shelf life;
  • need for pollinators.

The variety is rarely grown on plots, but it deserves attention, as it is the mother species of many summer varieties of apple trees.

Description of the early ripening variety Korobovka

Studying the characteristics of the variety will help the summer resident choose the right place for planting and take proper care of the plants.

Region of natural growth

The apple tree variety is old, so it is found in many gardens. Korobovka is widespread in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other countries.

apple tree boll

External parameters

The tree grows up to 6 m. For some time, the shape of the crown remains pyramidal. After 20 years it becomes spreading. A young plant gives a large increase, but over the years it decreases significantly.The foliage is small, with slight pubescence.

Lifespan of a tree

With proper care, Korobovka will live for 50 years or more. Diligently bearing fruits, which become more numerous over the years.

Resistance to sub-zero temperatures

The tree is characterized by high levels of frost resistance and winter hardiness. For this reason, the variety is still grown today.

apple tree boll

Immunity to disease

The boll is moderately resistant to scab, but to prevent diseases it is necessary to treat the plants with chemicals or traditional methods of control.

Productivity and pollination

The average volume of fruit from one tree is 50-60 kg. If planting rules and agrotechnical practices are followed, the yield per plant reaches 70-75 kg. Every year there are more apples on the tree. They will not be smaller, and the taste characteristics will not change.

The variety is self-sterile, so to increase productivity, 2-3 trees are planted nearby, which bloom at the same time as Korobovka.

The best varieties:

  • White filling;
  • Chinese Saninskaya;
  • Cinnamon Striped;
  • Padding;
  • Suislepskoe.

apple tree boll

Tasting assessment of the fruit

The fruits weigh no more than 50 g. In terms of taste, they are not inferior to other summer varieties of apples. Often used for making juices, compotes and desserts.

Planting and proper care

Proper location on the site, proper planting, and compliance with agricultural technology requirements help to obtain a rich harvest from the fruit tree.

Preparing the seedling

An important condition for obtaining a harvest is the selection and preparation of planting material. Seedlings for planting are selected when they are 1-3 years old. Inspect for damage and deformation. Before planting, soak in a growth stimulator.

apple tree seedlings

Required soil composition

The apple tree loves fertile soil.If there is a lack of nutrients, the plant will not produce a good harvest. It is recommended to grow on loamy or sandy soil. Before digging a hole for planting a seedling, humus, superphosphate and other mineral fertilizers are added to the ground.

Choosing the best place

Korobovka feels good in illuminated areas, protected from drafts and strong winds. The depth of groundwater is at least 3-4 meters.

It is advisable to choose a place where melt water does not stagnate in the spring.

Landing scheme and technology

The distance between trees is 3.5-4.5 m, between rows up to 5 m. The planting hole is dug 0.6-0.8 m deep, 1-1.2 m wide. A peg is driven in the center of the planting hole. It serves as a support for the young tree.

apple tree boll

A drainage layer is formed at the bottom. Then they are covered with fertile soil. To do this, mix humus, wood ash, and mineral fertilizers. Then a hill is formed on which the seedling is placed.

Gradually sprinkle with earth, periodically lifting the tree. This straightens the roots and compacts the soil. The root collar should remain 4-5 cm above the ground level. At the end of planting, the soil is compacted and watered.

Regularity of watering

Water the tree as needed, once the top layer of soil dries. In rainy periods, reduce the volume of water, in dry times, increase it. On average, one adult tree needs 15 liters of water per week.

watering the apple tree

How and what to feed a tree

Fertilizer application is a crucial moment in the care of fruit trees. Gardeners advise that it is better not to feed plants than to overfeed them. At first, the seedling does not need anything. Then feeding is alternated, introducing organic matter and mineral fertilizers.

Periods when plants need additional nutrition:

  • early spring;
  • flowering period;
  • maturation period;
  • late fall.

mineral fertilizers.

Timely, standardized application of fertilizers will help the apple tree grow strong and healthy.

Forming the crown

An important method of agricultural technology for growing a fruit tree. Without proper pruning, a summer resident risks losing a significant part of the harvest. The first year the apple trees are not touched. Then part of the side shoots is cut off, leaving 5 strong, healthy skeletal branches. In subsequent years they are cut by 1/3. Remove those shoots that grow inside the crown. Helping side branches form.

The procedure is carried out in the spring, before the buds open, or in the fall after the leaves fall. Sanitary pruning involves the removal of dry, diseased and deformed shoots.

apple tree crown formation

Treatment against insects and diseases

Spring work in the garden begins with preventive treatments against diseases and pests. Chemicals are used before flowering. Afterwards, using chemicals is dangerous to health, since particles of the substance remain in the fruit. During this period, they use folk remedies to combat viruses and insects.

Covering the apple tree for frost

The Korobovka variety is resistant to frost. But for their own peace of mind, summer residents cover the tree trunk with mulch. Humus, peat, plant residues or sawdust are used for this. The thickness of the layer is 15 cm. It must be removed in the spring.

The Korobovka apple tree has been known to gardeners for a very long time. On its basis, summer varieties of apples with high winter hardiness have been created. In addition, the tree is unpretentious and does not require maintenance.
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