Among the fruit variety, the Rozhdestvenskoye apple tree has managed to gain popularity, despite its fairly young age. Thanks to its unique resistance to scab, early fruiting, and compactness, it occupies a worthy place in small private gardens and intensive industrial gardening. Getting to know the variety will reveal its best qualities and cultivation features.
- History of selection
- Advantages and disadvantages of the variety
- Description of the tree
- External characteristics
- Tree height and crown width
- Annual growth
- Root system
- Resistance to frost and drought
- What diseases are you susceptible to?
- All about the harvest
- Pollinator varieties
- Beginning of the offering
- Apple ripening time
- Taste and nutritional value of apples
- Periodicity
- Where are the fruits used?
- Features of planting Christmas apple trees and subsequent care
- In what areas is landing possible?
- Rules for preparing seedlings
- Planting dates and patterns
- Fertilizer
- Watering
- Trimming
- Mulching
- Different types of rootstocks
- Dwarf and semi-dwarf
- Columnar
History of selection
The work of a group of Russian breeders to create new scab-resistant varieties of apple trees led to the appearance in 2001 of the triploid variety Rozhdestvenskoye. Absolute resistance to the disease was obtained using the Vf gene by crossing the common Welsie variety and the hybrid form BM41497. The variety is adapted to the weather conditions of the Central regions of Russia and is registered in the State Register.
Advantages and disadvantages of the variety
The Rozhdestvenskoye apple tree met the expectations of breeders and has a number of positive qualities:
- almost complete immunity to scab;
- precociousness;
- regularity of fruiting;
- dessert taste;
- attractive presentation;
- good yield.
But the variety also has some minor disadvantages:
- extended ripening periods;
- fruit shedding;
- some deterioration in the taste of apples during long-term storage.
Description of the tree
Apple trees have a compact, neat appearance and strong, powerful main branches.
External characteristics
Weakly kneeled, strong shoots are located at an angle of 45-80 degrees to the trunk and form a wide-pyramidal, medium-leaved crown. The leaves are ovate, with a curled, pointed tip and a wavy, serrated edge. The leaf blade is slightly pubescent, matte, green. White and pink buds are collected in 4-6 pieces in umbrella-shaped inflorescences.
Tree height and crown width
Depending on the rootstock, mature trees reach a height of 3-4 m and a width of 2-3 m.
Annual growth
Trees grow quickly and intensively. Under favorable conditions, young seedlings grow annually by 40-70 cm.
Root system
The root system of the apple tree is located close to the surface.
Resistance to frost and drought
An adult Rozhdestvenskoye apple tree tolerates frosts down to -40 °C. It is better to insulate the trunks of young plants for the winter and mulch the trunk circle. During dry periods, plants need watering.
What diseases are you susceptible to?
Scab resistance does not protect against the risk of powdery mildew during prolonged periods of wet, cold weather. Dangerous pests include aphids, mites and leaf rollers.
All about the harvest
The appearance of apples is rated 4.4 points on a 5-point scale. The fruits are medium-sized, slightly flattened. The peel is dense, but not thick, and has a glossy sheen. The greenish-yellow surface of the fruit is almost completely covered with red, with cherry splashes, blush. The weight of apples is from 130 to 180 g. The average yield of an adult orchard is about 180 centners per 1 hectare.
Pollinator varieties
The possibility of cross-pollination occurs when other varieties flower at the same time at a distance not exceeding 50 m.
Beginning of the offering
The variety begins to bear fruit in the 4th year after planting the plant on the rootstock.
Apple ripening time
Rozhdestvenskoe belongs to the group of early winter varieties. The ripening of apples does not occur simultaneously and ends by the end of September. Some of the fruits may fall off by this time, so harvesting is carried out in several stages. The fruits are ready for consumption immediately after picking.
Taste and nutritional value of apples
The apple pulp is white, with a faint creamy tint, dense, but very juicy structure.The taste is dessert, sour-sweet, rated 4.3 out of 5. Nutrient content varies depending on weather conditions and region. Averages:
- sugars – 10.4%;
- pectin substances – 14.0%;
- titratable acids – less than 0.5%.
With proper agricultural technology, Rozhdestvenskoe, having reached the age of fruiting, produces a stable harvest every year, without frequency.
Where are the fruits used?
Apples of the Rozhdestvenskoye variety are suitable for fresh consumption, for baby food and dietary nutrition. They retain consumer qualities for 3 months or more. When processed, good jams, mousses, and marmalade are obtained.
Features of planting Christmas apple trees and subsequent care
The plant does not require special agrotechnical measures. Growing rules are traditional for fruit trees, and their implementation will allow you to get a good harvest of quality fruits every year.
In what areas is landing possible?
Rozhdestvenskoe does not react well to sudden changes in temperature and is more suitable for growing in regions with a mild climate. Provided regular watering, it feels ideal in the Volga region. The variety is zoned in the Central and Central Black Earth regions.
Attention! In the Urals and Siberia, the superficial root system may die in severe winters.
Rules for preparing seedlings
The seedlings are carefully examined and damaged vegetative organs are removed. Dried roots are kept in water for 1-2 days. To improve the development of the root system, use Kornevin or other growth stimulants in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.
Planting dates and patterns
Plants are planted in the fall, after the leaves have dropped, at the end of September, the first half of October.In regions with cold climates, it is better to carry out work in the spring, before the buds awaken. In mild climates, seedlings with a closed root system can be planted all year round.
The optimal distance between apple trees of the Rozhdestvenskoye variety is at least 3.0-3.5 m, between rows - 4.0-5.0 m.
When planting, add 5-8 kg of compost and 100-150 g of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, which provide nutrition to the plant in the first year of life. Subsequently, feeding is carried out twice a year:
- in spring - nitrogen fertilizers;
- In the fall, organic matter and phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are added when digging the soil.
The sequence of watering directly depends on weather conditions. Moistening is carried out as the soil dries. Most often, seedlings planted in the spring and in the first year of life are watered.
Attention! Excess moisture harms the apple tree, so watering should be moderate, and after heavy rains the soil in the tree trunk must be loosened.
Formation begins in the second year after planting; the trunk of the seedling is cut at a height of 80-90 cm, directing the strength of the plant to the growth of lateral shoots. Pruning is carried out annually, in the spring, removing damaged, dried, excess annual shoots directed into the crown.
In order to preserve moisture and successfully engraft the seedling, the tree trunk circle is mulched with a layer of 5-8 cm. Sawdust, peat, humus or rotted manure are used as mulch. In winter, this layer protects the root system from freezing.
Different types of rootstocks
The correct choice of apple tree seedlings allows you to rationally use the garden area.
Dwarf and semi-dwarf
Rozhdestvenskoe is grown on dwarf and semi-dwarf rootstocks, which ensures short tree growth and compactness.
There are no columnar varieties of the Rozhdestvenskoye apple tree.