Each gardener plants various fruit trees on his plot. Among them, apple trees are considered the most common. Breeding station specialists are engaged in breeding varieties that are adapted to certain growing regions. It is there that they reveal their properties and produce more yield. One of them is the apple trees of Renet Chernenko.
What type does it belong to?
The variety is included in the list of late winter varieties. The apple tree is partially self-pollinating. Placement around it is recommended:
- Reneta Kursky;
- Autumn Striped;
- Pepinka Litovskaya;
- Welsey;
- Antonovka Ordinary;
- Northern Sinap.
These varieties contribute to the full pollination of the Reneta Chernenko apple tree. The harvested crop is well preserved for 235 days. The fruits are collected in wooden boxes, which should be placed in rooms where the temperature is within 0...+2 degrees and with a humidity level of 85-90%.
Features and description of the variety
Apple trees grow vigorously. By the age of 15, they reach 4.8 m, their diameter is about 5.4 m. The crowns are transparent and sparse, have a hemispherical shape. The leaves are medium-sized, dark green.
During flowering, Reneta Chernenko trees are covered with white small saucer-shaped flowers with slightly wavy petals.
Apples are formed from flowers. The fruits are large, slightly flattened, weighing from 110 to 180 g. The color is yellow-green. On sunlit sides there is a faint blush with a garnet or scarlet tint.
The description of Renet Chernenko's apples can be supplemented with information about the pulp. It is white in color with a wine-sweet taste, characterized by density and juiciness. It contains a large amount of vitamin C.
History of selection
The following is known about the breeding of Renet Chernenko:
- The place where the variety was obtained is the All-Russian Research Institute of Genetics and Selection of Fruit Plants named after. V. Michurina.
- The author of the project is S. F. Chernenko.
- In the process of working on the variety, the seeds of Renet Pepenova were sown.
- This apple tree has been on the State Register since 1986.
The Reneta Chernenko apple tree begins to bear fruit 7 or 8 years after grafting. Having reached the age of fifteen, one tree produces a harvest of about 62 kilograms. In practice, there have been cases of harvesting 120 kg of fruit from an apple tree. They are harvesting in September. For further ripening, Renet Chernenko's apples are placed in boxes, where they remain until November. The fruits are stored until the end of May.
To collect a lot of fruit in the fall, you need to know the nuances of planting, as well as properly care for Renet Chernenko.
It is recommended to plant apple trees in full compliance with the following rules:
- Seedlings are planted in the spring, when the buds have not yet opened. Or after the leaves fall in the autumn, but 14 days before the onset of the first frost. Otherwise, low temperatures will destroy weak seedlings. If apple trees are planted in areas where autumn is far from warm, it is better to postpone planting until spring.
- Renet Chernenko apple trees purchased at markets must be transported carefully. They should be transported to the sites in mixtures with clay, wrapped in damp burlap.
- If several trees are moved, then peat or sawdust, slightly moistened, is poured under the roots.
- Having delivered the apple trees to the site, their roots are shortened. Only those that have a dried or rotten appearance are removed. And also painful and with growths.
- If the root system dries out, it is recommended to keep it in water for several days.
- In areas where clay soils predominate or where groundwater flows, there is no need to keep the holes open for long. In such lands, trees of the Renet Chernenko variety should be planted exclusively in the spring.
- Planting holes must have steep walls, over half a meter deep and up to 120 centimeters wide.
- When planting seedlings in clay soil, drainage is placed at the bottom. Branches are usually used. This action will help avoid stagnation of water, and the tree will gain access to air and nutrients.
- Clay is poured into the bottom of a hole with sandy soil to retain liquid.
- A stake is driven into the finished hole, then the seedling is placed so that the neck of the root system is located 30 centimeters higher from the ground. The tree is tied to a support, and a nutrient mixture is poured onto the root.
- The hole is filled with earth. The result is a low mound, which is trampled, watered, and sprinkled with hay. Sawdust and straw are also used for this.
Properly planting seedlings is just the first step on the path to a harvest. The active growth period of Renet Chernenko apple trees is observed in June after the 15th. During this period, the trees are fed with liquid fertilizers.
Feeding is done after or before rain. Fertilizer is poured into 15-centimeter holes. They should be prepared in advance.
During the first few years after planting, trees require constant watering. Until mid-July they are watered at least 5 times. One apple tree requires 30 liters of water. Trees that have reached adulthood are moistened differently. The first watering is carried out before June 15, the second - after 1 month, the third - before mid-August, the fourth - in the autumn months, but before the onset of frost.
For a rich harvest, tree pruning is required. If this is not done, then not enough side shoots will be formed. As a result, the main branches have to hold an excessive amount of heavy fruit. Pruning is carried out before fruiting, then at the very beginning, and last time during the formation of apples.
Diseases and pests
Proper planting and timely care do not guarantee a great harvest. Apple trees need to be protected from various diseases and pests.Trees are often attacked by rodents. A small fence will help protect plants from them. The material for it will be a fine mesh half a meter in height. It is dug into the ground to a depth of 30 centimeters. To prevent rodents from chewing through the trunks, they are wrapped in glass wool. It will also protect trees well from the cold. Damaged apple trees are covered with garden varnish, and a film is rolled on top.
Various insects can also take a liking to plants. To fight, the following actions are necessary:
- digging and cleaning each tree trunk circle;
- carrying out sanitary pruning;
- whitewashing of trunks;
- installation of protective structures;
- spraying with insecticides.
The main advantage of Renet Chernenko is its high level of resistance to scab. This disease is most common in fruit trees. If signs of scab are detected (and it can still appear in a particularly rainy summer), the apple trees are sprayed with copper or iron sulfate.
Favorable areas for cultivation
In accordance with the State Register, plants are recommended for cultivation in the following regions:
- Central;
- Central Black Earth;
- Middle Volga;
- Ural;
- Volgo-Vyatsky;
- Northwestern.
It is in the above zones that apple trees grow well, produce a rich harvest and reveal their maximum qualities.