Description and characteristics of the apple tree variety Glory to the winners, cultivation and care

The apple tree variety Glory to the Winners is in demand among gardeners due to its high-quality, rich harvest and ease of care. Early ripening fruits are suitable for cultivation on an industrial scale and for individual purposes. Fruits are consumed fresh and used for processing. The apple tree is reliable, winter-hardy and time-tested. The variety was most popular in the 30s of the last century, but even today, amid the abundance of new species, it has not lost its relevance.

Description of the variety

Early ripening variety. The tree is different:

  • stable fruiting;
  • high productivity;
  • excellent frost resistance;
  • resistance to diseases.

Trees growing in well-lit, sunny places have fruits that are colored deep red. Their taste is sweeter than that of plants located in dimly lit areas.

Characteristics of the apple tree Glory to the winners

Technical ripeness of fruits occurs when earlier varieties have finished bearing fruit, and autumn varieties are still ripening.

Mature tree height

Refers to very tall trees. In adulthood it reaches a height of 5 meters.


The apples are large in size, weighing about 160 grams. They have smooth skin. The red blush is clearly visible and covers the entire surface of the green fruit. The pulp has a strong aroma. Its structure is soft and delicate with a sour aftertaste.

apple tree glory to the winners


During the harvest season, up to 75 kilograms of fruit are harvested from one tree. On an industrial scale, 110-200 centners of fruit are obtained per hectare. The ripening time differs in different regions.

In warm areas, you can enjoy ripe fruits in early August, but in the north this period is pushed back until the end of September.

It is not recommended to delay harvesting. Apples are picked immediately after technical ripeness, otherwise they will be overripe. As a result, the flesh will darken around the seed chamber. The fruits do not stick well to tree branches and fall off quickly, especially in strong winds.Fallen specimens are stored much worse. Apples can be picked from trees before technical maturity. When stored in the basement, they gradually ripen.

apple tree glory to the winners

Winter hardiness

The tree has good winter hardiness. Therefore, it is suitable for growing in northern regions.

Crown width

It has a spreading, wide crown with impressive shoot-forming ability. Because of this, the top of the tree becomes very dense, which makes it difficult to ventilate the crown and illuminate the apples. This feature must be taken into account when planning pruning.

apple tree glory to the winners


The tree belongs to a self-sterile variety. Unable to pollinate on its own.


The yield of Glory to the winners depends on the pollination of flowers with pollen from another apple tree. A suitable fruit tree should be no more than 50 meters away. Plants from neighboring areas can serve as pollinators. This point is taken into account when choosing a location for an apple orchard. Varieties are selected with the same time of entry into the fruiting period.

apple tree glory to the winners

Suitable as pollinators:

  • Borovinka;
  • Melba;
  • Prima;
  • Antonovka.

Frequency of fruiting

The apple tree is medium early fruiting. In the southern regions, the first fruits appear in the 5th year. In the far south the period is reduced to 2 years. But in the northern region it begins to bear fruit much later.

In the first few years, the plant produces a bountiful harvest annually. With age, it begins to bear fruit with a certain frequency.

Tasting assessment

Experts highly appreciated the taste of the fruits and gave them 4.6 points out of 5.

apple tree glory to the winners

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The positive qualities of wood include:

  • good care guarantees a high harvest;
  • tolerates severe frosts remarkably well, rarely freezes out;
  • stable yield, this means that the tree bears fruit annually;
  • apples have good transportability and a high tasting score, and have a good appearance.

Negative qualities:

  1. The variety is moisture-loving. It is difficult to tolerate drought. In hot regions, unripe apples, which are not yet edible, fall off prematurely.
  2. A dense tree crown affects the quality of apples. All the strength of the plant goes into maintaining the branches. As a result, the fruits become small and lose their taste. Therefore, the tree crown is thinned out every season.
  3. Does not tolerate drought. To maintain a healthy appearance of the crop and preserve the taste and external qualities of apples, you will have to water it regularly.
  4. Requires pollinators. Fruit trees need to be planted nearby.
  5. Due to the tendency to drop quickly, it is necessary to monitor the degree of ripeness and remove the fruits from the tree in a timely manner.

apple tree glory to the winners

With proper care, the plant will bring only positive emotions and delight you with a tasty harvest.

Region of growth

Fruits equally well in cold and southern regions. Suitable for growing in Polesie, Kuban, and central Russia.

Apple tree propagation

Propagated in various ways:

  • Seeds. This method is used only by experienced breeders. The seed is pollinated by hand. This process is painstaking. It is difficult to achieve the desired result the first time.
  • With your eyes.
  • Cuttings. This is the easiest way that a novice gardener can handle.
  • Taps.

apple tree glory to the winners

Wild apple trees are best suited for propagation.

How to plant an apple tree correctly

Seedlings are selected according to the following criteria:

  • strong;
  • healthy;
  • height must be no less than human height;
  • branches should be evenly spaced;
  • root system - branched;
  • grafting is clean and dry.

If at least one condition is violated, then such a tree is not worth purchasing.

apple tree glory to the winners

Choosing a location for a tree

Choose a place that is well lit with regular access to sunlight. Preference is given to areas protected from the wind, where rain and melt water do not stagnate.

Choosing soil for an apple tree

Ideal soil for trees:

  • loose;
  • permeable;
  • fertile.

It should always be moderately moisturized. When planting, the bottom layer is mixed in equal proportions with humus. Add potassium salt and superphosphate. A cup of dolomite flour is added to the acidic soil.

apple tree soil

The procedure is performed at least 3 weeks before planting the seedling, ideally 3 months. During this time, the soil mixture will subside naturally and form a homogeneous nutrient medium.

Sapling planting scheme

A hole is dug 80 centimeters deep. The diameter should be the same. The vaccination point cannot be buried. A stake is driven into the center of the hole, which will serve as a support for the tree. Before planting, the root system is straightened. After planting, the soil around is compacted and moistened with two buckets of water. Then mulch with straw or peat.

Rules of care

The variety does not require complex care. It includes only standard manipulations.

watering the apple tree


Each tree is watered with 30 liters of water. The event is held weekly. During dry periods, the frequency of watering is increased. On particularly hot days, the sprinkling method is recommended.


Tree pruning should be done annually. It is recommended to leave fruiting branches. Remove all dry and old parts of the tree.

Top dressing

The first year you should not additionally fertilize the plant. Then the tree trunk circle is fed. In spring, nitrogen fertilizers are used. In autumn - phosphorus and potassium.

phosphorus and potassium fertilizer

Diseases and pests

The crop is affected by the most common pests of apple trees, which include:

  • apple aphid;
  • leaf roller;
  • mites;
  • apple moth.

To avoid the spread of pests and diseases, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures in a timely manner.

Powdery mildew

A white coating appears on the foliage, which can be easily removed by hand. Then it becomes brown in color. Subsequently, the leaves turn yellow and fall off prematurely. The tree becomes weak, stops growing and does not bear fruit.

powdery mildew


Refers to fungal diseases and affects the volume of the harvest. The leaves curl and fall off. The fruits are covered with black spots.

Fruit rot

If the crop begins to rot profusely, then it is necessary to treat the crop with Topaz.

milky shine

The foliage is affected first, then the disease moves to the branches and then to the wood. If you miss the moment and do not start control methods in time, the apple tree will die.

Harvest and storage

The harvest can be harvested unripe and stored in the basement. After some time, the fruits will reach technical maturity on their own. Store fruits in boxes. Each layer is covered with sawdust or paper. Only strong apples picked from the tree by hand are selected for storage. Storage temperature 0…+4 °C. If the conditions are met, the crop retains its varietal properties for 4 months.
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