The very name of the tree suggests that it has all the necessary criteria for which it is so valued. They say only good things about the Desired apple tree. Summer residents value it for its high resistance to diseases, abundant fruiting and excellent taste. This late variety of apple trees is gaining more and more popularity every year.
Description of the variety
To facilitate the work of gardeners, detailed descriptions of the variety are created.This helps to choose the right place on the site, apply fertilizer in time and prune if the characteristics of the Zhelannaya apple tree require it.
The favorite is not very whimsical and undemanding to care, it is important to follow general agricultural techniques, and the plant will repay the declared harvest. This variety is popular among that category of amateur gardeners who prefer to grow their own vitamins for the winter in the form of fruits, vegetables and berries.
The apple tree was bred in 2000 in the Russian Botanical Garden. It spread quickly, and many farms began to grow the tree on an industrial scale.
Advantages and disadvantages
The Zhelannoe variety has a number of positive and negative properties. The assessment of which must be objective on the part of each gardener individually.
- Quick start to fruiting.
- High yield volume.
- Resistance to fungal diseases and insect attacks.
- Relative frost resistance.
- Good taste and presentation of the fruit.
- When there are a lot of apples on a tree, they become smaller.
The main advantages and disadvantages of a variety should be assessed only after cultivation in the region of residence.
To familiarize yourself with the properties of the apple tree, a general description of the main characteristics is given. Any variety should be studied in detail, only then a decision should be made about planting it in the garden. This type of apple tree, desired by everyone, has properties for which gardeners love it.
Apples have a persistent aroma and sweet and sour taste, for this reason it is grown for any processing method. For making jam, marmalade, juices, compotes and other preparations for the winter.
Tree dimensions
The apple tree grows slowly, 4-5 years will pass, and a full-fledged adult tree up to 5 m high will stand on the site.
Such indicators are achieved only if proper care is provided. When the apple tree has enough light, moisture and nutrients. Based on this, record yields are obtained.
At the age of 2-3 years, a young seedling is able to bear its first fruits. Do not forget about performing mandatory agrotechnical practices when growing Favorite. Every year the number of fruits, their size and taste characteristics will increase.
The ovary is formed at a rapid pace. The fruits are ready for consumption in early September.
Winter hardiness
This type of fruit tree has a high level of winter hardiness. But we must not forget about autumn feeding; it will give additional strength to survive the cold season.
Disease resistance
The plant is immune to scab and powdery mildew. Timely treatment is required against pathogens of other diseases. It is better to prevent the occurrence of a disease than to treat it. Chemicals or folk remedies are used.
During the fruiting period, the use of chemicals is prohibited; harmful substances that fight pathogens settle in the fruits and enter the human body.
Features of ripening and fruiting
The apple tree blooms for 10 days, the timing is individual for each growing region. After transplantation, 2-3 years will pass, and the seedling will bear its first fruits. To do this, it is necessary to annually trim the crown, shaping it, and remove branches that inhibit development.
Apples from the Favorit variety, so desired by everyone, reach a weight of 300 g. Fruits taken from the tree are stored until spring. At the same time, apples do not lose their presentation and taste. Only during the storage process does a waxy coating appear, which is easily washed off.
Regions for growing the variety
Before planting any variety of apple tree in the garden, find out whether it will grow in certain climatic conditions. Favorite feels better in the middle lane. Conditions for growth in these regions are the most suitable.
The desired variety Favorit is also suitable for other regions, but when grown, the yield is significantly reduced. Gardeners lose most of their fruit.
Comments from like-minded people are more credible than beautiful advertising from the manufacturer. Summer residents who planted Favorite in their gardens claim that no problems arise during cultivation. Plants do not require special care, everything is standard, as when growing other species.
The summer resident strives to choose types of fruit that require less attention to care and are themselves unpretentious.