Winter varieties of apples are valued higher than summer varieties due to the long shelf life of the fruit. One of these hybrids is the Zhigulevskoye apple tree variety. Zhigulevskoe is distinguished by a number of advantages, which attract gardeners to plant this particular variety. The tree is unpretentious in care and is distinguished by abundant fruiting from August to the last days of September.
- Description and characteristics of the Zhigulevskoe apple tree
- Tree height
- Crown width of the variety
- Tasting assessment
- Self-fertility
- Root system
- Winter hardiness
- Beginning of fruiting
- Productivity
- Rules for choosing seedlings when purchasing
- How to plant a tree
- Time to board
- Selecting a location
- Seedling preparation
- Planting process
- Tree care
- Feeding rules
- Spring
- Bloom
- Pouring fruits
- Features of watering
- Crown formation
- Tree processing
- Harvest and storage
Description and characteristics of the Zhigulevskoe apple tree
First of all, when choosing a variety, pay attention to such characteristics of the tree as:
- tree height and crown width;
- taste qualities of fruits;
- root system;
- winter hardiness;
- fruiting period;
- productivity.
All these indicators must be carefully studied before purchasing a Zhigulevskoe apple tree seedling.
Tree height
The Zhigulevskoe apple tree is a medium-sized tree. The main trunk reaches 3 m in height. In order to regulate the height of the tree, it is pruned every year.
Crown width of the variety
The crown of the apple tree is round in shape, slightly thickened. The branches are sparse and grow upward. The crown is visible to the trunk. Trees with a slightly dense crown require less time to care, since even the smallest branches receive sunlight due to the low density.
Tasting assessment
Apples of this variety are distinguished by the high taste qualities of the fruit. Due to their high liquid content, the fruits are suitable for dietary nutrition.
The pulp is coarse-grained, juicy and sweet with a pleasant sourness. The peel is dense, rich red in color with green spots. The pulp is creamy in color.
The Zhigulevskoe apple tree is a self-fertile variety, so the tree requires additional pollination for the appearance of ovaries. Other varieties of apple trees are planted in the garden next to the tree. The best pollinating varieties include:
- Anise Gray.
- Hybrid Spartak.
- Antonovka.
Pollination will be successful if the distance between trees is left no more than 5 m.
Root system
The rhizome of the Zhigulevskoe hybrid is well developed, but does not tolerate excess moisture. Because of this, seedlings are not recommended to be cultivated near accumulations of water in the spring.
Winter hardiness
The resistance to winter frosts of the Zhigulevskoye variety is average. The tree does not tolerate constant temperature fluctuations and severe frosts in winter.
Beginning of fruiting
After planting a seedling in a permanent place, the apple tree begins to bear fruit 3-4 years after planting. The onset of fruiting depends on several reasons, which include:
- variety of rootstock;
- apple tree care;
- climatic conditions.
The faster the apple tree begins to bear fruit, the shorter the entire fruiting period.
The Zhigulevskoe apple tree is characterized by high productivity. Up to 250 kg of fruits are collected from one mature tree. Fruiting at a high level occurs annually. Old apple trees have breaks, but not more than one year.
Rules for choosing seedlings when purchasing
First of all, attention is paid to the root system. The roots should not be damaged or dry. In addition, the roots should not be exposed. Seedlings are sold either in soil or in special bags. The seedling must be grafted and the stem must not be damaged.
How to plant a tree
Planting an apple tree seedling consists of several successive stages, which require a lot of time. After all, the future productivity and health of the apple tree depends on how correct the planting is.
Time to board
Apple trees are planted in spring and autumn. In the spring, the seedlings will have time to take root before the onset of cold weather. Planting dates depend on the growing region. The apple tree is planted from the last days of April to the first days of May. In autumn, apple trees are planted in early October. The advantage of autumn planting is that the apple tree gets used to the new place over the winter and begins to grow actively in the spring.
Selecting a location
The Zhigulevskoye apple tree prefers to grow in open sunny areas or in places with slight shade.It is not recommended to plant seedlings in the shade. They grow poorly in the shade and yields decrease.
Seedling preparation
A day before planting the tree in the ground, the rhizome is soaked in the preparation “Kornevin” diluted with water. Other growth stimulants for agricultural crops are also used. Before planting, the roots are dipped in clay diluted with water and then planting begins. It is important to remember that the rhizome should not dry out. Therefore, the roots are regularly moistened with warm water.
Planting process
Stages of planting seedlings:
- A month before planting the apple tree, a hole is dug in the ground. Depth not less than 80 cm, width not less than 1 m.
- Drainage is laid at the bottom of the dug hole.
- Then a tall, strong stake is driven into the center of the hole.
- The top layer of soil is mixed with 4 kg of manure, 1 kg of wood ash and 1 kg of nitroammophosphate.
- Part of the resulting fertilizer is poured onto the bottom of the hole, the second part is left.
- The apple tree is placed in a hole and the roots are carefully straightened, then sprinkled with soil.
- After the rhizome is covered with soil, pour out the second part of the fertilizer and fill the hole with soil.
- The soil near the trunk is compacted, and the seedling is tied to a stake.
If several plants are planted nearby, then leave a distance of at least 2.5 m between them.
Tree care
Many gardeners neglect tree care. Many summer residents limit themselves to simply watering the trees occasionally. But besides this, it is important to regularly fertilize the soil, loosen the soil and trim the crown. All these measures will increase productivity, as well as the apple tree’s resistance to diseases and insects.
Feeding rules
In the spring, the first fertilizing is applied. Organic matter is added, as well as mineral supplements.At a minimum, fertilizers are applied to the soil 2-4 times. But if apple trees don't grow well, then the amount of fertilizer applied, as well as the frequency, is increased.
With the onset of spring, fertilizers that are rich in nitrogen are applied. Nitrogen has a positive effect on bud growth and ovary formation. The following fertilizers are suitable:
- ammonium nitrate;
- humus;
- nitroammophoska;
- urea.
The soil is loosened and mixed with fertilizer, then watered.
During flowering, chicken droppings, superphosphate, mullein or potassium sulfate are added to the soil. Any fertilizer is diluted with warm water and then the trees are watered. In autumn, the soil is fertilized with wood ash and peat or manure mixed with soil. A few weeks before the onset of cold weather, nitrogen-containing fertilizers should not be applied, since nitrogen activates growth, and in the fall, fertilizing should be aimed at preparing the apple tree for the cold.
Pouring fruits
It is also important to fertilize during fruit filling. The following solutions are added to the soil:
- Pour 10 buckets of warm water into a barrel and add 15 g of sodium humate and 550 g of nitrophoska. Then mix the fertilizers thoroughly until they dissolve in the water. 2-3 buckets of fertilizer are poured onto one tree.
- Fill the barrel with warm water, then add green grass. Cover the barrel with cling film and make a small hole in it. After 30 days, the fertilizer is ready and the apple trees are watered with it.
Thanks to fertilizing, apples grow large and sweet.
Features of watering
Apple trees do not need much water, except for young seedlings. The seedlings are watered several times a week. Mature trees are watered 4 times per season. The first time after the snow melted. The second time - during the formation of kidneys. Then during fruiting.And the last time - before the onset of cold weather.
Crown formation
In the spring, formative pruning is carried out and young branches are cut off. Due to its low density, the apple tree does not require serious pruning. In autumn, dry, broken branches are trimmed. For pruning, use only sharp scissors or garden pruners. After pruning, the cut areas must be disinfected.
Tree processing
Trees are treated with the “Healthy Garden” preparation against scab and other fungal diseases. With the onset of autumn, mouse trunks are treated with diesel fuel and the trunk is wrapped with a cloth soaked in diesel fuel. In spring, trunks and branches are whitened with lime solution or special garden paint.
Harvest and storage
Harvest immediately after red apples begin to appear. You should not wait until the fruits begin to fall, so as not to collect wormy apples. Store the harvest in a cool room, where bright sunlight does not penetrate, at a temperature of no more than +15 degrees. The harvested crop is stored until autumn. But apples do not last long, so it is recommended to use them as quickly as possible.