Growing spring barley varieties allows you to obtain high-quality animal feed, raw materials for brewing production and the food industry. Spring barley Nur was bred by Russian scientists in the early 2000s, based on the description and characteristics of the variety, a new type of cereal crop is resistant to weather conditions, damage, and is highly productive.
Characteristics and description of Nur barley
To obtain a new variety of cereal crop, Veras and Moskovsky barley were used as mother varieties.
The grain crop is recommended for cultivation in regions with different climatic conditions. Peculiarities:
- Medium-sized herbaceous bush, not prone to lodging.
- The leaf blades are elongated, narrow, rough to the touch, the lower layer of the leaves is smooth, without the presence of villi.
- The leaf color is dark emerald.
- The shape of the two-row ear is cylindrical, loose in consistency, and there is no waxy coating.
- The awns are thin, exceeding the size of the ear, with many serrations and strongly colored tips.
- A ripe grain is characterized by a large size, an oval outline and a smooth groove in the center.
- The average weight of 1000 grains is from 37 to 47 g.
- The variety is productive; from 1 hectare of plantings up to 37 centners of ripened grain are obtained. The maximum yield of barley of this variety was obtained in Tatarstan, amounting to more than 80 centners per 1 hectare.
- The ripening time of cereal crops may vary, depending on the weather conditions of the growing region. In a warm, southern climate, the ripening of the ear occurs 68-70 days after planting the seeds. In temperate latitudes, harvesting begins 10-14 days later.
- The cereal is resistant to temperature changes and frosts, but loses productivity during prolonged drought.
Important! As a result of selection, Nur barley received natural immunity to many lesions characteristic of this type of cereal crop.
Advantages and disadvantages
To get a high-quality barley harvest, it is necessary to find out the main advantages and possible disadvantages of the cereal.
- universal purpose of the variety and high yields;
- resistance to temperature changes and recurrent frosts;
- the cereal is unpretentious to the composition of the soil and growing conditions;
- Nur barley grains contain a high protein content, up to 15%, which increases the value of fodder and food crops
Among the disadvantages, weak resistance to helminthosporium and spotted rot is noted.
Important! Nur barley is a moisture-loving crop that reduces yields during periods of prolonged drought.
How to grow the variety
Before sowing, the seed material is prepared. The grains undergo heat and antifungal treatment with chemicals.
The timing of planting work is calculated based on the climatic characteristics of the growing region:
- in the central regions, sowing work begins in the third ten days of May;
- in Siberia and the Urals, cereal crops are planted 7-10 days earlier;
- in regions with a dry, hot climate, sowing begins at the end of February.
Spring cereals are grown using the narrow-row or cross-row method. The rate of seed sowing also depends on the timing of planting and the region where the cereal is grown.
- The area is plowed, organic and mineral substances are added to the soil, loosened and moistened abundantly.
- Planting seeds are placed on the surface of the soil and buried 5-7 cm.
Important! The soil for planting spring barley is prepared in advance, and work is carried out in late autumn.
Features of care
Barley of the Nur variety does not require care. During the process of growth and ripening, land plots with cereal crops are harrowed and freed from weeds. If necessary, use organic and mineral fertilizers.
The plant needs enough moisture from the soil, but in case of prolonged drought, additional irrigation of the plantings is carried out.
Diseases, pests and methods of combating them
From the mother varieties, the cereal received resistance to root rot, smut and rust. Without timely prevention, plantings are often affected by striped spot and helminthosporium. To avoid crop loss, plants are sprayed with biological and chemical protection agents. Insecticides are used to control harmful insects.
Important! Treatment of cereal crops with chemicals is completed 2-3 weeks before harvest.
Harvest and storage
Harvest dates may vary due to the climatic conditions of the region where the cereal is cultivated. Grain is harvested in dry, sunny weather either mechanically or manually.
The harvested grain is sent to specialized grain dryers or elevators.