Barley variety Vakula is a mid-season spring variety that belongs to the six-row variety. A distinctive feature of the plant is its very high yield. It is grown using intensive technology and used to obtain grains. The plant is highly adaptable and takes root well in any climate.
- Description and characteristics of the variety
- Growing regions
- Advantages and disadvantages
- How to grow barley Vakula
- Crop rotation
- Tillage
- Seed dressing
- Sowing rate per 1 ha in kg
- Direct sowing
- Plant care rules
- Post-sowing rolling
- Harrowing
- Application of a growth regulator
- How to protect against diseases and pests
- Harvest and storage
Description and characteristics of the variety
Vakula is a relatively new variety of barley, which was obtained at the beginning of the twenty-first century. The culture was bred at the National Center for Seed and Variety Research, located in Odessa. Already in 2007, the culture was included in the State Register of the Russian Federation.
The variety is characterized by the following features:
- The height of upright bushes reaches 80 centimeters. Their structure includes 10-12 stems of medium length.
- The leaf blades have a green tint. They are not characterized by anthocyanin color and pubescence. There is a noticeable waxy coating at the base of the lower leaves.
- The ears have a loose structure and a rectangular-rhombic shape. Their length reaches 7-9 centimeters. There is no wax coating.
- The grains are placed loosely - in 6 rows. The awns are yellow in color and slightly serrated. They are easily removed when threshing. The length reaches 14-18 centimeters.
- An unripe ear has a greenish color. After reaching ripeness, it acquires a rich yellow hue.
- The weight of 1000 grains is approximately 45-50 grams. Large fruits reach a length of 1.4 centimeters. They are located in lodicules - thin film scales that are not covered with fluff.
- The seeds have an oval shape and a smooth surface. They are characterized by a light yellow color. The ventral furrow is covered with fluff.
Growing regions
This barley variety is characterized by environmental plasticity. It can be grown in regions with different types of climate. This plant develops normally in areas that differ in rainfall, soil fertility and average annual temperature.
The preferred regions include:
- Central Black Earth;
- Middle Volga;
- North Caucasus.
Advantages and disadvantages
The key advantages of the variety include:
- high productivity;
- undemanding climate;
- drought resistance;
- good germination of planting material;
- resistance to lodging;
- excellent commercial properties of grains;
- strong immunity;
- Possibility of growing in different soils.
At the same time, culture also has some disadvantages:
- strong bushiness - can provoke severe thickening of crops;
- demands for increased content of useful elements in the soil.
How to grow barley Vakula
For crop cultivation to be successful, it is important to adhere to basic sowing and care recommendations.
Crop rotation
It is permissible to plant barley in the same place no earlier than after 3 years. The plant is characterized by an underdeveloped root system. Therefore, it does not absorb nutrients well. To obtain a good harvest, the crop requires fertile soil that does not contain bacteria or viruses. In addition, it is important to choose a place without weeds.
The most suitable predecessors include:
- potato;
- corn;
- perennial herbs;
- green manure;
- fiber flax.
If barley is grown for beer production, it is not recommended to plant it after legumes. This is due to abundant tillering, which negatively affects the quality of grains.
You should start preparing the soil for planting in the fall. To do this, it is recommended to do the following:
- In autumn, plow the stubble with disc harrows.
- Plow the ground with a plow.
- In regions with wind erosion of the soil, perform non-moldboard loosening.
- In winter, ensure snow retention.
- In spring, perform cultivation and harrowing. This allows you to retain moisture in the soil.
Also, at the stage of preparing the soil for planting barley, it is necessary to apply fertilizers:
- In autumn, it is recommended to use potassium and phosphorus supplements.
- Nitrogen substances are added in the spring. Phosphorus preparations are also used during planting.
Seed dressing
Only healthy seeds are suitable for planting. The grains must be large and germinating. They need to be treated 2-3 months before planting. For treatment, it is recommended to use a solution of “Fundazol” with a concentration of 50% and “Vitavax 200”, 75%.
Disinfection helps prevent the occurrence of dangerous pathologies - dusty or hard smut and root rot.
Sowing rate per 1 ha in kg
Barley of this variety is highly bushy. If the soil contains a sufficient amount of useful substances, up to 18 stems can appear on 1 plant. This helps to harvest a good harvest even with a low seeding rate, which is 180-200 kilograms per 1 hectare. However, this indicator is usually not assessed in linear meters.
Direct sowing
For planting, it is recommended to use treated seeds whose growth vigor is more than 80%. Maximum yield is observed with early sowing. Low temperature and high humidity also have a beneficial effect on productivity. This leads to active root development.
The exact planting dates are different for each region. As a rule, barley needs to be planted when the equipment is brought into the fields. The best option is considered to be the end of the first week of field work. The plant should be planted simultaneously with spring wheat or after it.
For planting, it is permissible to use the following methods:
- Narrow row - row spacing should be 7.5 centimeters. This option makes it possible to optimally use planting space.
- Private - the interval between rows should be 15 centimeters.
Plant care rules
Barley is considered an undemanding crop. However, there are some activities that are required for high yields.
Post-sowing rolling
This term refers to a simple but important event that needs to be carried out after planting barley or simultaneously with it. Rolling is aimed at improving contact with the soil. Thanks to this, it is possible to achieve dense and friendly shoots. It is especially important to carry out this event in dry weather. If there is excess moisture, rolling can lead to a decrease in the aeration properties of the soil and provoke the formation of a crust on it.
At the next stage, pre-emergence harrowing is required. The purpose of this event is to prevent the formation of soil crust and destroy filamentous weeds. The field must be harrowed 3-5 days after planting barley. To avoid damage to plant sprouts, the harrowing depth should be less than the depth.
Application of a growth regulator
Growth regulators help achieve the following goals:
- increase the plant's resistance to lodging;
- reduce the length of the stems;
- increase productivity parameters.
To prevent lodging, it is recommended to treat barley at the tillering stage. To do this, it is permissible to use the drug “TsetseTse 600”.
How to protect against diseases and pests
Vakula barley is resistant to many pathologies. The task of farmers is to prevent pathologies, pest attacks and grass contamination of the field.If there is an excess of weeds, it is necessary to use herbicides - “Dialen” or “Lontrel”.
The Vakula variety may suffer from the following violations:
- powdery mildew;
- striped helminthosporiosis;
- dwarf rust.
If symptoms of pathologies appear, it is worth using fungicides - “Derozal” or “Impact”. The following insects are dangerous pests:
- Swedish flies;
- bread drinker;
- thrips;
- cereal aphid;
- bird cherry aphid.
To destroy parasites, it is recommended to use broad-spectrum insecticidal substances. These include “Fozalon”, “Karate”, “Decis”.
Harvest and storage
Barley is distinguished by its rapid ripening. Therefore, you can harvest the crop using a combine. The following signs indicate the maturation of a culture:
- grain moisture parameters do not exceed 18%;
- the seeds become yellow in color and crack a little when broken;
- grains are easily separated from the ear;
- the stems become dirty gray;
- The top breaks off easily.
During storage, the moisture content of the grains should not exceed 15%. Otherwise, dangerous microorganisms multiply in them, causing spoilage of the cereal. Barley should be stored in bulk or in bags. The air temperature should not exceed +10 degrees. Humidity should be maintained at 95%.