Spring wheat of the Kanyuk variety was approved for cultivation in the central regions in 2016, based on the description, the cereal crop is characterized by medium ripening periods and the need for timely irrigation. The soft variety of cereal crop is unpretentious to the composition of the soil, but in the presence of weeds it significantly reduces the yield. How to properly sow and grow wheat of the Kaniuk variety, we will look into the details further.
Description and characteristics of wheat Kaniuk
The plant is characterized by a short, thin stem, not prone to lodging, and well-developed rhizomes, reaching 1.5 meters at the time of flowering.
- The shape of the spike is spindle-shaped, medium density, whitish in color with a strong waxy coating.
- The leaf blades are long and narrow, with a rough coating.
- The ripened grain is large, golden in color, with a small content of protein substances. The average weight per 1000 seeds ranges from 36 to 47 grams.
- The ripening period of an ear directly depends on the fertility of the soil and weather conditions of the growing region, ranging from 75 to 100 days. Ripening is smooth, which makes harvesting easier.
- From one hectare of plantings up to 35-38 centners of unprocessed grain are obtained. The maximum yield of the variety was recorded in 2016, amounting to 70 centners per hectare.
- The seed sowing rate is directly related to the timing of the work. In the case of early spring sowing, from 350 to 380 seeds per 1 square meter are used. m landings. For late sowing - from 400 to 450 seeds per 1 square meter. m of land.
- The variety is resistant to temperature changes and damage to certain diseases and pests characteristic of this crop.
Features of growing and caring for cereals
To obtain a high-quality and abundant harvest of grain crops, seed material is first prepared for sowing by treating it with antifungal drugs and a growth stimulant. Also, the spring wheat variety is demanding on timely and correct agricultural technology.
The spring crop prefers chernozem soils, but with proper care it can also grow on turf soil.
- In autumn, the land is dug up to a depth of 25-30 cm, and organic and mineral substances are added to the soil.
- Sowing of seeds is carried out when the soil warms up to +2 degrees.
- In regions with a temperate climate and high humidity, seed depth is allowed up to 4-5 cm. In southern latitudes, planting is deepened to 7 cm.
- After sowing, the soil is lightly compacted and irrigated abundantly. When crusts form on the soil surface, loosening is carried out.
The yield of grain crops decreases sharply in the presence of weeds. Therefore, as a means of controlling and preventing weeds, the land plot is treated with special preparations based on herbicides.
The quantity and frequency of watering is calculated based on the climatic conditions of the growing region. Wheat of the Kanyuk variety is demanding of moisture, so in hot weather and drought, irrigation is carried out more often. During periods of prolonged rains, the amount of watering is reduced or stopped altogether.
Important! Spring cereal crop increases productivity with timely feeding. Nitrogen-containing organic matter and mineral fertilizers are used as fertilizers.
Protection of spring wheat from pests and diseases
As a preventive protection against harmful insects, plantings are treated with insecticide-based preparations. The variety is characterized by resistance to brown rust, fusarium, powdery mildew and septoria. In other cases of diseases, plants are treated with chemical and biological means of protection.
Harvest and storage
The cereal crop is harvested in dry, sunny weather, 7-8 days after the onset of biological maturity of the ears.
Wheat is harvested using special equipment or by mowing the crops by hand. The resulting harvest is sent to equipped grain dryers or to elevators for further storage.