The apricot variety Northern Triumph is a frost-resistant species; it grows and bears fruit both in the Middle Zone and in the northern regions. Apricot is cold-resistant and is not afraid of long winters. He also withstands diseases. It was bred by breeders specifically for growing in the North. You can familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the fruit in this material.
Description of the variety
The Triumph Northern variety is popular among gardeners due to its high yield and tolerance to low temperatures.The cultivation of the apricot tree in the North of Russia is facilitated by its characteristics.
History of selection
The variety was created by biologist A.N. Venyaminov. in 1938, crossing the southern apricot Red-cheeked and the northern Transbaikal view. Triumph Northern was bred in the Central Black Earth region, and twenty years later, after grafting onto branches and seedlings, the variety became widespread.
Features of the variety
The plant differs in height, its length reaches four meters. Apricot has a branched crown and large foliage, on which tubercles are visible along the edges. The branches are large, thick, with medium branching. The weight of one fruit varies between 60-100 grams. The fruits are distinguished by their oval, asymmetrical shape; when ripe, they are pink-yellow in color and have a thick, velvety skin. The seeds are orange in color.
The fruits begin to ripen in July and bear fruit until the end of August. The initial harvest is small, no more than five kilograms. However, after 3-4 years, the apricot tree fully produces a harvest - up to 60 kilograms per specimen.
The apricot variety Northern Triumph amazes with its taste. The fruit is consumed raw, dried, and stored for the winter. Particular preference is given to fruit seeds; they have a bright almond taste. The kernels are used to treat malignant tumors and are used to make cream, fillings, and yogurt.
As already mentioned in the description of the variety, the fruits are resistant to temperature changes, so they tolerate transportation well. It is better to transport fruits at the moment of technical ripeness, when the pulp is still hard, but they have already acquired the appropriate color.
It is recommended to collect in clear weather, when the moisture from the grass has already evaporated, since, during collection, cold weather can worsen the taste of the fruit.
Planting and care
Like any other variety, Northern Triumph is heat-loving and requires special care. It should be planted in a bright, windproof area. It is better to do this in the direction south of the building. This species is self-fertile and therefore does not require nearby pollinating trees.
When caring for a variety, you need to take into account its high yield - such trees require annual feeding. Also, soils with an acidic environment and the close presence of groundwater are unacceptable for stone fruit culture.
Requirements for seedlings
Seedlings should be selected carefully on the market. It is worth buying a plant with a closed root system, as this allows you to preserve it in conditions favorable to it. If the root is exposed, then monitor the transportation and storage conditions; it should not be allowed to become weathered or dry out. The best time for planting is the end of April-beginning of May.
Top dressing
Apricot needs feeding. For these purposes, you can use potassium and nitrogen fertilizers, manure or superphosphate. Fertilizing should be done before flowering, after the ovaries fall off.
Features of watering
To maximize the development of the root system and provide comfortable conditions for the growth of a young tree, it must be intensively watered throughout the spring and summer.
One of the basic rules apricot tree care is pruning after planting. It is better to carry out the procedure in the spring; to do this, diseased shoots and broken branches should be removed, which can interfere with the normal growth of the crop.
Diseases and pests
The most dangerous diseases for the apricot tree are clasterosporiasis and moniliosis.
Another name is perforated spotting.Diseases can be recognized by the leaves: spots appear on them, which after a while turn into holes. Copper sulfate or Bordeaux mixture is used to combat pathology. One hundred grams of the selected product is diluted in ten liters of water and sprayed on trees in the spring, before the flowering period.
Another name is fruit rot. It is not difficult to recognize the disease, since the pathology changes the color of the fruits, they become brown, with creamy dots of fungal spores. The disease spreads quite quickly and affects other trees.
To reduce the risk of disease, it is necessary to keep the trunk clean and whitewash it every autumn. It is useful to mix lime with copper sulfate. When the layer is washed off by rain, the main part should be whitened again.
To combat fruit rot, Bordeaux mixture and the chemical Horus are used. In the first case, one hundred grams of lime and vitriol are diluted in ten liters of water, then all the trees are sprayed. Horus insecticide is diluted according to the instructions on the package, sprayed until flowering, then the procedure is repeated weekly.
Northern Triumph is also susceptible to attacks by the following pests:
- aphids - exterminated using a 0.3 percent solution of karbofos;
- hawthorn butterfly - Bordeaux mixture is used for control;
- plum stalk - destroyed with the chemical Entobacterin.
Growing Northern Triumph does not require much effort; you just need to choose the right seedling and plant it in high-quality soil. After following certain rules for caring for the plant, you will receive a high yield of aromatic and sweet fruits.