Basil seedlings allow you to get fragrant greens for the country table already in early June. The homeland of the plant is India. But all over the world it is valued for its spicy taste and smell.
- Timing for sowing basil seedlings
- Composition of soil for seedlings
- Conditions for growing seedlings at home
- Sowing
- Lighting: how to do it right
- Drainage
- Watering
- Feeding
- Dive
- Pinching
- Possible problems with basil seedlings
- Seeds don't germinate
- Seedlings fall
- Seedlings don't grow
- Pull
- Blackleg
- Yellowing of leaves
- Spots on leaves
- Landing in the ground
The culture is thermophilic. But it can be grown even in regions with a cool climate. The seedling method helps gardeners deceive nature: the plant receives enough heat and light.
Greens are used in cooking: cut into salads, decorate dishes. Basil goes well with tomatoes, fish and seafood. Planted in a greenhouse, it attracts pollinating insects. Some gardeners decorate their flower beds: the plant blooms with pretty flowers of different shades. The released phytoncides improve the health of the air in the country.
Timing for sowing basil seedlings
There are varieties with different ripening periods. But the growing season of the plant is 120-160 days. They should be planted on ridges after the onset of warm weather. The soil should warm up.
Seedlings should be driven out 50-60 days before their intended placement in a permanent location. According to the calendar, this is March 20-25.
When grown in an unheated greenhouse, seedlings can be planted when sunny weather arrives. Ultraviolet light is sufficient to warm up the protected soil. Then it is recommended to sow a month earlier.
Composition of soil for seedlings
Some gardeners use ready-made soil for green crops. Before sowing, it is recommended to spill it with “Fitosporin” to destroy harmful organisms.
Another way: make the land yourself. In the fall you should prepare the following components:
- neutral peat (4 parts);
- river sand (1 part);
- mature compost (2 parts).
It is recommended to put the components in food bags and place them under a canopy outside or bring them to a cold veranda. In winter, the contents will freeze and the insect larvae will die.
A week before the intended sowing, bring the bags into a warm place. Then mix the parts and pour in a pink solution of potassium permanganate. The liquid temperature is 60 degrees Celsius.
In case of severe contamination, treat the components with herbicide according to the instructions. The sowing time is delayed until the chemicals disintegrate.
Conditions for growing seedlings at home
Gardeners grow basil before planting it in the ground on ordinary window sills. Getting healthy plants is not difficult: you just need to follow agricultural practices.
The harvest of the crop depends on a properly carried out operation. You can grow from your own seeds or purchased ones. How to proceed:
- containers for seedlings must have drainage holes;
- basil does not tolerate waterlogging of the soil (place a layer of expanded clay or brick chips on the bottom);
- pour the soil into the container, compact it slightly (leave 3-4 cm to the edge);
- spill the soil with a solution of potassium humate (working temperature 40 degrees Celsius);
- plant the seeds evenly and sprinkle soil on top;
- compact the soil, put a bag on top with holes for air intake.
Seeds germinate in light in a warm place. Place the seedling container on a bright windowsill. The temperature should be 24-25 degrees Celsius. Shoots appear on the 10th day.
Sometimes planting is done in an original way. A layer of snow 0.5 cm thick is poured on top of the prepared container. Seeds are laid on it and distributed over the surface with a toothpick. Cover with a bag with holes or glass. The snow melts, the grains are drawn into the ground. With this method, short-term stratification of seeds occurs.
Lighting: how to do it right
There is not enough light in the room for seedlings to grow. As soon as the shoots appear, you should begin to highlight the plants. It is recommended to use an agricultural lamp with a lampshade: it directs the beam.
Plants should be provided with 16 hours of daylight. As the illumination time decreases, the seedlings stretch out. The basil looks weak.
The plant does not tolerate stagnation of water at the roots. To prevent diseases, it is recommended to do drainage.
For this, expanded clay, brick chips, washed and scalded with boiling water crushed shells are used. They should be laid on the bottom up to 1 cm thick.
The health of basil depends on proper watering. The soil should not be moistened before germination. Cotyledon leaves are sensitive to excess moisture. Watering should be done once every 3-4 days using a medical syringe.
After the real leaves grow, you can moisturize more abundantly. The operation should be carried out after the top layer of soil has completely dried. It is recommended to use a watering can with a rain attachment.
Basil seedlings grow in limited containers. The soil is fertile enough for seed germination. But with further growth, the nutrient content decreases. It's time to start fertilizing.
Adding nitrogen stimulates rapid plant growth. It is recommended to use a mineral complex for seedlings. If it is not available, you should use an infusion of stove ash (a tablespoon per 1 liter, infuse, dilute with 5 liters of water). Fertilize once a week.
Sometimes gardeners sow basil too often. Dense planting causes plants to stretch. They should be thinned out or picked apart. The optimal picking period is 2 true leaves.
For picking, it is recommended to use a special scoop. They carefully pick up the plant and transplant it into a new container with soil. The spine (if necessary) can be shortened by a third.
Pinching should be done when the 5-6th true leaf grows. This operation:
- makes plants bush;
- slows down the formation of flower stalks;
- stimulates the growth of side shoots;
- prevents pulling.
It is recommended to pinch with nail scissors wiped with alcohol.They need to carefully cut off the top of the plant.
Possible problems with basil seedlings
Sometimes a gardener fails to grow healthy seedlings. There are different reasons. To prevent mistakes, it is recommended to follow cultivation techniques.
Seeds don't germinate
The first reason is that the seeds have rotted. Gardener:
- overdid it with soil moisture during planting;
- I forgot to make drainage holes in the container;
- did not provide ventilation for seedlings;
- did not remove condensation accumulated on the film or glass.
The second reason is poor quality or expired planting material.
Seedlings fall
This occurs due to the introduction of excess nitrogen. Plants did not receive enough nutrition or were shaded. It is recommended to thin out the seedlings and add a mineral complex.
Seedlings don't grow
Plants do not receive food or light. Sometimes this is the influence of soil contaminated with bacteria. It is recommended to use only high-quality soil mixtures and follow agricultural cultivation techniques.
This is a consequence of non-compliance with temperature and light conditions. The plant is located in a shaded and too warm place. It must be moved to another window sill.
The disease is caused by excessive watering or soil moisture during thickened plantings. It is recommended to remove diseased plants. Keep the soil semi-dry. Frequent plantings - thin out or pick up. Dusting the soil with ash will prevent disease. It is recommended to water with water at room temperature.
Yellowing of leaves
This is a signal of a lack of microelements. It is recommended to regularly fertilize with a balanced complex.
Spots on leaves
They appear as a result of sunlight hitting delicate plants.It is recommended to shade the seedlings. To do this, use low-density white lutrasil.
Landing in the ground
Basil seedlings are planted in a permanent place when the soil has warmed up to 15 degrees to a depth of 10 cm. It is recommended to harden off the plants for 2 weeks.
Plants should be placed according to the following scheme: 30 cm x 30 cm (for vigorous varieties) or 15 cm x 15 cm (for short ones).