Instructions for use of the fungicide Pictor and application rates

Cultivated plants are more often than others affected by fungal pathogens due to weather variability or non-compliance with agrotechnical cultivation standards. Fungicide "Piktor" belongs to systemic combination drugs that have a wide spectrum of action and protect against a number of diseases associated with bad weather conditions. To activate growth and increase the yield indicator, “Piktor” is an indispensable tool for processing sunflower and rapeseed.

Composition, release form and purpose of the drug

The effectiveness of the AgCelence brand drug when used is due to the presence of active substances in the composition: boscalid and dimoxystrobin. Both components are contained in the same concentration - 200 g/l.

Boscalid belongs to the carboxamides and achieves the greatest effectiveness when carrying out preventive treatments. Part of the substance adheres to the surface of the plant and protects it from secondary infection, and the remaining component penetrates the plant’s wire system and begins to quickly spread, identifying fungal cells, suppressing their vital processes and blocking oxygen from entering the pathogen. Dimoxystrobin penetrates the mitochondria of fungi and prevents the progression of the body's respiratory chain.

The use of the fungicide "Piktor" is effective in the presence of diseases:

  • scleritinase;
  • Phomasis;
  • Alternaria blight;
  • rot;
  • rust;
  • powdery mildew.

The drug also copes with other fungal phytopathogens.

The release form of the fungicide "Piktor" is a suspension concentrate in liter and five-liter bottles.

fungicide Pictor

Mechanism of action of the fungicide

The substance penetrates the plant and in the first minutes attacks the respiratory system of the fungus, preventing the oxidation of organic compounds. The pathogen dies from lack of oxygen.

Fungicide "Piktor" eliminates the negative impact on yield, increases the productivity of nitrate reductase, impairs ethylene production, accelerating the process of photosynthesis.

Advantages of "Piktor"

The fungicide has proven itself among consumers due to a number of advantages that significantly exalt it compared to other products:

  • reliable and rapid action on the pathogen;
  • guaranteed disease prevention;
  • activation of photosynthesis, increased resistance to stress;
  • increasing the quantity and quality of the harvest.

Already after 24 hours of using Pictor, you can notice a strong therapeutic effect.

yellow bottles

Consumption rate

The amount of consumption of the Pictor fungicide does not depend on the object of treatment. For sunflower, winter and spring rape, the application rate of the drug is 0.5 l/ha. The number of sprayings should not exceed 1 time; this is enough for the complete disappearance of the pathogen.

How to properly prepare a working solution?

It is necessary to dilute the drug before treating cultivated plants. To prepare, fill the tank 1/3 with water, add the required amount of Pictor fungicide according to the instructions, while the mixer must be actively working. Then add more water until the entire container is filled.

The working solution rate is 300-400 l/ha.

a bucket of water

Instructions for use of the drug

Treatment can be carried out at the flowering stage; it is better to choose the period when the plant is in the 8-10 petal phase. If there are symptoms of the disease, spray immediately. The maximum processing time for rapeseed is one month before harvest, and for sunflower - two months.

Safety precautions when working with the product

Treatment is carried out in dry, windless weather in the morning or evening. Daytime spraying is allowed only in case of cloudy weather. It is mandatory to wear a protective suit and mask when working with a moderately toxic product.

Before spraying, it is worth warning the owners of neighboring territories several days in advance. Check the sprayer in advance for operability and the containers that will be involved in the process. It is not recommended to use these devices for other purposes.

security gadgets

Important! During processing, do not allow the substance to come into contact with the mucous membrane and skin. If the solution gets on the skin, rinse the affected area, and if it gets inside, cleanse the stomach.

Degree of toxicity

The Pictor fungicide is not dangerous for pollinators, but is characterized by moderate toxicity to humans, so precautions must be taken when working with the drug.


The product can be combined with many pesticides, herbicides and complementary fungicides. This will increase the effectiveness of each component, save time, and reduce the resistance of pathogens to drugs.

chemistry is different

Storage of the drug

The shelf life of the Pictor fungicide is no more than 2 years. Store out of reach of children, away from food at temperatures from 0 to 35 degrees and low humidity.

Fungicide analogues

There are no analogues of the drug "Piktor".
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