Instructions for use of Strekar fungicide and preparation of working solution

It is difficult to obtain a high-quality harvest without the use of protective drugs against various diseases, which often cause the death of fruits. “Strekar” is a fungicide, the instructions for use of which state that it is designed to protect against fungal and bacterial infections of cultivated plants.

Composition, release form and purpose of the drug "Strekar"

"Strekar" is a systemic contact fungicide that is intended for treating plant crops during the growing season. The uniqueness of the drug is that it contains components that act on pathogens of fungi and bacteria.

"Strekar" has a systemic effect and at the same time belongs to 2 biological groups: fungicides and bactericides.

The first component in the product is phytobacteriomycin, its amount is 25 g per 1 liter of substance. This amorphous substance, quickly soluble in water, is a compound with antibacterial effects belonging to the streptothricin family. The second component, carbendazim (70 g/l), prevents the proliferation and division of fungal cells, thereby exacerbating their development and causing death. It spreads well throughout the vegetative parts of the plant and remains in the form of a film, providing a protective effect.

Mechanism of action of the fungicide

The product developed at the Pharmbiomed Research and Production Center belongs to the group of combined fungicides, which are intended not only for the treatment of diseases caused by bacteria and fungi, but also for prevention.

Protective properties can be observed for 15-20 days. After treating crops, the drug begins to act on average within a day.

When a plant is simultaneously damaged by pathogens of fungi and bacteria, severe stress is possible for the crop and further rotting of the ovaries, fruits, or simply dropping them. "Strekar" suppresses pathogens, relieving stress, increasing the number of crops.

fungicide Strekar

Advantages and disadvantages of the product

"Strekar" is a new generation fungicide, so the spectrum of its actions is not yet thoroughly known.But even in a short period of time, its use in practice has shown effectiveness and guaranteed results. The following positive aspects of the product can be highlighted:

  • long period of manifestation of protective actions (about a month);
  • decreases the level of toxicity for the plant;
  • double action against fungi and bacteria;
  • improving the quality and quantity of the future harvest, saturating fruits and root crops with useful substances;
  • high efficiency when used in combination with other drugs;
  • complete safety for seeds during preventive treatment before planting;
  • Possibility of use at different stages of the growing season.

The disadvantages of the Strekar fungicide include increased toxicity to insects and water bodies.

spray on the plant

Preparation of working solution

For each agricultural crop, it is necessary to maintain the correct proportion when preparing the working solution. Watering is carried out at the root or sprayed onto the surface of the leaf using a special device.

The solution is prepared in a container made of plastic, enamel, glass and must be used within 24 hours.

Seed treatment

Treating seeds is one of the best ways to prevent diseases. The concentration of the drug is about 2%. Check the planting material for cracks, sprouts, dirt and keep it in the solution for 5 hours, then rinse thoroughly using clean water.

seed treatment


For this vegetable crop, you need to prepare a solution at the rate of 20 g of Strekar per bucket of water. Treatment is carried out three times with an interval of 4 weeks by watering at the root. The consumption of the drug per 1 square meter is 60 g.


For tomatoes in greenhouses, a 0.2% solution is prepared, and for tomatoes growing in open ground, it is better to increase the concentration to 0.4%. It is recommended to treat 3 times per season with an interval of 3 weeks. The first spraying should be carried out a month after planting.


The consumption of “Strekar” per bucket of water is 20 g. Carry out the procedure from the beginning of the formation of the bulb, repeating every 20 days. Preventative spraying is also encouraged.

onion sprouts


There are 15 g of substance per 10 liters of water. Potatoes are treated with this solution when the first symptoms of disease appear and for preventive purposes. Repeat the procedure 3 times per season with breaks of 3 weeks.


It is better to disinfect grain crops at the seed stage. For bushes affected by bacteriosis and root rot, it is recommended to use a solution (10 g of Strekar per 10 liters of water).

Fruit trees

To treat fruit trees, prepare a solution in the ratio of 10 g of fungicide per 10 liters of water. Use it at the moment of formation of buds and ovaries.

Repeat the procedure in the fall, after harvesting.

tree processing

Instructions for use of the drug

Carry out the procedure in dry weather conditions, preferably in the morning, evening or when it is cloudy, to avoid direct exposure to sunlight. You should not treat plants near water bodies or animals.

Safety precautions when working with the product

To protect your skin from damage, wear long sleeves and gloves. To protect the respiratory tract, use a mask or respirator.

Important! If the product gets on the skin, rinse the affected area thoroughly.And in case of internal poisoning, clean the stomach and consult a doctor to avoid complications.

protective gloves

Degree of toxicity

“Strekar” is classified as a hazard class 3 fungicide, so it is recommended to take precautions when working with it.


"Strekar" can be combined with various fungicides and insecticides, but it is prohibited to combine with bacterial preparations in tank mixtures.

bottles of drugs

Fungicide storage conditions

Store the drug in an unlit room with low humidity at a temperature of 0 to 30 degrees Celsius, away from animals and children. It is strictly forbidden to leave it near food and medicine.

Similar means

There are no analogues of such a drug with dual action.

Diseases caused by fungi and bacteria can significantly impair the growth and development of plants and cause them to wilt. The use of the Strekar fungicide will greatly facilitate the care of agricultural crops and will not leave you without a harvest.
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