Instructions for use and composition of the fungicide Triad, dosage and analogues

Fungal diseases cause a lot of harm to cultivated plants. To prevent or cure them, plants are treated with fungicides. Let's look at how the Triad fungicide works, its composition and purpose. Dosage and consumption rate of the drug according to the instructions for use. Compatibility of the product and analogues of the drug for use in agriculture.

Preparative form and composition of the drug "Triad", KKR

"Triad" is a concentrated colloidal solution with 3 active ingredients - propiconazole in an amount of 140 g per 1 l, tebuconazole (140 g per l) and epoxiconazole (72 g per l). The substances belong to triazoles. Based on the method of penetration, the product is classified as a systemic pesticide, and based on the nature of its action, it is classified as a protective and curative fungicide. “Triada” is produced by the Russian manufacturer JSC Shchelkovo Agrokhim in canisters of 5 and 10 liters.

How the product works

Triazoles stop the synthesis of styrenes and disrupt the permeability of fungal cell membranes. As a result, further cell division is inhibited and the fungi die. The 3-component composition does not cause resistance and expands the action of the fungicide.

A colloidal solution, unlike a suspension, is absorbed by all parts of the treated plants. This action helps control severe and new diseases that are not available to fungicides in the form of a suspension.

In treated plants, "Triad" improves photosynthetic processes, vascular conductivity, and the flow of nutrients from the root system to the leaves. Increases the amount of growth hormones, accelerates the transport of photosynthetic products to young shoots and leaves. It has a positive effect on the growth of greenery and roots, lengthens the growing season, increases the yield and quality of grain products.

triad drug

“Triad” adheres well to the surface of leaves, wets them, and is resistant to being washed off by rain. Due to its small dispersion, the drug penetrates plant tissue easily even in unfavorable hot and dry weather.

What diseases is it active against?

"Triad" is intended for the control and treatment of powdery mildew, rusts and spots, septoria, fusarium, rhynchosporia, pyrenophorosis, alternaria and other fungal infections. Wheat and barley, winter and spring crops are processed.

As a result of the rapid movement of triazoles from bottom to top of the plant, the drug effectively protects the entire cereal plant, including young organs. The protective effect lasts up to 40 days.

Consumption rate and application

On wheat and barley against rust, powdery mildew, septoria, pyrenophorosis, blight and rhynchosporia, the application rate is 0.5-0.6 liters per hectare. On wheat against fusarium - 0.6 liters per hectare. Spray during the growing season, 1-2 times, against fusarium at the end of heading and the beginning of flowering - 1 time. Liquid consumption – 300 l per ha, against fusarium – 200-300 l per ha. The waiting period is 1 month.

spraying the field

Safety precautions for use

"Triad" refers to fungicides with hazard class 2 for humans and 3 for bees. It is not allowed to use the product near bodies of water; it can be dangerous for fish and aquatic organisms. When working with Triad, you need to wear thick protective clothing, gloves on your hands, a respirator and goggles on your face. When processing, do not drink, smoke, eat, or remove protective parts. After the work is completed, wash your hands and face with soap, wash your clothes and rinse the sprayer.

If the fungicide solution gets on the skin, rinse with water for at least 15 minutes. If liquid gets into your eyes or mouth, also rinse with water. If it gets into the stomach, drink activated carbon at the rate of 1 g per 1 kg of weight and induce vomiting. If symptoms of poisoning are observed, seek medical attention immediately.

Fungicide compatibility

Fungicide "Triad" shows effectiveness both when used individually and in tank mixtures. The best compatibility of the drug is achieved with pesticides produced by the same manufacturer and their mixtures, since they are manufactured using similar technologies and contain similar substances. When mixing with other pesticides, it is necessary to check the compatibility of the products before diluting the main volume.

spraying the field

Expiration date and storage rules

The product is stored for 3 years from the date of manufacture, in the original, tightly closed container. Storage conditions: dry, dark room, at a positive temperature of up to 35 ˚С. Keep children and animals away from the premises. Do not keep medicines, animal feed, or food nearby. After the expiration date, the product is unusable. The solution is prepared on the day of use; unused residues must be discarded. Stir the concentrate before diluting the solution.

Analogues of the drug

Substitutes for the “Triad” include the following drugs: “Agrotech-Garant-Super”, “Altazol”, “Alto”, “Amistar”, “Bumper Super”, “Virtuoso”, “Calibel”, “Peon”, “Propy Plus", "PropiChance", "Profi", "Skif", "Tilt", "Thymus", "Titan", "Fungisil" and others.

"Triad" is an excellent 3-component fungicide that protects grains from a complex of fungal infections, including very dangerous ones. It has an extended spectrum of control, has a strong healing and infection-preventing effect. This effect is achieved thanks to 3 triazoles contained in the composition in an optimal ratio. The fungicide has high bioactivity due to its unique shape and low dispersion. The colloidal solution is quickly absorbed into the plants and destroys the infection.When used in recommended dosages, it does not cause the development of resistance. Increases the growing season of grain crops, their productive characteristics and the quality of the harvested grain.
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