Instructions for use of the herbicide Oprichnik, its composition and principle of operation

"Oprichnik" is a post-emergence systemic herbicide that helps control various types of dicotyledonous weeds. With the help of this substance, it is possible to successfully get rid of chamomile and thistle, which often grow along with cereals. The effectiveness of the product is due to the simultaneous content of two active components. To obtain the desired results, the instructions for using the herbicide “Oprichnik” must be strictly followed.

Composition of the product

The herbicide is considered to be very effective. Its properties are due to the content of 2 active substances. These include 2-ethylhexyl ether and florasulam.These ingredients complement each other well. In addition, the product includes additional substances. They are used for a more uniform distribution of active components.

The pesticide is produced in the form of a suspension emulsion. It dissolves in water without sediment. The composition is sold in cans with a capacity of 5 liters.

What is it used for?

The substance helps to cope with annual and biennial dicotyledonous weeds. The drug effectively eliminates thickets of bedstraw, knotweed, and cornflower. With its help, it is possible to destroy field sow thistle, ragweed, various types of chamomile and many other types of weeds.

Principle of operation

2-ethylhexyl ether, which is present in the herbicide, leads to disruption of the biosynthesis of various types of proteins - enzymatic and structural. As a result, metabolic processes in weeds are disrupted.

Herbicide ingredients enter the weed through above-ground fragments.

After which they begin to actively spread in the stems and accumulate in the leaves and roots. As a result, the affected plants become covered with yellow spots, crack and die.

The main advantages of the herbicide include the following:

  • wide spectrum of action - the product copes with many weeds;
  • quick effect - the development of weeds stops within a day after treatment;
  • effectiveness in the fight against tenacious bedstraw and various types of thistle and chamomile;
  • possibility of use at temperatures of +8-25 degrees;
  • tolerance of the treated crops to the drug, subject to the rules of use;
  • low risk of developing weed resistance;
  • lack of phytotoxicity;
  • low cost.

oprichnik herbicide instructions for use

Method of use

To destroy weeds, it is necessary to prepare a working solution based on the herbicide.The suspension must be mixed with water in the sprayer tank. The solution should be prepared immediately before use, since it retains its properties for no more than 10 hours.

To make a working solution, you need to perform the following steps:

  • Pour some water into the tank.
  • Add herbicide.
  • Mix the mixture until smooth.
  • Add remaining liquid.
  • Mix all ingredients again.

It is worth spraying plants with a herbicide solution during active weed growth. In annuals, this period occurs when 2-8 true leaves appear; in perennial plants, treatment is carried out at the stage of rosette formation.

It is recommended to use the herbicide at temperatures from +8 to +25 degrees. Do not use the composition if frost is expected. Under the influence of negative temperatures, the effectiveness of the substance is significantly reduced. It is also not recommended to use the product in rainy and windy weather.

oprichnik herbicide instructions for use

In order for the herbicide to be effective, when applying it, it is important to focus on the crops that are planned to be treated:

  • Spraying of wheat, rye and barley should be carried out at the stage of tillering, emergence into the tube and formation of 5-7 leaves. This is also done at the initial stage of weed development. For 1 hectare it is worth using 200-400 liters of working fluid. The waiting period is 56 days.
  • Corn processing should be done at the stage of appearance of 3-5 leaves on the main plant and at the initial stage of weed growth. For 1 hectare it is worth using 200-400 liters of working solution - it all depends on the amount of weeds. The waiting period is 60 days.

oprichnik herbicide instructions for use

How often should you apply

The herbicide should be applied once during the season.After spraying the substance, it is forbidden to loosen the soil for the next three days. Literally an hour after applying the product, weed development stops. After a day you can see the first effect. It manifests itself in yellowing of foliage and the development of chlorosis. Complete death occurs after 2-3 weeks.

Tips and safety precautions

When using the substance, you must use personal protective equipment. While applying the herbicide, it is forbidden to drink, eat, or smoke. If the product comes into contact with the skin, rinse the affected area with plenty of water.

"Oprichnik" is a fast-acting remedy that helps quickly get rid of weeds. To achieve the desired effect, it is important to adhere to the dosage and processing time.
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