Selective herbicides are widely used in agriculture when treating gardens, fields, and flower beds against weeds. Let's consider the purpose and principle of action of Simazine, its formula and release form, rules of use and dosage according to the instructions. What medications can the product be combined with, how to store it correctly, suitable replacement medications.
Active substance and formulation
The systemic herbicide "Simazin" has a selective effect. Developed and produced by Geigy. Simazine belongs to the chlorotriazines and has an effect on weeds by stopping photosynthetic processes. The manufacturer produces it in concentrations of 50% and 80% in the form of a suspension. Packaging – 100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 l, 5 l, 10 l.
Principle of operation and purpose of the drug
"Simazin" is used to destroy mainly 1-year-old broad-leaved and cereal weeds that are in the initial stages of development. They process corn, rye and winter wheat, orchards with stone and pome crops, citrus fruits, lavender, essential oil roses, and berry bushes older than 3 years.
Simazine appears in weeds, entering them through the roots, unlike many herbicides belonging to group 2, 4-D.
Penetration of the substance into the roots occurs in the first phases of development. Approximately on the 6th day after germination, the growth of seedlings slows down, they turn yellow and then quickly die.
Instructions for use of "Simazine"
Field crops are sprayed before sowing or before crops emerge; garden, berry and citrus fruits are sprayed in early spring, before the weeds germinate, or in the fall, after mandatory plowing. Lavender and roses are sprayed in late autumn.
Consumption of "Simazin" for different crops (in kg per ha):
- corn – 1.5-6;
- winter crops – 0.25;
- gardens – 2-4;
- citrus fruits and berries – 3-6 (autumn);
- lavender and rose – 2.
Liquid consumption per 1 ha is 200-400 l. "Simazin" is used in orchards with apple and pear trees that are older than 4 years. The drug has a long period of protection; there are no weeds in the areas treated with it for 2 seasons.
Safety precautions when working with herbicide
"Simazine" is low-toxic for people and warm-blooded animals. If ingested during the day, it is excreted from the body, 65-97% in processed form. The herbicide does not harm plants when it comes into contact with leaves, twigs and trunk bark and does not damage them.
The effectiveness of the product is affected by soil moisture: the wetter the soil, the more pronounced the effect will be observed. The optimal time in the season for using the herbicide is from late April to early May, that is, before the emergence of weeds. In autumn, also apply on damp soil. You can also spray in rainy weather.
The substance simazine is absorbed by soil minerals and does not dissolve well in water. Has a low level of leaching from the soil. Decomposed by soil bacteria. Activity in the ground lasts 2-7 months. The herbicide is toxic to fish, but not dangerous to bees. Work in protective clothing, wear gloves, goggles and a respirator.
Drug compatibility
The herbicide is compatible with many pesticides when used simultaneously. But, if there is no exact information about compatibility, before mixing both products in one solution, you must first check their compatibility.
Subtleties of storage
You can store it for an unlimited period if you limit the contact of the container with water. The suspension is stored at a temperature not exceeding 35 ° C, the remaining conditions for storing the pesticide are a dark and dry room - a warehouse in which, in addition to Simazin, fertilizers and plant care preparations can be stored. Store the solution for 1 day, discard the remainder.
Analogues of the product
To treat Simazine areas, you can replace them with drugs such as Linocin, Meduron, Gesatop Quick, Topuron and Trevox.
"Simazin" refers to herbicides that have a selective effect. Guaranteed to kill weeds, protecting plants related to fruit, berry, vegetable and flower crops. It has low consumption, the effect of the drug and its symptoms can be observed a week after spraying. Simazin has several analogues with a similar effect on weeds, which can, if necessary, replace it. The herbicide has no toxic effect on plants and soil, animals and insects.