Man has long domesticated pigeons. There are many breeds of birds bred or improved by humans. However, in nature there are still several varieties of wild pigeons, each of which has its own name. Getting such a bird into your own dovecote is a great success, and in order for the birds to take root and begin to reproduce, patience, knowledge, experience and considerable financial investments are needed.
Features of forest and wild pigeons
For many peoples, pigeons are sacred birds. They are revered by Christians and Muslims, since it was the dove that became the messenger of the end of the difficult journey for Noah during the Flood, and it also carried water in its beak to give the Prophet Muhammad drink. The dove remains a symbol of peace and happiness, which is why it is customary to release them at weddings, personal and public celebrations.
The order Pigeonidae, which includes birds, has about 280-290 species. There are domestic and wild pigeons that are accustomed to being close to humans, and varieties that prefer to exist separately. These include most wild pigeons and forest species. They have their own names and are a welcome acquisition for pigeon keepers.
Species of forest birds
Pigeons living in the forest are usually smaller than their urban and domestic counterparts; the weight, depending on the species, is 200-700 grams, but some species are large in size. The bluish and brownish shades of plumage allow them to remain invisible; a huge number of varieties are distinguished, but 2 species are typical for Russia.
Wood Pigeon
A large forest bird weighing 700-950 grams, 40-45 centimeters long. The plumage is gray with a brownish tint. There are characteristic white spots on the neck and sides, the head is small with a sharp orange beak. The plumage is dark on the chest, lighter towards the paws. The male cannot be distinguished from the female by external features. The wings are large and strong, the span is 60-70 centimeters, the bird is capable of flying long distances. Wood pigeon has a second name - vityuten.
Birds nest in coniferous, deciduous and mixed forests.They are shy and prefer not to settle near people or in places that are often visited by tourists and mushroom pickers. They can hang upside down. They form small flocks for migration; when they are sedentary, they live in pairs and jointly care for their chicks.
The bird is similar to the urban rock pigeon. It is slightly smaller in size, weight is about 300 grams, body length is up to 35 centimeters. It differs from the sisar by its larger head, short tail, and light gray uniform shade of plumage. On the neck there are feathers with a characteristic greenish tint. The legs and beak are red at the base, the tip of the beak is yellowish. The bird is careful and settles in deciduous forests and groves.
Types of wild pigeons
There are many varieties of wild pigeons in nature, some of them have a nondescript color and unremarkable appearance, others have bright colors and an exotic appearance.
Rock pigeon has been adjacent to humans for a long time. It can be found on rural streets and city squares. Wild sisars fly better, but in appearance they are absolutely identical to their urban relatives. The bird has a small head with a dark beak and white wax. The wings are wide at the base, sharp at the ends, and have dark stripes on them. The neck has iridescent plumage, it contains green, lilac and reddish shades. The chest is light gray, the wings and tail are darker in color, and the tail has a dark border.
Sisaris can reach high speeds in flight, up to 160 kilometers, which is beyond the power of their urban relatives.
Sometimes this is what the wood pigeon is called - a bird lost in the branches of trees really seems gray. Although its color is gray with a brownish tint.
Externally rock pigeon very similar to the urban sizar, the difference is that wild rock pigeons are more agile, they fly better and faster. They prefer to settle in caves, on rocks, in gorges, away from human habitation.
This species also prefers to live on rocks. The white-breasted bird is similar in size to the sisar, it can be distinguished by its dark gray or black head, the neck and chest are light, almost white, for which the birds got their name. The wings and tail are darker, and the tail has a white border. The beak is dark, the paws are red.
Turtle Dove
A small graceful bird, weighing from 120 to 300 grams. The plumage, depending on the species, is brown, coffee or bluish-ashy in color, there are characteristic white and black stripes on the neck, and a black beak. The bird has long been considered a symbol of fidelity and love. It is found in forests, but often settles within cities, closer to people. Some breeds of doves (for example, diamondback) are kept only at home. Such a bird is small in size, no more than 20 centimeters, with a weight of 50 grams.
Exotic wild pigeons
Pigeons are distributed throughout the world. Sometimes they have a completely unusual appearance and color for us. Such birds are a decoration and a source of special pride for pigeon keepers if they manage to get them into their own collection.
Australia is the habitat of this wild pigeon. A small bird of a motley red color with a long crest on its head, it settles exclusively on the ground. Chooses arid, rocky areas to live. The length of the bird is 20-23 centimeters, weight does not exceed 100 grams.The bird's beak and paws are black, with a red border around its golden eyes.
Treron vernans
A very beautiful bird with exotic colors. Length – 25-30 centimeters, weight – 100-160 grams. The pigeon has a bluish head, upper back and chest. The front of the neck and the lower part of the breast are pink, the lower part of the body is greenish or yellow. The wings are green with a dark brown border, the same dark border on the tail. The homeland of these pigeons is Southeast Asia; they are common in Thailand, Vietnam, and the Philippines. They live in forests and mangroves.
A large bird, the last representative of its kind. A necklace of long feathers around the neck, shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow, distinguishes this variety of pigeons. The head is an ash-blue shade, the chest and lower part of the body are the same color. The length of the bird is 40-45 centimeters, weight is up to 600 grams, so the pigeon flies little and spends most of its time on the ground.
fan crowned
Another heavy representative of the pigeon family. The weight of the bird can reach 2.5 kilograms, length – up to 75 centimeters. This is an endangered species; birds were often exterminated for the sake of tasty meat, and their natural habitat was destroyed. Crowned pigeons live in New Guinea, later they were brought to Australia and New Zealand.
The birds' heads are crowned with a fan-shaped crown of feathers. The color of birds can be blue, light gray or chestnut, depending on the type of bird. Wings with a wide white stripe. Pigeons nest in trees and spend most of their lives on the ground in search of food.
Bicolor fruity
These birds are found in South Asia, Africa, and Indonesia. The length of the birds is 30-45 centimeters. Depending on the species, they are black and white, gray-pink with green wings, and gray-black.They live on the tops of trees. They feed on berries and fruit pulp.
All types of pigeons are unpretentious in keeping; exotic varieties in our conditions require additional heating of the room.
They eat almost the same; their diet includes:
- grains;
- plants' seeds;
- fresh grass.
The exceptions are the two-colored fruit and Treron vernans, these birds prefer the pulp of fresh fruits (peaches, apricots, grapes).
Breeding and keeping pigeons - an interesting activity that is regaining its former popularity. The variety of species, the beauty of flight, the exotic plumage - every pigeon keeper finds its own charms in pichugas; for most, this is a lifelong hobby.