Breeding pigeons is a hobby that has not lost its popularity over the centuries. Beauty, the abundance of different breeds, the opportunity to observe the behavior of birds - all this adds to the attractiveness of an unusual hobby. The presence of a crowned pigeon in a flock is the dream of many pigeon keepers; the bird is an endangered species, the combination of rarity and beauty makes it a particularly desirable acquisition.
Appearance and features
The crowned pigeon is the largest bird of the order Pigeonidae.The bird's weight reaches 2.5 kilograms, length - about 70 centimeters. The upper part of the body is covered with bright blue or light blue plumage, the lower part is chestnut-brown. There is a transverse white stripe on the wings.
Important: the crowned pigeon is an independent genus of birds; its closest relatives are the extinct desert birds and dodo birds.
The three existing subspecies are similar in appearance; Birds differ in their habitat. There are: blue-crested, fan-crested and chestnut-breasted varieties. The crowned pigeon was discovered in 1819; for a long time it was considered an artificially bred and wild variety of pigeons, but this theory turned out to be erroneous.
It is 3 times larger than a pigeon's head. The fan-crested pigeon has a crest with triangular tassels at the ends, the blue-crested species does not have such tassels, the crest is bright, similar to a fluffy fan. The chestnut variety is distinguished by its plumage, its crest is gray, with characteristic tassels, and the color of the feathers is brown.
Its impressive size, blue, blue, and chestnut plumage make it noticeable, and its friendly disposition allows it to settle next to a person. An albino of this species has not been described, but since any animals and birds can be albinos, it is possible that a snowbird lives somewhere.White dove with a charming crest on their head, although they usually do not survive in nature.
Habitats of the crowned pigeon
The crowned fan pigeon lives in Australia, where it is considered a symbol of peace and, according to beliefs, protects the aborigines from wars; in New Guinea and on the adjacent islands there are all varieties of the bird.
Settles in low-lying humid forests, wetlands, and mangroves. It has large wings and flies well. The pigeon is an endangered species and is listed in the International Red Book. Man invades its natural habitat and destroys it because of its beautiful feathers. Small groups of crowned pigeons can settle next to humans near fruit plantations.
What does a bird eat?
In their natural habitat, the diet of birds includes plant fruits, grains, and plant roots. They find food on the ground; occasionally they can feast on worms or other insects.
At home, food should be balanced and varied, it includes:
- grain mixtures (chopped legumes, corn, sunflower, wheat, millet, rye);
- snails crushed together with the shell;
- mealworms;
- small shrimp;
- chopped vegetables and fruits;
- cottage cheese;
- hard-boiled chicken eggs, crushed together with the shell.
Crowned pigeons are suitable for bird of paradise food mixtures because they have similar habitats and food preferences.
Character and lifestyle
Birds are diurnal; they are active during daylight hours and sleep at night. The birds spend most of the day on the ground, looking for food; when in danger, they fly up to tree branches, loudly flapping their wings and making a lot of noise.Crowned pigeons often settle in small groups next to a person; they are not afraid of people and show themselves in all their glory, walking importantly and with their crest fully unfolded. Farms and fruit plantations are a constant source of food.
Social structure and reproduction
Crowned pigeons mate for life; if one bird of the pair dies, the second remains alone. When courting its girlfriend, the dove makes sounds reminiscent of a drum roll, or gently purrs, spending a lot of time with the chosen one, and together with her choosing a place for the nest. Young birds create small groups, those who have found a mate stay apart, the dove tenderly cares for the dove.
Large birds fly little, usually walk on the ground or perch on the lower branches of trees. Having determined the place of the future nesting site, the birds sit on it together, letting their relatives know that the place is occupied by a pair. The nest is built at a height of 7-10 meters. In mid-autumn, the dove lays 1 egg, and occasionally there may be 2 eggs.
The baby emerges from the egg after 4 weeks of incubation. The female is in the nest at night, the male incubates the egg during the day. After birth, the chick depends on its parents for 1-1.5 months, by the end of this time it begins to fly and becomes independent.
Natural enemies
They have no natural enemies among animals. Only in New Zealand, where crowned pigeons were brought at the beginning of the twentieth century, did stoats begin to destroy their nests. Occasionally, bats attack chicks. For adult birds, only humans are dangerous.
People catch birds for their beautiful plumage and tasty meat. Man occupies the usual habitats of birds. This is why the number of birds in the world is constantly declining.
Population and species status
Crowned pigeons are rare and endangered species. The largest population of birds, numbering about 10,000 individuals, lives in New Guinea. From there they were brought to Australia and New Zealand. Today they are raised on farms, then sold to zoos around the world or fulfill private orders. The meat of these pigeons is considered a delicacy; their large size allows them to be raised for gastronomic purposes. The appearance of crowned pigeon chicks in zoos is rare and is a great success.
Crowned dove and man
Man is the main enemy of this bird. He exterminates birds for the sake of tasty meat and beautiful feathers. Destruction of forests, mangroves, and drainage of swamps leads to a decrease in population. However, the farms created today for raising crowned pigeons and the laws protecting these birds give hope for the preservation of the species.
In captivity, a pigeon lives 15-20 years, under the right conditions. They need warmth, balanced nutrition and spacious enclosures. They can be purchased by pre-order from the country of residence. The cost of one bird reaches 60 thousand dollars.
Interesting Facts
Pigeons stop caring for the chick as soon as it begins to fly; they become adults at 2 years old. Since the parents incubate the egg together, if one of them dies, the chick also dies. Large birds love to pose for the camera and often show off in front of people if they do not feel threatened.
Any person who is seriously involved in breeding rare breeds of pigeons dreams of having a crowned pigeon in his collection. Some manage to create the necessary conditions for birds and even get offspring, but to achieve this, extensive knowledge and experience are needed.