Causes of bacterial burn on a pear, treatment with antibiotics and drugs
A microscopic gram-negative bacterium, having arrived in Europe along with seedlings of fruit crops or flowers, quickly became
Description and characteristics of the August dew pear variety, ripening time, planting and care
Choosing a variety is a responsible matter. The summer resident studies the information and makes a choice. Purchasing Augustovskaya pears
Description and characteristics of the pear variety Conference, planting and care
Gardeners have been growing conference pears for over 100 years. This is an autumn commercial variety developed in England.
Description and characteristics of the Chizhovskaya pear variety, planting and care
Summer residents often grow pear trees on their property. Before planting any variety, gardeners
Description and characteristics of the Forest Beauty pear variety, planting and care
The Forest Beauty pear has been grown for centuries. The first seedlings were discovered in a Belgian forest
Description and characteristics of the Veles pear variety, planting and care
Gardeners who grow pears look for varieties that meet the needs and wishes of the family. Veles pears have
Why does a pear seedling grow and take root poorly, what to do
A gardener cultivating fruit trees on his property is faced with growing problems. He wonders what
Description and characteristics of the pear variety Talgarskaya Krasavitsa, planting and care
Specialists from the Kazakh Institute of Horticulture worked on breeding the Talgarka pear. When pollinating Forest Beauty seeds
Description and characteristics of the Yakovlev Memory pear variety, planting and care
For a long time, pears were grown only in the southern regions, because gardeners believed that the crop was inconvenient
Description and characteristics of the Severyanka pear variety, types and cultivation rules
The name of the pear is not accidental; Severyanka is a frost-resistant hybrid intended for northern regions with cold climates.
What to do if aphids appear on a pear, how to treat it and how to get rid of it
Pear and other fruit plants are often affected by various diseases. The productivity of trees depends on this
How to properly propagate a pear using green cuttings and other methods in summer and spring
Growing a pear in a garden plot, gardeners come to the conclusion that the tree needs to be propagated. All


