Description and characteristics of the pear variety Conference, planting and care

Gardeners have been growing conference pears for over 100 years. This is an autumn commercial variety developed in England. It is intended for countries with warm climates, where summers are warm, autumns are long, and winters are mild. Climatic factors influence productivity. The sweetest fruits grow if the summer is warm and humid.

Description and characteristics of pear Conference

The height of the tree depends on the type of scion. Conference cuttings are grafted onto tall varieties of pears or quince. In the first case, trees 5-8 meters high grow from seedlings, in the second - lower trees, 2-4 meters high. The crown shape is wide-pyramidal. It is thick, a lot of leaves are formed on the branches.

The frost resistance of buds and shoots is average, so gardeners should know where this variety can grow in Russia. The southern regions of the country (Crimea, Krasnodar Territory) are suitable for cultivation; in the Moscow region it will freeze.

Attempts to acclimatize the Conference to the cold climate of the middle zone end in failure.

Everyone knows the sweet taste of the fruit. They are always on sale in markets and supermarkets. Not everyone thinks about where they are brought to Russia from. The supplier can be either China or a European country (Moldova, Poland). Harvesting takes place in September-October. In cold summers, the harvest dates shift to the end of October, in warm summers - to the end of September.

Characteristics of pear fruits Conference:

  • the pulp is granular, light yellow (cream), sweet taste, containing a large amount of juice;
  • weight from 100 to 250 g;
  • pear-shaped, elongated shape;
  • the skin is colored green, covered with brown spots.

pear conference

The pears are one-dimensional, hang firmly on the stalks and do not fall off. A tasting assessment of taste qualities was carried out; according to its results, the Conference received a score of 4.8. The fruits have a table purpose, are stored for a long time, and are transported well. They are preferred to be consumed fresh or for making desserts.

Suitable region and climate

Information about the Conference pear can be found in the State Register. The variety was included in 2014. There is only one admission region - the North Caucasus. It includes:

  • Stavropol, Krasnodar regions;
  • Rostov region;
  • republics of the Caucasus.

pear conference

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Description of advantages List of disadvantages
Yield indicators (stability, volume) Shoots and buds freeze slightly if the winter temperature drops below -20 °C
Taste Good weather is required to produce tasty fruits
Stains on the skin impair presentation
No pollinators needed Low resistance to fungal pathogens
Long-term storage, during which the fruits do not lose their consumer properties

Landing rules

The tree can bear fruit without pollinators; the pollen of the variety is viable. Conference seedlings are planted in the same way as other varieties of pears in sunny places.

pear conference

Selection of seedlings

When purchasing a seedling, a thorough inspection of all parts is carried out. External signs of a healthy plant:

  • three skeletal branches;
  • root length is at least 30 cm;
  • the trunk is covered with smooth bark.

To restore the overdried root system, the seedlings are placed in a container with water overnight before planting. If planting is delayed for a long time, the roots are dipped in mash. It is kneaded from clay, manure, water in a ratio of 1:2:6.

Landing dates

The plant is thermophilic. It is grown in warm climates, so Conference seedlings are planted in spring and fall. The requirement for precise planting dates determines the presence of sap flow. It should be missing.

pear conference

Conditions for pear

Conference seedlings are planted only in sunny areas with low groundwater levels. Among the soils, pear prefers loose loams, chernozems, and forest gray soils. For Conference pear, the optimal soil pH level is 5 to 6.5.

The culture does not like cold northern winds. Seedlings planted in a draft take a long time to take root and develop slowly.

Distance standards

In amateur gardens, Conference pears are planted 5 meters from tall buildings and other trees.When planting a large number of seedlings, adhere to the 3 x 6 meter pattern. In industrial gardens, a denser planting of 2.5 x 3.5 m is used.

pear conference

Step by step process

The pear tree is long-lived, so a lot of attention is paid to preparing the planting site. The composition of the soil for backfilling the planting hole is improved. Sandy soil is made heavier by adding clay, heavy soil is loosened with peat. To increase fertility add:

  • humus;
  • superphosphate;
  • ash.

Pits are dug with a diameter of 0.8 m, a depth of 0.6 to 0.8 m. On light soil, its volume should not be less than 1.5 m³. Before planting, pour a 10 cm layer of drainage (gravel, crushed stone, pebbles) or clay if the soil is sandy. From the prepared soil mixture, a hill is formed in the center of the hole. Immediately drive a stake to secure the young plant.

pear conference

The seedling is placed next to the support, the roots are spread along the sides of the mound and covered tightly with soil mixture. The root collar is not buried. It should be above the ground (5-7 cm). The trunk of the tree is tied to a support with a soft rope. A hole is formed around it. Fill it with water. Watering is repeated after the water is absorbed and the soil settles. The tree trunk circle is mulched with humus. The skeletal branches of the seedling are shortened by ⅓ length and the central shoot to a height of 0.6-0.8 m.

Self-fertility and pollinators

The self-fertility of the Conference variety is 40%. Fruit set is increased by planting pears in the garden that bloom at the same time as the Conference:

  • Chizhovskaya;
  • Williams;
  • Clapp's favorite;
  • Good Louise;
  • Bere.

pear conference

The variety itself is a pollinator for some varietal pears; it is planted next to Kucheryanka, Striyskaya, and Goverla.

Pear care

The better the care is organized, the higher the yield of pear Conference.

Irrigation rules and regulations

The variety does not like drought - the fruits become smaller and the taste suffers. Due to drying out of the soil, the tree may drop its ovary (fruits). From spring to autumn, the Conference is watered up to 12 times. Their frequency and abundance depend on weather conditions. In industrial gardens, drip irrigation is organized. At the dacha, single trees are moistened with a hose. To save water, tree trunk circles are mulched. To increase the winter hardiness of the fruit tree, abundant moisture-recharging watering is carried out in October-November.

watering pears

Adding Nutrients

Young pears are not fed for the first 2 years. During this period, organic and mineral fertilizers placed in the hole during planting work. Starting from three years, the Conference is fed annually.

Season Name of the product Method of application
In early spring Urea Dry granules around the perimeter of the tree trunk, consumption 20 g/m²
Humus Sprinkle the tree trunk circle, use about 1 bucket per 1 m²
Mass flowering Boric acid solution (0.2 g/l) Spraying on the leaf
3 feedings from June to August Mullein infusion Dilute with water in a ratio of 1:10, consumption 1 l/m²
Potassium monophosphate 20 g dissolved in water (10 l), one bucket is designed for 1 m² of tree trunk circle
Autumn Superphosphate Dry granules are scattered around the tree trunk, 30 g/m² are consumed, the soil is then loosened and watered

fertilizer for pear

Crown molding

The crown is formed during the first 5 years. For the Conference on tall scions, a sparse-tiered form is recommended. If the seedling is received grafting on quince, then adhere to the principles of cupping. If Conference pears are grown on a trellis, then the crown is formed in the form of a palmette. Regulatory pruning is carried out to maintain the desired crown density. It is especially relevant for trees on low-growing scions. It is held in the spring. Excess shoots directed into the crown are cut out.

In summer, young shoots are minted (shortened by 5 cm). This method stimulates the formation of an additional number of fruit branches, which works for next year’s harvest. Sanitary pruning is carried out in late autumn and early spring. All damaged shoots are cut out from the tree.

pear conference

Preparing for winter

They grow the Conference pear in the south. The winters there are not harsh, but they are dangerous due to thaws. While the tree is young, the trunk is covered with reeds, spruce branches or burlap for the winter. Covering materials must allow air to pass through so that the trunk of a young tree does not dry out during thaws.

Possible diseases and probable pests

Pear Conference needs preventive measures. In their absence, there is a risk of disease. Trees can infect:

  • moniliosis;
  • rust;
  • sooty fungus.

pear moniliosis

The recommended work scheme is given in the table.

Season Type of work
Autumn Cleaning the area of ​​plant debris and roots of perennial weeds
Whitewashing of skeletal branches, trunk
Digging row spacing
Treatment of crowns and trunk circles with a 3% solution of copper sulfate
Spring (early) Treating the crown with a pesticide solution
Hunting belts are put on the trunks

Among the insect pests that attack the conference pear are:

  • flower beetle;
  • codling moth;
  • aphid.

Harvest and storage

In mid-September, fruits that have reached technical ripeness begin to be harvested. They are torn off with their hands along with the petioles. Up to 45 kg are harvested from one fruiting tree. When stored in a cool room, the taste of the pulp reveals itself for the better. It becomes grainy and sweet.

Storage requirements:

  • use wooden and plastic containers;
  • maintain the air temperature around 2 °C;
  • indoor humidity is about 85%.

If the above conditions are met, Conference pear fruits can be stored for 5 months. Amateur gardeners obtain stable pear yields from the Conference with high-quality care for fruit trees. The correct choice of planting site has a great influence on the longevity of a tree.
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