Instructions for use of Alphos Mole fumigation tablets and dosage

"Alphos Krot" is a fumigant insecticide that helps protect vegetables, grains and flowers from various pests. The composition repels moles, gophers, hamsters, rats and mice. The product is used to disinfect cereal stocks in warehouses. It helps against weevils and ticks. The composition is also used against ants and flies. It is important to follow the instructions for use of Alphos Krota.

Composition and release form of the drug "Alphos Krot"

This composition is produced in the form of fumigation tablets.The substance is considered one of the most effective anti-mole compounds. Alphos gas is considered the active component of the substance. It is aluminum phosphide.

Operating principle and purpose

When in contact with moisture underground, the tablets begin to synthesize a caustic gas that has an unpleasant odor. The substance spreads up to 4 meters. Its effect lasts for several days.

The pungent aroma clogs the mole's nose - this organ of smell in moles is very sensitive. As a result, the animals are forced to flee the site. After about 2-3 days there will be no moles left. Gas tablets are often used for preventive purposes. This must be done if there are rodents in neighboring areas. The drug is effective not only against moles. It can be used to combat the following categories of parasites:

  • rats;
  • hamsters;
  • mice;
  • gophers.

Alphos mole instructions for use

With the help of the substance it is possible to protect vegetables, cereals, and flower plants from rodents. The drug can also be used to disinfect grain stocks that are stored in warehouses. This helps protect them from ticks and weevils. The drug successfully copes with flies, ants and other parasites.

Advantages and disadvantages

Insecticidal tablets have many advantages:

  • the substance helps fight rodents and insects;
  • the composition protects cereals, flowers and vegetables from moles;
  • The substance has a rapid action.

However, the drug also has some disadvantages. The key disadvantage is the toxic effect. The product is dangerous if it enters the body. It can cause serious poisoning of the body.

Alphos mole instructions for use

Another disadvantage is the need to strictly comply with processing requirements. This should be done in dry and windless weather.

Dosage and use of the drug

For the use of a substance to be effective, it is necessary to focus on the object of treatment. To get rid of moles, mole rats, and hamsters, it is recommended to remove the molehill with a shovel. This is done before the hole appears. Then place the composition in the hole to a depth of 20 centimeters and sprinkle with soil. To achieve quick results, it is necessary to treat all molehills.

You can also water the mound made by the mole. As a result, the soil will subside and the wormhole will be completely exposed. At this stage, you need to put the Alphos Krota tablet and push it with a stick to the bottom of the hole. Perform similar actions for all mole hillocks.

To destroy ants and other soil parasites, the tablet should be placed in an anthill. It is recommended to do this directly in areas where parasites accumulate at a depth of about 10 centimeters.

Alphos mole instructions for use

To destroy mites, weevils, and aphids, you need to use 3 tablets per 1 ton of grain. In this case, it must be covered with film for 2 days.

It is important to consider that the drug cannot be combined with insecticidal substances, since its effect may be enhanced by exposure to carbon dioxide.

The rate of exposure of the composition depends on the gas content, air temperature, type of parasites, and soil structure. Processing must be done in the morning. It is important to ensure that there is no wind. Do not apply the composition immediately after precipitation. If the application mode is followed, the composition does not have a negative effect on the germination parameters of seeds of different types of crops.

Precautionary measures

The drug is suitable for limited use. If it enters the digestive system or respiratory organs, it is very dangerous.When using the composition, do not pollute water bodies or food sources. The area needs to be treated in the morning. This is done only in calm weather.

Alphos mole instructions for use

The product belongs to the second hazard class. If the composition enters the body, there is a high probability of acute intoxication. In such a situation, you need to immediately consult a doctor. If the composition gets into the respiratory system, it is necessary to remove the person from the danger zone.

All work related to the use of the drug must be carried out using protective equipment. Drinking, eating or smoking is prohibited during work. After completing the procedures, the face and hands must be washed with soap.

The substance must be kept in a dry and cool place. This is done separately from medicines and food. It is important to keep the substance out of the reach of children and animals.

Interaction with other substances

The product cannot be combined with insecticides. Under the influence of carbon dioxide, the effect of Alphos Krot may be enhanced.

Alphos mole instructions for use

Storage conditions and periods

Open packaging with the drug cannot be stored. After using the product, it must be disposed of. It is dealt with in the same way as household waste. If you follow the recommendations of specialists, the shelf life of the substance is not limited.

What can be replaced?

Effective analogues of the product include the following:

  1. Detia is a biological substance that is produced in the form of balls soaked in essential oils.
  2. “Phostoxin” – the active component of the drug is considered to be aluminum phosphide. According to the mechanism of action, the drug is completely identical to Alphos Krot.
  3. Klaus - the composition is produced in the form of a liquid concentrate, which is made based on castor bean and citronella oils.

"Alphos Mole" is an effective remedy that helps cope with many pests. In order for the use of the drug to produce results, you must strictly follow the instructions.
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