Flonamid is called an effective insecticidal drug. It successfully copes with aphids and other sucking parasites. In addition, the substance has a rapid action. It provokes a cessation of nutrition within half an hour after the procedure. After which, for 1 month it is possible to completely get rid of the problems. The indisputable advantage of the product is the absence of negative effects on beneficial insects.
Description and mechanism of action of flonicamid
The substance belongs to the chemical category of pyridinecarboxamides. According to its mechanism of action, it is considered a modulator of chordotonal organs.The composition stops feeding sensitive parasites immediately after use. The substance is characterized by pronounced systemic and translaminar activity. It quickly moves along the leaves of crops and provides a reliable and long-lasting protective effect.
What is the active substance effective against?
The drug successfully copes with aphids and parasites from the order Homoptera. It can be used to process plums, apple trees, pears, and peaches.
Preparations containing flonicamid
Today there are many effective products on sale that include this active ingredient. They have many advantages.
This insecticidal preparation successfully copes with aphids and other parasites. The substance has an anti-feeding effect. It instantly stops the parasites from feeding. This occurs within half an hour after spraying. The effect of the substance continues throughout the day.
The drug is ideal for integrated protection circuits. It has no impact on beneficial insects and poses virtually no threat to pollinators.
The drug stops feeding parasites immediately after spraying. The substance has a unique mechanism of action. Thanks to this, pests do not develop resistance to the composition.
This substance has no effect on beneficial insects and poses little threat to pollinators.The composition has low consumption rates. This helps save the drug and prevent its negative impact on the environment.
The substance perfectly complements integrated protective circuits. This helps complement standard lepidopteran and coleopteran control. The composition is highly effective against aphids. It also helps to cope with many representatives of the order Homoptera. These include coccids, whiteflies, and scale insects. In addition, the substance destroys leafhoppers and psyllids.
The active component of the drug is a modulator of chordontal organs. They are elements of stretch receptors in parasites and help determine the location of the antennae. The composition transforms mechanical vibration into an impulse and promotes its transmission to the ganglia of parasites. This entails their death.
The substance is highly effective. Therefore, it can be used to destroy a whole range of pests. In addition, the composition is allowed to be used for preventive purposes.
There are several dosage options. They depend on the activity of the parasites and the crops being treated. The effect on pests begins half an hour after spraying. However, insects often remain on crops for up to 5 days without causing harm.
During the season it is recommended to carry out a maximum of 3 treatments. This frequency should not be exceeded, as there is a risk of resistance developing. The minimum interval between sprayings should be 1 week.
The drug begins to act quickly enough and helps to cope with a whole range of harmful insects. The maximum effect can be achieved 6-7 days after spraying.
The composition can be combined with other pesticides or chemicals. The exception is highly alkaline drugs. When preparing tank mixtures with other substances, it is important to evaluate their compatibility. To do this, it is recommended to make a little solution.
The drug successfully copes with a large number of sucking pests. With its help, it is possible to destroy aphids, mealybugs, whiteflies, and thrips. The mechanism of action of the product is unique. Thanks to this, it is possible to avoid the development of parasite resistance.
In addition, the composition is considered low-toxic and evaporates slightly. This helps to use it to solve different problems. It is recommended to spray until the drops drain.
Flonamid is considered an effective remedy that helps cope with a variety of harmful insects. It is important to choose the right drug and carefully study the instructions for it.