Instructions for use of Fufanon and insecticide composition, consumption rates

The use of insecticides on crops and agricultural crops allows you to control the proliferation of pests and their appearance on the site. Let's consider the composition, purpose, mechanism of operation of "Fufanon", how to use it for treating trees and shrubs and against certain types of pests. What safety measures need to be observed, what to combine the drug with, rules for its storage and replacement.

Active substance and formulation

The registrant and manufacturer of Fufanon, the company Keminova A/S, produces the insecticide in the form of an emulsion concentrate with the active substance malathion in an amount of 570 g per 1 liter of the finished product. The liquid is poured into 5 liter canisters. The drug belongs to the FOS, has a contact and intestinal effect.

Purpose of the product

"Fufanon" is intended to protect many crops from common and dangerous pests. It is sprayed with grains, flax, fruit trees and non-fruit-bearing orchards, currants, alfalfa and clover, sainfoin, and sea buckthorn cuttings. Aphids and thrips, codling moths, cutworms, mites, weevils, and leaf rollers are subject to destruction. As well as scale insects and sawflies, copperheads, gall midges, moths, moths, bugs and moths.

Principle of operation

While in the body of pests, malathion turns into its analogue, malaoxone, which has higher activity and toxicity to insects. In their body it breaks down more slowly than in warm-blooded animals, which leads to their death.

medicine for plants

Pests develop addiction if this insecticide is used frequently, and generations are born that are resistant to malathion and other OPs. Resistant insects and mites have the ability to break down the active ingredient into non-toxic products. Malathion is destroyed by malathion oxidase, an enzyme produced in the body of insects.

If you use Fufanon in open beds, the period of its protective effect will be short, since malathion is destroyed by water and air. But it is quickly removed from plants and does not change the taste and smell of fruits, vegetables, and berries.The duration of action of the insecticide in the open air is 5-7 days, in a greenhouse – 10 days.

fufanon for berries

Instructions for use and consumption rate of the drug "Fufanon"

Let's consider the use of an insecticide on fruit and berry crops to kill aphids, bedbugs and cockroaches.

Processing berry bushes

The application rate for spraying bushes is 1-2.6 liters per hectare. Malathion, which is included in the composition, kills moths, aphids, scale insects, leaf rollers, sawflies and gall midges on berry bushes. A single spraying of the solution is carried out, using 400-600 liters per hectare of plantings. The waiting period before picking berries is at least 20 days.

woman in the garden

Use against aphids

To prevent pests of this type, “Fufanon” is sprayed on grains, fruits, shrubs and forage grasses. The treatment is also carried out in a garden that does not bear fruit. Application rate:

  • cereals – 0.5-1.2;
  • fruit – 1;
  • shrubs – 1-2.6;
  • forage grasses – 0.2-0.6;
  • sea ​​buckthorn – 1-1.4.

Product consumption for grains and herbs is 200-400 liters, for sea buckthorn in a school - 500-800 liters. The number of sprays is from 1 to 3, the waiting period is 20 days. People are allowed to work with treated plants no earlier than after 10 days.

treat bushes

Fruit trees

For each hectare of garden, a solution is prepared at the rate of 1 liter of the drug. For fruit-bearing gardens, the product consumption is 600-1500 l with double treatment, for non-fruit-bearing gardens - 1000-1500 l (up to 4 sprayings are carried out). In gardens, you can use a similar insecticide - Fufanon-Nova, which also contains malathion, but in smaller quantities - 440 g per 1 liter. Its application rate: for pome fruits – 13 ml per 10 l, for stone fruits – 11.5 ml per 10 l. Consumption – 2-5 liters per plant, depending on its size.

From bedbugs

Fufanon is also used against household pests – bedbugs.The product should be diluted in a concentration of 6.5 ml per 5 liters of water. The solution penetrates the insects through the integument after spraying. Malathion blocks the central nervous system and causes inevitable death. The drug does not affect eggs, so you will have to treat the room a second time after a new generation of pests appears. The active effect of the product is observed within 2 hours after application, but it continues to act for another 3-4 weeks. After treatment, you need to wash bedding, wipe down furniture and beds.

dead bugs

From cockroaches

The insecticide "Fufanon" is used to destroy red, ashy and American cockroaches. It is diluted in concentrations of 11, 15 and 20 ml per 1 liter of water. Consumption rate – 100 ml per square meter. m. The treatment is done immediately in all rooms where insects live.

For indoor plants, the insecticide is diluted in a concentration of 1 ml per 1 liter of water. Sprayed against spider mites and other pests. Plants are sprayed, wetting both surfaces of the leaves, and left until the liquid dries completely.

Safety precautions when using pesticide

“Fufanon”, in terms of toxicity, belongs to class 3 insecticides for humans and bees. Malathion is dangerous for fish and aquatic organisms, so it should not be used in gardens and fields located near water bodies. It is not advisable to spray trees during flowering.


When working, use protective equipment - gloves, goggles and a respirator. Wear long sleeves. After work, wash your hands with soap, and if the product gets into your eyes or skin, rinse them with water.

What is compatible with

Fufanon can be mixed with pesticides, but in practice it is used separately from other products, since it is quite effective in itself.Before preparing general treatment products, you should first conduct a compatibility test: mix a small volume of solutions of both pesticides and, if there is no chemical reaction, you can prepare a general solution based on them.

Storage rules

"Fufanon" can be stored for 2 years at temperatures from -20 to + 30 degrees. Other storage conditions: dark and dry place, limit access to the insecticide to people and animals. Do not place food, medicines, or household products nearby.

types of packaging


Malathion is also contained in other insecticides for agriculture: “Bunchuk”, “Karbofot”, “Iskra-M”, “Aliot”, “Karbofos”, “Fufanon Expert”, “Novaktion”. The following drugs can be used on private farms: Inta-Ts-M, Karbotsin, Iskra M, Fufanon-Nova, Aliot, Profilaktin, Antiklesch.

Fufanon is effective against many types of harmful insects and mites. It has not only a contact, but also a fumigant effect. Effective over a wide temperature range. Mixes with other pesticides. Shows good results in the fight against insects resistant to pyrethroids. Destroys pests belonging to different families on a variety of crops. It is used throughout the entire period of growing plants, both in beds and in the greenhouse.
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