Leaf-gnawing and sucking insects damage many types of crops. To combat them, it is convenient to use insecticides with almost universal action. Let's consider the purpose and action of "Rogor", the composition and form of release, the rate of application and consumption of the solution. How to work with the drug according to safety precautions, what it can be combined with, what it can be replaced with and how to store it correctly.
Preparative form and active substance of the drug
"Rogor" is produced by Agro Expert Group LLC as a concentrated emulsion, in 10 liter canisters. The intestinal and contact insecticide contains 1 active substance - dimethoate in an amount of 400 g per 1 liter.
How does it work and what is Rogor needed for?
Dimethoate is distributed over the treated plants, protecting the growing parts of the crop from damage by pests. In their body, the substance inhibits cholinesterase, inhibits breathing and heart function. Due to the contact effect of the insecticide, those pests that are affected by the solution die; sucking insects die after feeding on the juice of the sprayed plants.
Remains active over a wide temperature range. Does not cause resistance. Kills insects that are resistant to pyrethroids and neonicotinoids. The death of pests occurs within 1-6 hours after spraying.
Consumption rate and use of the product
"Rogor" is used on grains and legumes, fruits, beets, mustard, rapeseed, vegetables, potatoes, alfalfa, flax, hemp, kenaf, currants and raspberries, lupine.
According to the instructions for use, the norm for different crops looks like this (in l per hectare):
- wheat – 1-1.5;
- barley, rye, oats – 1;
- legumes, alfalfa and vegetables for seeds – 0.5-1;
- apple, pear – 0.8-2;
- apple tree from flower beetle – 1.5;
- beets and fiber flax – 0.5-0.9;
- mustard, rapeseed – 0.6;
- potatoes from aphids – 2-2.25;
- moth control potatoes – 1.5-2;
- hemp – 1.2-2;
- kenaf – 1.5;
- currants – 1.2-1.6;
- raspberries – 0.6-1.2;
- lupine – 0.8.
Frequency of treatment - 1 or 2, waiting period - 20 or 30 days, for fruit - 40 days.Consumption for crops is different: for mustard and rapeseed - 100-200 l per ha, for fruits - 1000-1500 l per ha, against flower beetle - 800-1000 l per ha, for currants and raspberries - 600-1200 l per ha, for all other crops – 200-400 liters per hectare.
Safety precautions when working with the drug
"Rogor" in terms of toxicity level belongs to drugs with class 3 for humans and 1 for bees. Gardens should not be treated during flowering; the poisonous effect on bees lasts 2 weeks after spraying. It is also toxic to fish, so it should not be used near water bodies and fish farms.
Work with the product in protective clothing, wear gloves, goggles and a respirator. Do not remove them until work is completed. Afterwards you need to wash your hands and face with soap. Wash off the solution from the skin if it gets on the body, rinse the eyes with plenty of water if splashes get into them. You can start working on sprayed areas 10 days after treatment (for all crops).
What is compatible with?
Do not mix Rogor and sulfonylurea herbicides in the same container. Can be combined with fungicides and insecticides, fertilizers, except those containing sulfur and having an alkaline reaction.
Terms and conditions of storage
"Rogor" can be stored for 2 years at a temperature of 0-30 ° C, in a dark, dry warehouse for pesticides and fertilizers. Store liquid only in original canisters with closed lids. Do not store food, medicines, or household products nearby. The solution can be stored for only 1 day.
In terms of dimethoate, analogues of “Rogor” include the following drugs: “Alfa-Director”, “Bi-58”, “Danadim”, “Dimethoate-400”, “Dishance”, “Binom”, “Kinfos”, “Binadin”, “Dimetus” ", "Terradim", "Dimefos", "Evrodim", "Tibor", "Bishka", "Sirocco", "Di-68", "Tod", "Landing", "Fostran", "Dimet", "Tagore ", "Ditox", "Rangoli-Duncan" and "Dimetron". All of them are used in agricultural fields and gardens.
"Rogor" is an insecticide that has a wide spectrum of action. Destroys insects and mites on vegetable, fruit, grain, legume, industrial, and berry crops. It has low application rates, so it is advantageous to use it over large areas. The death of pests after treatment occurs within 6 hours, the effect lasts for at least 2 weeks. The number of treatments is 1 or 2, which also indicates the effectiveness and power of the drug.