“Senpai” is a contact-intestinal insecticide that helps destroy a variety of pests. The drug successfully copes with parasites on cabbage, apple trees, and fiber flax. The product is considered very effective and has a high speed of action. The undeniable advantages are low consumption rates and cost-effectiveness of the composition. In order for the drug to give the desired effect, you must strictly follow the instructions.
Composition and dosage form
The active component of the drug is esfenvalerate. 1 liter of product contains 50 grams of this substance. The drug is released in the form of an emulsion concentrate. It is sold in 5 liter canisters.
What is it used for and how does it work?
The drug helps against a complex of pests. The drug has a dual mechanism of action - intestinal and contact. The substance affects the nervous system of parasites, causing paralysis. This causes rapid death. In addition, the composition has pronounced repellent properties and helps suppress the ability of parasites to absorb food.
"Senpai" is a single drug. It contains only one active component, which belongs to the pyrethroid category. The product has the following advantages:
- Wide spectrum of action. The drug provides plant protection against a complex of parasites. At the same time, the dose, consumption rate and application features do not depend on the object of influence.
- High efficiency. One-time use of the product helps to get rid of massive attacks of dangerous pests.
- Low cost of 1 treatment.
- Equal strength of intestinal and contact action. If the poison gets on the pest, it dies immediately.
- Instant effect. When the drug gets on the caterpillars, they immediately fall off the plants.
- Resistance to photolysis. As a result, the drug has a long-lasting protective effect. It is at least 15 days.
- Repellent and antifeedant properties. The smell of treated surfaces repels adult parasites.At the same time, the taste of leaves and fruits after using “Senpai” repels the larvae.
- Decomposition in the soil. The composition breaks down in the soil into safe elements.
- Low contact activity for warm-blooded animals. This allows the drug to be used in simplified personal protective equipment.
- Convenient packaging. This simplifies the process of preparing the working fluid.
Instructions for use of the drug "Senpai"
The working fluid must be diluted immediately before use. First of all, the insecticide must be mixed in the original container. The sprayer tank needs to be filled about a third with water, turn on the mixer and add the amount of substance required for 1 filling.
Then the sprayer tank needs to be filled with water, mixing the working solution. As a result, it should acquire a homogeneous consistency. It is also necessary to mix the composition during the processing of plants. It is recommended to use the working solution on the day of production.
When using a plant treatment product, it is recommended to observe the following rules:
- Treat fiber flax plantings against flax flea beetles according to the sprouts of the crop. The remaining plants are sprayed if parasites appear.
- When using a product for processing cabbage, you need to add surfactants – “Adju” or “Allur” – to the working liquid. This helps to efficiently and evenly cover the plant foliage with the working fluid.
Specific dosages and features of use of the drug are given in the table:
Usage rate | Culture | Harmful object | Processing method | Waiting period (number of treatments) | Deadlines for manual (mechanized) work |
0,5-1 | Apple tree | Leaf rollers, codling moth | It is permissible to treat plantings during the growing season using a composition with a concentration of 0.08%. 600-1200 liters of working solution are required per 1 hectare. | 30 (1) | 7 (3) |
0,2 | Cabbage | Turnip and cabbage whites, cutworms, moths | Vegetable crops need to be processed during the growing season. For 1 hectare it is required to spend 200-400 liters of working solution. | 30 (1) | 7 (3) |
0,2 | Fiber flax | Flax flea beetles | It is recommended to process the sprouts. For 1 hectare it is worth using 100-200 liters of working solution. | — (1) | 7 (3) |
Safety precautions when working with insecticide
When using the substance, it is important to adhere to a number of safety rules:
- Treat plantings in the absence of children and pets.
- Use personal protective equipment - special clothing, gloves, respirator.
- Keep the drug separate from medicines, food, and animal feed.
- While spraying plantings, do not drink, eat or smoke.
- It is prohibited to use containers for food or water to prepare the working solution.
Compatibility with other tools
Combining Senpai with various fungicides or insecticidal preparations is not recommended. To ensure a prolonged effect and in case of precipitation, it is worth adding an adhesive to the composition.
It is also permissible to use additional substances to strengthen the immunity of plants and increase their resistance to adverse weather factors.
The combination of an insecticide with pesticides can cause a pronounced alkaline reaction. It is best to prepare a small amount of the mixture to evaluate the compatibility of the ingredients.
Storage conditions and shelf life
It is recommended to store the drug in a special warehouse. This must be done in an airtight container that is not damaged.The composition can be stored at temperatures from -16 to +35 degrees. The shelf life of the product is 3 years.
Analogues of the drug
The drug “Sumi-alpha” is considered an effective analogue.
"Senpai" is considered an effective insecticide that helps cope with various pests. In order for the substance to give the desired results, it is important to strictly follow the instructions.