Instructions for use of Voliam Flexi, insecticide dosage and analogues

Insect pests cause significant damage to crops. And if on private farms summer residents can fight them using manual and mechanical methods, then farmers who sow large fields have to use chemicals. The instructions for Voliam Flexi indicate that the insecticidal drug is effective against almost all insect pests that damage vegetable and fruit plants.

Purpose of the drug, composition and release form

Voliam Flexi contains two active substances, which explains the high effectiveness of the insecticide in controlling pests of cultivated plants. The first - chlorantraniliprole - belongs to the chemical class of anthralamides, its concentration per liter of the drug is 100 grams. The second - thiamethoxam - belongs to the chemical class of neonicotinoids; a liter of the chemical contains 100 grams of this active component.

The insecticide "Voliam Flexi" is produced by the Dutch company Syngenta and goes on sale in the form of a suspension concentrate, packaged in liter plastic bottles.

The instructions for use included with the systemic insecticide indicate that it is prohibited for use in personal gardens, and it is also not suitable for aerial spraying.

The shelf life of Voliam Flexi is 3 years from the date of production, provided that the original packaging is not damaged. Store the drug in utility rooms at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees.

The insecticidal preparation is designed to protect fruit trees, potatoes, tomatoes and other cultivated plants from insect pests such as aphids, leafhoppers, bugs, caterpillars and others. Such a wide spectrum of action is due to the active substances included in the product.

voliam flexi

How does Voliam Flexi work?

The principle of action of the insecticidal drug is based on the effect of two chemicals on the body of insect pests:

  1. Thiamethoxam is responsible for influencing the receptors of the nervous system of parasites. As a result, after 15-60 minutes (this depends on the type of pest), the insect stops feeding and dies a day after the substance enters its body.
  2. Chlorantraniliprole has a negative effect on the nervous and muscular systems of pests. This occurs due to changes in the level of calcium in the insect’s body.

The instructions for use indicate that the insecticidal preparation can be used in two ways - by spraying cultivated plants and by watering at the root. In the latter case, it is possible to simultaneously destroy ground insect pests. The period of protective action depends on the method of use of the chemical. When spraying - from 2 to 3 weeks, when watering - up to 2 months.

voliam flexi

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug

Those farmers who managed to cope with insect infestations in their fields thanks to the drug “Voliam Flexi” noted the following strengths of the chemical:

  • long period of protective action, especially when applied in soil;
  • effectiveness in controlling many insect pests, including leafhoppers and aphids, which are carriers of diseases such as phytoplasma;
  • lack of phytotoxicity if the consumption rates and rules of use specified in the instructions are observed;
  • the speed of the chemical’s effect on pests - the most resistant insects die a day after spraying;
  • immunity to precipitation an hour after processing the fields;
  • safety for the person who works with the drug, provided that personal protective equipment is used.

The insecticide has disadvantages, however, compared to the advantages, there are not many of them:

  • with constant use, pests develop resistance to the effects of active substances, so it is recommended to alternate with other drugs;
  • prohibited for use on personal plots.

voliam flexi

Preparation and instructions for use

For each cultivated plant, the instructions indicate the individual consumption rate of the insecticidal preparation. The dosage is presented in the table:

Plant being processed Insecticide consumption per hectare of plantings Working fluid consumption / Frequency of treatments
Apple trees From 400 to 500 ml of suspension From 800 to 1500 liters. Three times a season.
Potato From 700 to 800 ml when planting and 200 ml for spraying vegetative plants In the first case, 100 liters are used, in the second - up to 400 ml (twice a season).
Tomatoes planted in greenhouses and greenhouses From 300 to 400 ml From 1000 to 3000 liters, once per season.
Vineyards From 400 to 500 ml From 600 to 100 liters. Processed three times per season.

To prepare the working fluid, first make a stock solution by diluting the recommended amount of the drug in a small amount of water. After this, it is poured into the sprayer tank and water is added to the full volume. Turn on the mixer and wait until the mother liquor is completely dissolved; a homogeneous consistency should be obtained.

voliam flexi

It is recommended to start spraying plants either in the morning (before 9 o’clock) or in the evening (after 19:00). The air temperature should not exceed 25 degrees.

The greatest effectiveness is observed if spraying was carried out in calm and dry weather.

Security measures

When working with chemicals, farmers must use protective equipment (respirator, gloves, overalls). After finishing spraying cultivated plants, take a shower with soap and wash all clothes.

Insecticide compatibility

The instructions supplied to Voliam Flexi by the manufacturer indicate that the insecticidal preparation cannot be used with chemicals based on dimethoate, and it is also incompatible with mineral oils.Before using in tank mixtures with other protective agents, a chemical compatibility test is carried out - if a sediment in the form of flakes appears, joint use is refused.


If for some reason the farmer was unable to purchase Voliam Flexi, it can be replaced with drugs such as Aktara or Oktant. There is no complete analogue of the active ingredients of the insecticide.
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