Characteristics and description of the Rinda cabbage variety, properties

A modern vegetable grower is not limited in the choice of crop varieties that he wishes to grow; the most important thing is that the species meets the requirements for yield, size and some other characteristics. Rinda cabbage is one of those varieties that are chosen by many for its versatility of use and ease of cultivation. Subject to the minimum care rules, an excellent harvest is guaranteed by breeders.

Description of the variety

Among the huge variety of all varieties, Rinda is the cabbage that is most often chosen by gardeners for growing in their summer cottages. This is due to the excellent taste of the vegetable, excellent yield, and unpretentiousness to growing conditions.

Rinda is a hybrid that was bred in Holland by the agrotechnical company Monsanto in 1993. At the same time, the variety was included in the State Register of Russia. Cabbage is popular not only in Russia, but throughout the world. Its remarkable characteristics are a reason for inclusion in the list of crops planted both in the country and in industrial quantities.

The variety belongs to the mid-season category, but has some unique properties. So, this is one of those varieties that can be equally successfully consumed both fresh and canned. An excellent result is obtained when using Rinda in cooking (heat treatment). The shelf life of heads of cabbage is several months.

cabbage rinda

The description of the cabbage variety Rinda reports that the species is considered mid-season and high-yielding. One square meter can “give” a gardener up to 14 kilograms of cabbage. Ripening occurs 125 days (average) after sowing seeds for seedlings.

About three months pass from the moment of planting to consumption. Excellent results from growing Rinda have been recorded in a variety of regions with different climatic conditions.

The cabbage rosette has a semi-raised shape, but the dimensions are quite compact. Thin, elastic leaves are moderately spreading. Their color is light green. The density of cabbage heads is high, the shape is round. A distinctive feature of Rinda is the excellent preservation of the standing head of cabbage. The average weight of a head of cabbage is about 6 kilograms, but in some cases the weight can reach 8 or even 10 kilograms.

vegetable garden with cabbage

The internal structure of a head of Rinda cabbage is very beautiful. Thin elastic leaves are pierced by veins. The taste is very delicate and juicy. This leaf is perfect for preparing salads and cabbage rolls.

Advantages and disadvantages

Rinda cabbage is a mid-season crop that has a lot of advantages, but is not without its disadvantages. Studying the description of the variety will help the vegetable grower make the right choice when planning plantings. The advantages of Rinda are:

  • high productivity;
  • possibility of growing on different types of soil;
  • resistance to the manifestation of most diseases;
  • excellent harvest in different climatic zones;
  • excellent taste of leaves;
  • good tolerance to temperature changes;
  • no cracking;
  • attractive appearance, which improves product quality;
  • versatility of use;
  • shelf life of heads of cabbage (up to six months);
  • friendly ripening, which simplifies the collection process.

Culture is also not without its shortcomings. For productive cultivation, the summer resident must keep in mind that:

  • Rinda is demanding on the amount of incoming moisture;
  • Cabbage has poor tolerance to stagnant water;
  • the vegetable has increased requirements for light levels;
  • When growing Rindu cabbage, it is necessary to ventilate the greenhouse area.

features of cabbage

Taking into account all the features of the variety, you can decide on the need to use the Rinda variety on your personal plot.

Features of cultivation

Rinda F1 cabbage can be easily grown in different climates. Depending on the region, the time for sowing seeds for seedlings may vary. The process should begin in mid-March or at the end of the month.

Before planting, the seed material is soaked for a few seconds in cold salt water, then the seeds should be placed in a hot environment. It is preferable to use wooden boxes for seedlings; the soil should be prepared the day before.

The depth of the holes should be from 10 to 15 millimeters. The culture has standard temperature requirements: the average should be around 22 °C. After the sprouts appear, the temperature urgently needs to be lowered to 8 °C.

After two weeks, the seedlings are picked. This is necessary so that you can later safely transplant the crop into the ground or greenhouse. Seedlings should be watered abundantly. The seedlings are ready for planting on the mainland when they have 7 or 8 leaves. This will happen approximately 35 - 40 days after sowing the seed.

From the moment the plants are transferred to the ground, it will take about 90 days until the first head of cabbage ripens. Rinda's planting scheme is standard for cabbage: there should be no more than 40 plants per 10 square meters. Excess density will harm the plants, shade them, lead to a decrease in yield and deterioration in the taste of the fruit. The optimal planting scheme is 30 by 50 centimeters for one plant.

cabbage fertilizer

Good development of Rinda cabbage is possible when care is carried out correctly. To do this, it is necessary to water the plants in a timely manner, loosen and, if possible, mulch the soil, and hill up the cabbage forks. It is necessary to organize protection against pests, which can be carried out using wood ash, tobacco dust, and acetic acid solution.

To get strong and elastic heads of cabbage, you should feed the plants regularly. Several times during the season you need to apply potassium and phosphorus fertilizers and organic matter.

Rinda reacts very well to receiving a portion of nitrogen. By combining fertilizing with quality care, getting a good harvest will be easy and simple.
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