The emergence of cultivators for inter-row tillage is a real breakthrough in agriculture. They greatly facilitate and speed up the process of loosening the soil, weeding, and fertilizing. 15–20 days after planting potatoes, the planted area requires oxygen and moisture. To provide the soil with these components, the land is cultivated.
- Potato cultivators
- Milling cultivator KF-2.8
- Milling cultivator KF-3.6
- USMK-5.4
- USMK-5.4 with feeding device
- USMK-5.4 with AVPU-12
- Mounted cultivator KRN-4.2
- Mounted cultivator KRN-5.6
- Mounted cultivator KMN-8.4
- Inter-row tillage cutter
- Loosening potato rows using a walk-behind tractor
- Homemade cultivator for processing
- Weeding potato rows with a walk-behind tractor
- Paws
- Weeder
- Jerzy
Potato cultivators
There are many types of cultivators. They are divided into claw and milling, single-row and multi-row. Available for manual and tractor use. To make it easier to make a choice, consider the characteristics of popular cultivators that are used to care for potatoes.
Milling cultivator KF-2.8
A native of the Belarusian plant Tekhmash. Used simultaneously for inter-row processing and fertilization of 4 rows of vegetables. The processing width is 2.8 m, the loosening depth is from 2 to 12 cm.
Milling cultivator KF-3.6
A graduate of the same Techmash. Used simultaneously for inter-row soil cultivation and fertilization of 6 rows of vegetables. Processing width is 3.6 m, loosening depth is from 2 to 12 cm.
With the help of this cultivator, inter-row loosening is carried out with the possibility of simultaneous fertilization. In one pass, the unit covers 30 rows of beets. UMSK-5.4 is also used for continuous pre-sowing soil treatment. The coverage width is 5.4 m, the loosening depth with tines is from 4 to 14 cm. The cultivator is convenient because it can fold up to 2.5 m when driving on roads.
USMK-5.4 with feeding device
The tine cultivator from Tekhmash allows you to loosen the soil between the rows and at the same time apply fertilizer. Covers 30 rows of beets in one pass. Used for continuous tillage of soil. The coverage width is 5.4 m, the loosening depth with paws is from 4 to 14 cm.
USMK-5.4 with AVPU-12
It is convenient to use because it folds up to a width of 2.5 m when driving on roads.A special device is built into the unit that allows you to add herbicides to the soil. In one pass, it fertilizes 30 rows of beets with simultaneous inter-row soil cultivation. It is also used for continuous pre-sowing treatment. 1 pass covers 5.4 m with a loosening depth of 4 to 14 cm.
A native of the Belarusian Techmash, it allows not only to cultivate the soil, but also to apply liquid fertilizers.
Mounted cultivator KRN-4.2
In one pass, it cultivates 8 rows of row crops, the distance between which is 60, 70 and 90 cm. It thoroughly loosens the soil and trims weeds. Allows simultaneous fertilizing with mineral fertilizers.
Mounted cultivator KRN-5.6
The working width is 5.6 m. It has adjustable processing depth. It is used for hilling, loosening, removing weeds, and cultivating row spacing. Protective discs protect plants as much as possible during soil cultivation.
Mounted cultivator KMN-8.4
In one pass, the soil is completely prepared for sowing. Performs several functions simultaneously:
- rolling of plowed soil;
- harrowing;
- cultivation.
Combs out weeds, cultivates to a depth of 3–10 cm, retains maximum moisture and levels the soil. Reduces energy costs by half.
Inter-row tillage cutter
The milling cutter allows you to loosen the soil between rows in the fields. There are 3 types of cutters that differ in coverage width: 60, 80 and 90 cm. The FM-3 cutter is most often used in agriculture.
Loosening potato rows using a walk-behind tractor
To use a walk-behind tractor for loosening the soil, potatoes are initially planted according to the appropriate parameters:
- distance between rows - 70 cm;
- the longest rows;
- There must be space at the edges to turn the unit.
Loosening is combined with the first hilling; it is carried out 15 days after planting the potatoes. For this purpose, a hiller plow or disk attachments are used. In order for the walk-behind tractor to better engage the ground, it is recommended to replace conventional wheels with metal ones with lugs.
If loosening is done hiller, on walk-behind tractor hang a universal hitch, installing one or more hiller plows on it.
When using disk attachments, you need to adjust the angle of rotation and the distance between them. The distance can vary from 40 to 70 cm, it all depends on the type of potato and the height of the bushes. The angle of rotation depends on the density of the soil.
Homemade cultivator for processing
Of course, it is easier to buy a cultivator for inter-row tillage. But not everyone has this opportunity. In this case, you can make the device yourself. In principle, if you follow the instructions, there is nothing difficult about it. The manufacturing process takes several stages:
- You need to find 3 metal disks or rings with a diameter of 10, 20 and 30 cm. If you use rings, the design will be lighter.
- Select a pipe with a diameter of 25 mm. Place the disks on it (from largest to smallest) at a distance of 15 cm from each other.
- Next, the spikes are welded. Usually metal rods are used for this. The unit will need about 40 spikes about 12 cm in length. The smaller disk has 5 spikes, the medium one - 10, the large one - 15. The rest are distributed onto the pipe.
- Using abutments and bushings, the discs are secured to the frame at an angle of 45 degrees.
- Wheels are mounted. A bracket is made from a metal strip 7 cm wide and 4 mm thick. To secure the guide wheels, holes are made in it. For a cultivator, two wheels are enough.
Weeding potato rows with a walk-behind tractor
The walk-behind tractor is a universal tool. With its help, you can plow the soil, plant and hill up root crops, harvest crops and carry out weeding. There are 3 types of walk-behind tractor devices with which you can perform these functions.
The most popular device. The tines are easy to install and use, but most importantly, they work neatly between rows. Paws can be one-sided or two-sided. The latter allow you to weed potatoes simultaneously from both sides.
This is an iron frame onto which several knives are attached and a special drum is installed. The more knives, the higher the quality of weeding. The function of the blades is to cut weeds. The drum, carefully hooking its paws, throws them back.
This unit consists of ring blades, on the sides of which there are pins to rid the machine of weeds. There are two types of hedgehogs: cone and rotary. The former are used for weeds that have not yet emerged, the latter for fluffing, weeding and hilling.