Recipes for making goat milk sour cream at home

Goat milk and products made from it are in great demand among consumers. Milk is nutritious, healthy, does not cause allergies, therefore it is used in baby food. The cheese is valued for its original rich taste. There are significantly fewer goat milk sour cream lovers, but only because it is not produced on an industrial scale. Those who have goats in their own backyard have tried this product.

Features of preparing sour cream from goat milk

To make sour cream from goat milk, you will need cream.The peculiarity of their preparation is that goat's milk is a fine liquid, unlike cow's milk. Before making cream, the milk must be allowed to settle. Before cooking, it is heated to 37-40 °C. The temperature can be determined using a thermometer or by dipping your finger in the liquid. The milk should be warm, but not scalding.

Important: you need to leave the product without a lid, otherwise the resulting sour cream will taste bitter; you should cover the container with milk with 2-3 layers of gauze.

The result is a white, thick product with high fat content, which is very useful for digestive problems and low hemoglobin levels. From 10 liters of milk you get 0.5-1 liter of sour cream.

Benefits and harms

Ready-made sour cream is a tasty, healthy product with a high level of fat content. The content of useful elements in it is higher than in a product made from cow's milk. Goat milk sour cream is rich in:

  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium;
  • manganese;
  • selenium

It is useful for joint diseases and the danger of osteoporosis; regular consumption strengthens nails and hair, and normalizes digestion. The product can be used in sports nutrition if you have anemia, it will help with weakened immunity and weight loss, it is an excellent source of nutrients for a nursing woman.

sour cream from milk

The vitamins present in the product - A, E, PP, group B - affect vision, skin condition, and the conductivity of nerve impulses.

Vitamin D, necessary for the normal functioning of the body, is also present here in large quantities. It is perfectly digestible due to the high fat content of sour cream.

The lactic acid bacteria it contains normalize digestion; the product (in moderate doses) can be consumed for problems with the gastrointestinal tract.You should not eat sour cream if you have problems with the liver and pancreas, especially during exacerbation of chronic diseases. It is dangerous for people who are allergic to lactose. Moderation in consumption should be observed for people who have problems with excess weight.

It is necessary to purchase the product from trusted manufacturers and store it in the refrigerator. Made at home, it becomes dangerous if it is made in violation of sanitary standards, stored incorrectly, or purchased stale. Excessive consumption may cause nausea and diarrhea due to the high fat content of the product. This sour cream should not be given to children under 3 years of age.

Rules for choosing the main ingredient

When buying milk for making sour cream, you should pay attention to the appearance of the farm owners and goats. Animals must be clean and active. If they have watery eyes, a cough, or a dirty, clumpy coat, you should find another supplier.

The appearance and smell of the product and the container in which the milk is stored is important. If the goat's udder is poorly washed before milking, the milk will have a specific odor.

Of course, if sour cream is made from milk from your own animals, the question of boiling remains at the discretion of the owner. If it was purchased from unknown farmers, it is better to boil the product, especially if they are not going to separate it, but decided to ferment it.

sour cream from milk

Cooking at home

Sour cream can be made in several ways. To prepare, you will need a large container for milk, a gauze or woven napkin, which can be used to cover it instead of a lid. Warm place to stand. During the settling period, the milk container should not be moved.


The easiest way to get sour cream: place the container with milk in a warm place and after a few hours (from 5 hours to a day, depending on the fat content of the product), remove the top layer of cream with a clean spoon into a separate bowl. Place the cream in the refrigerator. The remaining milk can be used for baking, you can drink it or make cottage cheese by putting the curdled milk on a gauze napkin and letting the whey drain.

If the farm has a separator, milk can be passed through it, separating the cream. The heated milk is poured into the bowl of the device, the separator key is turned to open mode, the separated cream flows through one tube, the return flow through the other. The device can be manual or electric. If there are few goats and the milk accumulates for several days, it is stored in the refrigerator. Before separation, the product is checked for coagulability (you can put a little in a spoon or ladle and hold it over the stove fire) and after checking it is heated.

The last method is to prepare the product by ripening. Add 100 ml of sour cream or yogurt to heated milk (37-40 °C) and leave for 2-3 days. Then the top settled layer is removed and stored in the refrigerator. If you do not skim it, but stir the milk after cooking, you will get fermented baked milk, a tasty and healthy product with less fat content than sour cream, which older family members and small children will enjoy eating.

To ferment milk next time, it is enough to leave 1-2 cups of the product (for 10 liters of milk) and add it to the milk.

Of course, only owners of 4-5 animals can always have goat milk sour cream on their table. Even large goat farms do not sell this product due to its high cost.This is why farming is becoming increasingly popular, with many city dwellers moving to the countryside. After all, natural, high-quality products provide the family with health, and communication with animals provides unique emotions.
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