Why the rabbit doesn’t want to let the rabbit near her, possible reasons and what to do

Many inexperienced farmers are interested: why exactly does the female rabbit not let the rabbit approach? This problem is quite common and can be related to a number of factors. These include diseases of the reproductive system, improper living conditions, and the age of the female. Also, the cause may be pregnancy or incomplete recovery of the rabbit after the previous birth.


If the female rabbit does not want to mate, the development of various pathologies can be suspected. In general, animals that suffer from diseases are culled early. However, sometimes females suddenly develop rashes.It is also possible that there may be discharge from the genitals or the development of swelling. The main reason why the female does not mate is considered to be pain in the genital loop. Such a female is not used for mating. She needs to examine the microflora of her discharge or determine whether she is infected with infectious pathologies. It is important to consider that female rabbits who have had mastitis are also not used for mating.

To identify a sick pet, you need to pay attention to its condition. The main symptoms of sexual pathologies include the following:

  • general weakness;
  • loss of appetite;
  • insufficiently active lifestyle;
  • loop hyperemia;
  • swelling of the loop;
  • the appearance of discharge from the genitals.

If these symptoms appear, you should consult a veterinarian or reschedule mating. In any case, you must immediately begin the treatment prescribed by the doctor. Before mating, it is imperative to check the male. Inflammation and frostbite cause serious discomfort in the animal. In such a situation, the rabbit will not cover the female rabbit or show any interest in her.

two rabbits

Common reasons for refusal to mate include the following violations:

  1. Obesity. Excess weight interferes with motor and sexual activity. Therefore, it is worth making changes to the rabbit’s diet. A couple of weeks before mating, it is recommended to avoid the use of concentrated feeding mixtures.
  2. Inflammatory lesions of the genital organs. This disorder causes serious discomfort. Frostbite is accompanied by similar symptoms. If mating does not work out, you need to carefully examine the rabbit and, if necessary, select treatment.
  3. Infestation with parasites. Lice or mites in animals provoke loss of sexual desire.Ticks provoke a feeling of itching and irritation, causing serious discomfort in the male. To identify parasites, you should pay attention to wounds on the surface of the skin, the appearance of hyperemia and swelling. As the situation worsens, blisters form. They burst and then scabs appear. Mites can also infest the ears, causing serious problems and even death. The affected rabbit must be isolated and therapy initiated. In this case, the cage and all devices in it should be disinfected.
  4. The appearance of damage on the paws. This violation occurs when there is a net or damp straw bedding on the floor. In this case, rabbits may become injured and lose interest in females. To avoid such problems, it is important to systematically inspect the litter.
  5. Fatigue. Too frequent mating can cause the rabbit to lose strength. In such a situation, it is best to let him rest in another cage.

beautiful rabbits

External conditions

If the females are not covered, it is worth reconsidering the conditions of their keeping. Animals should not expect full mating in narrow and uncomfortable cages. To eliminate this problem, you need to move your pets to spacious cages. You can also transplant them to a new room. To obtain offspring, it is imperative to ensure normal climatic conditions. In summer, high temperatures interfere with normal hunting. Therefore, it is recommended to systematically ventilate the enclosure and control temperature parameters.

When raising rabbits outside, you should create a shaded area where the animals can rest from the sun and cool down. It is imperative to provide water in drinking bowls. It should be cool.

When the temperature in the enclosure increases, the female loses interest in mating.Instinctively, she feels that the pregnancy will be difficult. Also, animals cannot reproduce at low temperatures. However, many breeds are resistant to cold. However, drafts negatively affect all animals. Lack of light also weakens the sex drive of rabbits. A rodent cage should definitely be equipped with artificial lighting if there is a lack of natural light. In winter, the amount of light needs to be increased.

bunny and rabbit

I don't like the rabbit

Rabbits are very demanding when it comes to choosing a partner. At a young age they are considered less selective. Moreover, it is never too late for them to find a partner.

Female rabbits are picky and carefully choose a male rabbit. Without desire, mating will not work. If the rabbit does not like it, the female bites him, runs away, and hides. If the female rabbits do not want to mate, the rabbit should be removed and offered only after a day. If the female still does not allow the rabbit to approach her, it is better to choose another male.

To achieve contact, it is recommended to control the preferences of pets. If females are placed nearby, they can become friends. Likewise, males who live in the same territory are often friends with each other. However, during the mating season, fights often occur between them.

beautiful bunny

Lack of nutrition

A deficiency of useful elements and vitamins provokes hormonal imbalance and dysfunction of the genital organs. To stimulate heat before mating, it is worth introducing vitamin E into the female’s food. In addition, you need to add mineral mixtures and control the quality of the food.

Poor nutrition negatively affects the condition of the animal.The female rabbit is experiencing a shortage of food and understands that bearing and feeding animals will be difficult. That's why she refuses to mate.

In summer, animals should definitely be given fresh grass. It is also recommended that they be given plenty of vegetables and fruits. In winter, the diet can be made more varied with the help of vitamins and minerals, which activate the growth of the animal and help saturate its body.

Excessive feeding negatively affects the sexual development of rabbits. If the female is overweight, you need to make adjustments to her diet and evaluate her body parameters. It is important that they meet breed standards.

a lot of grass

Has not recovered from the previous birth

Sometimes farmers place the male with the female just a couple of days after the last litter. If mating is too frequent, matings usually do not occur.

After only 2-3 litters, the female becomes very weak. At the same time, she simply does not allow males to mate. Also, mating will have to be postponed if the female has a large litter.


Females do not come into heat if they are already pregnant. Female rabbits actively refuse to mate. At the same time, animals exhibit typical behavior. The female rabbit can fight and bite. She makes sounds similar to moans. If a farmer notices such symptoms, mating should be abandoned, since the female is highly likely to be pregnant.

two rabbits

Old age and molting

If the rabbit is old enough, there is a decline in her sexual function. Most often, the female does not walk after 3 years. In such a situation, the lack of hunting is considered completely natural. The female is simply not going to mate. Mating should not be carried out during seasonal molting. At the same time, the animal’s body weakens, which leads to a deterioration in sexual desire.It is not recommended to expect offspring at this time.

When changing coat, you should wait for the shedding to finish. After this, give the female another 2 days to restore her body. Only after this is the rabbit allowed near her. A female rabbit may avoid mating for various reasons. These include all kinds of pathologies, old age, and the molting period. Also, provoking factors are often violations of living conditions and an unbalanced diet. To determine the exact causes of problems, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian.

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