The construction of an enclosure for rabbits must be carried out according to the rules. At the same time, experienced farmers believe that this design has many advantages. Thanks to its use, it is possible to facilitate cleaning and maintain order. In addition, the pen allows the pets to have plenty of free space to move. Rabbits that live in an enclosure grow stronger and are less likely to encounter diseases.
Requirements for the enclosure
Aviary keeping of animals has certain features.It is important that the design meets the following requirements:
- Feeder - it is permissible to use one, but a large one. It is recommended to monitor so that there are no fights for food.
- Drinking bowls – it’s worth making several of them. The more pets there are in the enclosure, the more drinking bowls there should be.
- Doors provide free access inside and make it possible to regularly clean the area.
- Canopy – with its help the animals will be able to hide from the sun.
- Floor – if you place animals on the ground or use grass flooring, when it rains, the pets will lie in the mud. This is fraught with the development of a cold. Therefore, a house for animals should be made of wood on a hill, and linoleum should be laid on the floor.
- Entertainment. This component is considered optional. However, it will help your pets not to get bored. Experienced farmers make elevations, underground passages or other structures in enclosures.
To prevent fights and avoid uncontrolled mating of animals, it is recommended to keep females separate from males.
Advantages and disadvantages
It is permissible to raise farm or ornamental animals in an enclosure. Keeping rabbits freely in a pen has many advantages. These include the following:
- good health;
- rapid weight gain;
- increased fertility;
- strengthening the immune system;
- ease of cleaning and feeding.
Female rabbits, as a rule, feed only their young. When breeding in an enclosure, females can also take care of other people's offspring. This improves the survival rate of young animals.
However, keeping animals in such conditions is not always profitable. For large farms that raise meat rabbits, this method is not suitable. In a pen, animals move a lot, which makes their meat tougher.
- single-tier
- two-tier
- three-tier
- for regular content
- for pregnant rabbits
- with separate uterine compartment
- with separate aft compartment
- for keeping in winter
- with exit to the pit
Thanks to their fur, rabbits are able to withstand low temperatures, which makes it possible to keep them outside. Taking into account the seasonal factor, animals can be provided with 2 accommodation options:
- on the street;
- in the barn.
Animals can live freely in an open enclosure during the warm season. You can't keep them on the ground in winter. In such a situation, the animals are moved to the barn. It is worth checking for cracks and insulating it if necessary. It is recommended to make the floor elevated and cover it with boards, and pour straw on top. For decorative pets, an enclosure is made in the apartment.
Required materials and tools
It is quite possible to build an aviary with your own hands. To do this, it is recommended to prepare everything you need:
- galvanized mesh - the size of its cells should be 10x10 centimeters;
- self-tapping screws;
- feeders;
- linoleum;
- wooden slats;
- drinking bowls;
- loops;
- metal corners.
Layout and sizing calculations
It is recommended to determine the size of the enclosure by the number of animals. Every rabbit needs a lot of space. There should be at least 1-1.5 square meters of space per individual. To avoid uncontrolled mating or related relationships, it is recommended to provide a fenced area for males. They require a special area.
There is also a need for insulated houses. The flooring is of no small importance.
How to make an aviary for rabbits with your own hands
Organizing a pen at home is quite simple. It is recommended to select its size taking into account the available livestock. If there is no roof, the height should be at least 80 centimeters.
To build a pen for animals, it is recommended to do the following:
- Build a frame using slats and metal corners. It is important to provide sufficient mesh height. It is imperative to go 50 centimeters underground so that the animals cannot dig under the ground. The structure can have any shape - rectangular or triangular.
- Secure the frame with self-tapping screws.
- Stretch galvanized mesh over the prepared frame. It is important to use material with a cell size of 10x10 centimeters. It is recommended to lay linoleum on the floor. Of no small importance is the presence of a door through which you can get into the enclosure. Its width can be made arbitrary.
- If necessary, build a roof. To do this, you need to make a frame and stretch a mesh over it. Secure with loops to the frame. Thanks to this, if necessary, the roof can be removed.
- If the entire pen is not located outside, spread linoleum in a closed area. Its size is selected taking into account the area of the enclosure.
- Place drinking bowls and feeders in the finished structure.
Rules for caring for the enclosure
In order for the animals to be healthy and not get sick, it is important to keep the enclosure clean. Periodic disinfection of the pen is of great importance. To prevent the development of infectious pathologies, it is recommended to periodically treat all parts of the structure with an ash solution. Many farmers use camel thorn infusion for this purpose. To do this, it is recommended to take the roots and foliage of the plant, brew and leave until the composition has cooled. Maintaining cleanliness is important.To do this, you should follow these rules:
- change litter frequently;
- Wash drinking bowls and feeders in a timely manner;
- clear the pen of plant debris if rabbits eat greens.
It is recommended to ensure that clean water is always present in the drinking bowls. Animals often steal food. It is recommended to monitor so that its elements do not fall into the drinking bowl. Pets should be fed in portions. It is especially important to adhere to this rule in the heat. Thanks to this, the food will not spoil or pollute the enclosure.
What to do in winter
Keeping rabbits in winter is quite difficult. At this time, they need to provide more suitable conditions. To do this, it is recommended to move the pets to a barn or other premises. It is important that it is insulated. Rabbits do not tolerate drafts well. Heating the room is of no small importance. To prevent pets from freezing, it is recommended to make the floor on a hill. In this case, it is worth placing a layer of straw on the boards. Cover the screen doors and ceiling with a thick plywood sheet.
Adequate ventilation and adequate lighting are of great importance for animals. The room should receive daylight. At the same time, the ventilation system must draw out bad odors. If it is not possible to move the young animals to a warm place, it is recommended to slaughter the animals, since they will not tolerate severe frosts.
The organization of an enclosure for rabbits has a number of features. With the correct construction of the pen, it will be possible to achieve great success in raising animals. At the same time, it is important to maintain cleanliness and properly care for the animals.