Description and characteristics of Auliekol breed cattle, maintenance rules

Despite the presence of numerous breeds of cows, their selection does not stop. In modern livestock farming, new breeds with promising characteristics are appearing. Let's consider the description and characteristics of the Auliekol cattle breed, its requirements for care and maintenance, diet, maintenance features, diseases that animals in the household may suffer from.

Description and characteristics of the Auliekol cattle breed

The breed was bred in 1992 in Kazakhstan.Cows were selected from the offspring of 3 breeds - Angus, Charolais and white-headed Kazakh. The Auliekol variety is meat-oriented, just like the breed from which it was bred. The main valuable characteristics of the new breed are early maturity, high weight, and ease of birth.

The meat of Auliekol animals is similar in taste and characteristics to the meat of the Angus breed - the so-called marbled meat, when the fat forms thin layers near the muscle tissue. The light gray color and precocity of the cow are inherited from the Angus.

Bulls and cows are muscular, massive, with strong bones. They have a large head on a short neck, and 70% of individuals do not have horns. Height at the withers is 140 cm in males, 130 cm in females. The hair of Auliekol cows is short and thick. The weight of females is 700-900 kg, males are 1-1.2 tons. The weight of calves at birth is 25 kg, the daily gain is 1.5 kg for heifers, 1.7 kg for bulls. By 15 months of age they already weigh 540 kg. For 1 kg of growth they spend 6 feeds. units Slaughter yield of meat is 60-63%.

The high meat productivity of the breed does not reduce its milk productivity. After 3 calvings, the female can produce 20 liters of milk.

The animals are healthy, with good immunity, hardy, quickly adapt to different climates, and tolerate temperature changes and weather changes well. By winter they become overgrown with fur.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages and disadvantages
rapid weight gain;
good feed conversion;
marbled meat;
they can eat not only grass, but also leaves of bushes and trees;
due to a well-developed herd instinct, they graze well together in the pasture;

The disadvantage of the Auliekol cattle breed is that the breeding stock is still small, and it is difficult to purchase a purebred calf or an adult animal.

Requirements for maintenance and care

In the barn, each individual should have at least 2.5 per 2 m of area. The room does not need to be insulated, but it must be protected from drafts. For ventilation, it is necessary to provide a special exhaust system or equip the windows with vents. Floors should be sloping, with slurry draining towards the back wall. It is desirable that with a large population, the distribution of feed, water and manure removal should be automated. Every day, cows need to be cleaned and the dirtiest places on the skin washed. Cleaning and massage help improve the physical and mental condition of cattle.

Young and adult Auliekol cows are walked every day if they are kept in stalls. But pasture maintenance is considered the most optimal. Animals do not suffer from cold or heat. From spring to autumn they can be kept in the wild, under light canopies.

Auliekol breed of cattle

Diet planning

Calves are not kept with their mothers, but in special boxes with warm bedding. Until 3 weeks of age, they eat whole milk up to 6 times a day. At 1 month, in addition to 4 liters of milk, the calf should receive 2 liters of skim milk. At this age, he can be accustomed to hay and given oat jelly. At 3 months you can give vegetables, every 1.5 weeks their volume is increased by 200 g. Chalk and salt are added to the food. Then dry feed and silage are introduced into the cows’ diet. From 5 months, grass, hay and root vegetables become the basis of the diet. Vegetables and tubers need to be chopped to a size that is comfortable for small animals.

A six-month-old calf can eat 3 kg of grass and 5 kg of vegetables and drink up to 2-3 buckets of water. The liquid should be warm - in the cold season, cool in the warm season. After weaning, the young animals are transferred to the herd.

Adult cows are fed grass while grazing.They graze in one place until they eat up all the grass that is there. They eat rough vegetation that is not to the taste of animals of other species. In addition to grass, they are fed hay, silage, vegetables, and root crops. They give them salt and chalk. You can feed with compound feed, partially or completely. Dairy animals must receive at least 60 kg of feed per day. Auliekol cows have a good appetite; when their food is poor, they begin to gnaw on wooden parts in the stalls.


To obtain purebred animals, you need to breed only purebred cows and bulls. But, since the population of the Auliekol breed is still small, it is possible to obtain crosses with other cattle breeds. In this case, auliekols are considered improvers, both when crossed with outbred animals and purebred ones, they produce offspring with characteristic valuable qualities. Calves inherit early maturity, rapid growth, and marbled meat.

Possible diseases

There are no special diseases that predominantly affect Auliekol people. Cows can suffer from infectious and gastrointestinal diseases, but only if the rules of housing and feeding are not followed.

To prevent infectious pathologies, cattle are vaccinated according to the same scheme as animals of other varieties. To maintain health, it is necessary to keep the barn clean, feed the cows only high-quality food and drink clean water, change the bedding, and clean the feeders from food debris.

The Auliekol breed of cattle is not even 30 years old, but despite its youth, it has great prospects. Possessing the most valuable qualities of Charolais and Angus, they are unpretentious, not picky in food, resistant to diseases and the characteristics of different climates.The cattle are suitable for meat growing and breeding in any region of Russia, both in private homes and on industrial farms.
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