The efficiency of a livestock farm is determined not only by the quality and quantity of meat and dairy products, but also by the lifespan of livestock, preservation and increase of fertility. “Surfagon” for cows, according to the instructions, is used to increase fertility. The drug belongs to list B; when administered, you must strictly adhere to the instructions.
The drug is available in the form of an injection solution. According to the instructions, Surfagon (dosage 1 ml) contains the following substances:
- 5 mcg of the main component (surfagon);
- additional component – nipagin, 0.5 mg;
- additional component – sodium chloride, 9 mg.
The solution has the appearance of a transparent liquid without a specific color and is sold in volumes of 10 ml in glass bottles.
Pharmacological properties
In order to stimulate the birth rate of cattle, many drugs are sold on the veterinary market. The aqueous solution of “Surfagon” contains hormonal medicinal substances that regulate and stimulate the sexual function of cows. But it should be noted that already 2.5-3 hours after the manipulation, pituitary gonadotropins are released into the blood. After 4-5.5 hours, their increased content in the blood is observed.
High biological activity, delayed destruction under the influence of enzymes are the advantages of the drug. When compared with luliberin (a natural brain hormone), the activity of “Surfagon” is 50 times higher. Therefore, you can use the medicine in microdoses or short courses.
The drug is intended for intramuscular administration. Follicular cysts and ovarian hyperfunction of cows are treated with Surfagon. It is also used when it is necessary to increase the functional activity of the corpus luteum of the ovaries, for the early induction of the reproductive cycle of cows. Injections of the solution have proven themselves to be effective as a means of increasing the fertility of females.
When using the drug, you need to take into account that the therapeutic effectiveness differs between drugs from different manufacturers, since different components are included in the composition.
Instructions for use of "Surfagon"
It is the indications for use that are the determining factors when choosing the time and frequency of administration of Surfagon, dose:
- early induction of the sexual cycle.“Surfagon” of 50 mg is injected into the female after calving in 9-13 days (but insemination can be carried out no earlier than 2 months after calving);
- ovarian hyperfunction. For mild forms, injections are given twice (the first time is 50 mg on days 9-12 of the cycle). They give a second injection after 10 days (the dosage remains the same);
- follicular cysts are treated with a course of three injections (20-25 mg of the drug is administered once a day).
If a cow has had two or more cases of unsuccessful inseminations, then complex therapy is used. At the first stage, “Estrophantine” or “Estrophan” is administered intramuscularly, in a dose of 2 ml. Surfagon is injected after three days (single injection of 50 ml of solution). If the female does not come into heat, in cattle veterinary medicine it is recommended to repeat the injection of the Surfagon solution (in the same volume).
What are the side effects?
The practice of using a hormonal drug demonstrates good results in any direction (both therapeutic and stimulating). When performing injections, you need to take into account that this is a hormonal drug.
If the requirements specified by the manufacturer are not met - the volume of injection is exceeded, the timing of injections is not met - animals may show signs of biological castration (temporary or permanent).
There are no strict restrictions on the use of the drug, since no negative reactions are observed in the case of the first use of injections or when treatment is discontinued. A 100% contraindication is sensitivity to any component of the drug.
Safety precautions
It is not recommended to mix hormonal drugs with any other veterinary drugs in the syringe. If an allergy (in any form) is observed in an animal, then treatment is stopped. The individual should receive antihistamine therapy and receive symptomatic treatment.
Manufacturers note the ability to use products from animals that have recently been injected with the drug without restrictions.
Storage conditions and periods
Dry, dark rooms are suitable for storing the drug. The medicine remains valid for two years. From 2 °C to 10 °C is the optimal temperature for storing bottles.
You can also stimulate the sexual heat of cows with the drug “Follimag”. Gonadotropin, obtained from the blood serum of pregnant mares, is the active ingredient. Injections are prescribed to cows to treat ovarian hypofunction and stimulate sexual estrus. It is prohibited to treat weakened livestock or animals that have not reached puberty with Follimag.
"Folligon" is used to stimulate sexual estrus in cattle (after the use of progestogens) and for treatment of ovarian hypofunction in cows. The drug is also prescribed for embryo transplantation and for superovulation in cows. It is prohibited to administer the solution to animals that are allergic to medicinal mixtures containing protein.
Targeted regulation of the reproductive functions of cows through medications makes it possible to influence the period and cyclicity of the female coming into heat. With the help of Surfagon injections, the productivity of a livestock farm can be increased by one and a half times.But we also need to remember that uncontrolled or incorrect use of hormonal drugs is fraught with significant losses of livestock, which entails serious economic losses.