Causes and symptoms of proventriculus atony in cattle, treatment methods and prevention

Cattle have a complex digestive system, the functioning of which depends on many factors. The cause of atony of the proventriculus may be an incorrect diet or low-quality food. If action is not taken immediately, there is a risk of negative consequences. These include gastric obstruction and even death. Therefore, the first signs of pathology should be the basis for contacting a veterinarian.

Description of the disease

The state of atony of the proventriculus in cattle is accompanied by a decrease in the contractile activity of some parts of the stomach - in particular, the mesh, book and rumen. In this case, there is weakness or complete absence of contractions. Of course, such low digestive activity affects the animal’s condition and mood.

A common cause of the disease is considered to be poor nutrition. The main factors for the appearance of atony include:

  • an excess of heavy and roughage in the diet - for example, a lot of hay or straw against the background of an insufficient amount of succulent feed;
  • drinking cold or dirty water, which contains many pathogenic microorganisms and impurities;
  • a sudden transition from one type of food to another - for example, replacing succulent grass with dry feed;
  • poor-quality food - the cause of problems can be rotten root vegetables, moldy food, low-grade concentrates;
  • infectious diseases or infection of an animal with parasites.

Atony often appears in the fall, when, after systematic grazing and green grass, the animal is transferred to compound feed.

Other factors causing problems include the following:

  • loud noise;
  • transportation of animals in transport;
  • driving over long distances;
  • severe stress;
  • lack of systematic walking.

atony of the forestomach

Forms and symptoms of the disease

The following symptoms are characteristic of gastric atony:

  • loss of appetite;
  • reduction in milk yield;
  • general lethargy;
  • temperature increase to 40 degrees;
  • sudden loss of body weight;
  • dense brown stool or its complete absence.

When you feel the abdomen, you feel that the scar has become dense and is not shrinking. In normal condition, the number of contractions before meals is 2-3 per 2 minutes. After eating, this parameter increases up to 5 times.The appearance of atony provokes a strong decrease in the number of contractions. In complex forms of atony, they stop completely. Against the background of infections, complex forms of endometritis or mastitis, with helminthic infestation, the likelihood of secondary atony is high.

At the initial stage of the onset of pathology, a decrease in scar contractions is observed. This stage of the disease is called hypotension. The first signs of the disease include belching gases and lack of chewing gum. Acute hypotension is characterized by a sharp development. Over the course of several hours, the animal's scar stops contracting, and its condition is impaired. The first signs of atony and hypotension include worsening appetite and a tendency to linger. In this case, the farmer must immediately notice such changes in the pet’s behavior and take appropriate measures. The most characteristic symptom of atony is the cessation of belching.

When such signs appear, you need to feel your stomach. If the number of contractions is less than 1-2 in 5 minutes, this indicates the development of hypotension. In such a situation, urgent measures are required.

How is atony diagnosed in cattle?

To diagnose atony in a cow, the veterinarian examines the history and clinical symptoms of the disease. If hypotension is of secondary origin, signs of the underlying disease are added to the symptoms of hypotension.

atony of the forestomach

This may be ketosis, gastroenteritis, osteomalacia. There may also be signs of acobaltosis and acetonemia. During pregnancy, hypotension develops slowly and increases towards the end of this period. Differential diagnosis is of no small importance. The veterinarian needs to exclude traumatic reticulitis, osteomalacia, ketosis. You should also distinguish atony from gastroenteritis, blockage of the book, mastitis, endometritis and other pathologies.

Methods for treating pathology in cattle

Treatment of the pathology should be aimed at restoring motility and secretion of the forestomach. Of no small importance is the restoration of their microflora, the fight against putrefactive processes and intoxication. If you start adequate therapy in time, you will be able to normalize the animal’s condition in the first 3 days.

Veterinary drugs

The disease should be treated by an experienced veterinarian. First, it is recommended to remove food that has become stagnant. To do this, use a 1% solution of sodium sulfate or bicarbonate. It needs to be mixed with 30-40 liters of water.

When the pressure decreases, sodium chloride is injected into the vein. This also reduces the symptoms of intoxication and increases muscle contractions. After removing food, you should worry about normalizing motor and secretory functions. To obtain such results, it is recommended to introduce a pharmaceutical infusion of hellebore root. It is worth using 2-3 milliliters of the product intravenously, 5 milliliters orally. The components of this substance help stimulate muscle contractions. For oral administration, it is recommended to mix the infusion with water.

To restore normal metabolic processes, intravenous administration of 300 milliliters of glucose solution with a concentration of 40% is required. You also need 150 milliliters of calcium chloride solution. It is recommended to inject approximately 10 milliliters of caffeine subcutaneously.

In addition, Pilocarpine, Physostigmine, and Proserin should be used for therapeutic purposes. To stop fermentation and rotting in the digestive organs, it is recommended to use Ichthyol. For 1 liter of water you should take 15 milliliters of product. The composition should be administered twice a day. "Creolin" is also suitable.

different drugs

Folk remedies

Homemade recipes improve the functioning of the digestive organs, but are not able to cleanse the body of toxins. Therefore, before using such products, it is important to perform gastric lavage. To prepare a stimulating composition, you will need 50 milliliters of alcohol, 100 grams of yeast and 200 grams of sugar. Mix the finished composition with 1 liter of water and give to the animal. The mixture is reused after 1-2 days.

Walks and massage

To restore motor skills, the animal needs to move more. If it lies there all the time, the treatment will not be effective. A cow needs to walk for at least 20-30 minutes 2-3 times a day. A sick animal should be massaged for 10-20 minutes. The procedure should be done 2-4 times a day. It is recommended to perform smooth circular movements.

Proper nutrition

Until the cow’s condition stabilizes, the cow should not be given food. To prevent dehydration, use only clean water. After cleansing the stomach and eliminating inflammation, it is permissible to feed the pet. At the same time, it is worth giving him greens, chopped root vegetables and hay. You will have to give up roughage.

a lot of bulls

Prevention and prognosis

To avoid problems, you should follow these rules:

  • walk the animal regularly;
  • choose the optimal amount of food;
  • control the quality of feed;
  • pre-steam the straw;
  • create a balanced diet;
  • give clean water.

With proper care and timely assistance, the pathology can be easily cured. Atony of the proventriculus is a complex pathology that is associated with violation of the rules of keeping animals. The disease is treatable, which is why it is so important to immediately contact a veterinarian.
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