Ringworm symptoms and ointment to treat calf at home

Ringworm is also medically called trichophytosis. This is a fairly common fungal pathology that affects the skin. It provokes pain in animals, which quickly affects the entire body. In the absence of adequate therapy, there is a risk of infection in people. Therefore, if ringworm occurs in a calf or adult, it is recommended to use the ointment for treatment immediately.

What kind of disease is this

The development of this pathology is associated with exposure to harmful fungal microorganisms. The pathology is usually accompanied by dermatitis. At the same time, micromycetes pose a danger to animals and people. The risk of developing pathology increases with weakened immunity.

Pathology can occur in young and adult animals. Most often, it provokes exhaustion and causes a decrease in productivity. For calves, the pathology poses a real danger because it causes developmental delays. At the same time, animals stop gaining weight and experience disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system.

With the development of trichophytosis, primary skin lesions are observed, which are infested with staphylococcus and other bacteria. As the disease spreads, its virulence increases.

Factors contributing to infection

If sanitary and hygienic standards on a farm are violated, the risk of infection increases to 90%. The disease can spread rapidly. It is easily transmitted from infected individuals to healthy ones.


There are a number of factors that increase the risk of trichophytosis. These include the following:

  • insufficient disinfection of tools used to care for calves and the premises;
  • excessive humidity;
  • crowded keeping of animals;
  • insufficient lighting;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • violation of the rules of care.

The spread of infection is possible even during the incubation period in the absence of symptoms of the disease on the animal’s body.

Unpleasant and dangerous symptoms

The pathology is characterized by pronounced symptoms, which is why it is difficult to confuse it with other ailments. If in doubt, it is worth consulting a veterinarian who can tell you what ringworm looks like and make the correct diagnosis.

Infection of livestock with a fungal infection can be recognized by the following signs:

  • peeling of the skin in the area affected by the pathogen;
  • the appearance of a gray coating on the fur - subsequently these areas become bald;
  • hair loss in the form of hairs cut off at the root - this is caused by damage to the follicles by fungi;
  • the appearance of bald spots - they have a round or oval shape and differ in size.

As the pathology develops, the animals become more aggressive and irritable. This is due to constant itching. In addition, infected calves appear emaciated. This is due to loss of appetite and deterioration of digestive functions.

If you do not start therapy on time, your health will worsen. If a secondary infection is added to lichen, there is a possibility of death of the affected animal.

Diagnostic measures

To establish the correct diagnosis, it is enough to examine the calf. Ringworm has typical symptoms. Sometimes it is necessary to exclude other dermatological pathologies. In this case, you need to take samples of diseased tissue for analysis. To do this, it is recommended to use scales of hair and skin. Typically, differential diagnosis is carried out with scabies, since these pathologies have a similar clinical picture.


When conducting diagnostics, the veterinarian is interested in the form of the disease - it can be erased, deep, superficial, vesicular. It is worth considering that in adult animals the disease has a milder course. This is due to the fact that the immune system is able to cope with the infection. Young animals have weaker immunity.

Therefore, the fungus is able to penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis. This provokes the appearance of a deep or vesicular form of pathology.

Rules for the treatment of lichen in cattle

Treatment of trichophytosis is carried out in different ways. Therapy is selected taking into account the type of pathology and its severity. At the initial stage, the use of antimycotic drugs and keratolytics is sufficient. In difficult cases, vaccination is carried out.

Antimycotic drugs

Before treating a calf or cow with antifungal ointments, it is necessary to remove dirt, crusts and other substances that will prevent the active substance from reaching the site of inflammation. It is best to clean, soften and steam the skin before applying the ointment.

Typically, the following drugs are used to treat cattle:

  1. Ointment “Yam” is an antifungal drug that contains antifungal and astringent components. After just 2 treatments, the crusts will peel off within 1 week. The effectiveness of therapy is indicated by hair regrowth.
  2. "Zoomicol" - the active component of the product is thiabendazole. Under its influence, micromycetes stop their reproduction. The substance is produced in the form of a spray. It needs to be applied evenly to the sore spot and cover 1-2 centimeters of healthy skin. It is recommended to re-treat the animal after 3-5 days. The course of therapy includes 3-4 applications of the substance.
  3. “Imaverol” is produced in the form of a thick concentrate for making an emulsion. To do this, the substance is mixed with water in a ratio of 1:5. It is recommended to use the composition one day before. In this case, it is recommended to treat the animal 4 times with an interval of 3 days.

Imeverol ointment

Keratolytic agents

Such drugs are used to restore the epidermis. This should be done in combination with antimicrobial substances. The most effective keratolytics include:

  • tar ointment;
  • iodine solution with a concentration of 10%;
  • solution of brilliant green with a concentration of 10%;
  • Sulfuric ointment.


Vaccination can be used to prevent and speed up the recovery of affected individuals. Today the following means are used for these purposes:

  • TF-130;
  • SP-1;
  • LTF-130.

The vaccine includes a sterile fungal culture. When a calf enters the body, it develops resistance to the pathogen. Animals must be vaccinated before the age of 6 months. Immunity is developed in 2 weeks and remains for 7 years.

Treatment of concomitant pathologies

Sometimes, in addition to ringworm, it is necessary to treat concomitant pathologies. Under the influence of micromycetes, a significant weakening of the animal’s body occurs. In such a situation, there is a risk of the calf becoming infected with parasites or ticks. Ivermek helps to cope with associated disorders.

Disinfection measures

To make treatment more effective, it is important to disinfect the stall and feeders. Fungal spores persist in the external environment for many days. To avoid their growth, it is recommended to disinfect feeders, equipment, floors, and walls. For this purpose it is permissible to use the following:

  • formalin solution - its concentration should be 5%;
  • bleach solution - make with a concentration of 20%;
  • carbolic solution.

little calves

Folk remedies

To treat ringworm at home, it is permissible to use the following remedies:

  1. Tar ointment - to make it, it is recommended to mix tar with petroleum jelly in a ratio of 1:5. The composition should be used twice a day - morning and evening.
  2. Turpentine ointment - for this, mix turpentine with tar in a 2:1 ratio.
  3. The composition is based on copper sulfate - it is mixed with lime and sulfur in a ratio of 1: 2: 3.


To avoid ringworm, you should do the following:

  • keep the pen clean;
  • destroy rodents;
  • from time to time, inspect calves for timely detection of pathology;
  • promptly vaccinate animals from risk areas.

It is recommended to administer the vaccine 2-3 times with an interval of 10-14 days. For infected individuals, a double dose should be used.

Ringworm is a serious risk. This is due to its rapid spread throughout the animal’s body. When exposed to a fungal infection, the calf's immunity suffers, which increases the risk of bacterial infection. Therefore, at the first symptoms of pathology, it is recommended to take immediate action.

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