At the end of the 15th century, Christopher Columbus brought a plant unique in its properties to Europe - corn. But judging by archaeological and geological research, the consumption and reproduction of golden cereal began at least five thousand years earlier. Corn to Russia appeared at the end of the 17th century, but the plant became more widespread in the 60s of the last century.
Corn or maize (from the Latin Zea mays) is an annual herbaceous plant that is not able to reproduce on its own.The fact is that the grains are so firmly attached to the cob that even at the stage of full ripening they do not fall to the ground, and the fallen cob rots along with the seeds. This may be why the plant is not found in the wild, and scientists have never been able to identify the ancestor of modern corn. And there is even a theory about the alien origin of the plant, and corn is also called the gift of the gods.
How is corn propagated in garden plots?
Attempt cultivate corn failed on an agricultural scale in Russia. Maize is a heat-loving plant and cannot easily tolerate temperature changes; in difficult Russian conditions it is cold. But it’s not difficult to grow corn on a personal plot if you pay attention to the plant and know certain agrotechnical methods.
Site selection and soil preparation
Preparation for planting corn start in the fall. The future harvest largely depends on the right location:
- The site should be on the south side, protected from wind and drafts, and well lit by the sun.
- Corn is demanding on soil quality. For normal growth and development, it needs fertile soil with moderate moisture.
- To enrich the soil with nutrients, organic fertilizers are added to the soil in the fall and dug up. For these purposes, you can use compost, rotted manure or peat.
- The best predecessors of corn there will be cabbage, tomatoes, potatoes or legumes. The planting site must be changed every three years.
- Acidic soils are limed in spring (3 kg of lime per 10 sq. m of land).
- Before planting, complex mineral fertilizers are applied to the soil to stimulate plant growth and dug thoroughly.
Preparing and sowing seeds
The productivity and sustainability of plants directly depends on the quality of planting material. Therefore, seeds should be selected that are large, healthy and without damage. Preparation:
- To test seeds for germination, place them in a 5% saline solution for five minutes. Only those grains that have settled to the bottom are considered suitable for planting.
- Next, in order to protect future crops from diseases, the seeds are pickled either in a pink solution of potassium permanganate or in a weak solution of hydrogen peroxide.
- The seeds are sown when the threat of frost has passed and the soil has warmed up to +10 degrees.
- The planting pattern is 30x60 cm, the depth of the holes is from 5 to 10 cm. On light soils, the sowing depth should be increased, and on heavy soils it should be reduced to a minimum.
- Three grains of varying degrees of germination are placed in each hole: dry, swollen and sprouted. Thanks to this method of planting, the chances of obtaining friendly shoots are significantly increased. Even if the sprouted grains die, the remaining ones will hatch. All that remains is to choose the strongest and healthiest sprouts.
- After sowing the seeds, the holes are mulched on top with peat.
Growing seedlings
In regions with colder climates, where spring comes later and weather conditions are not stable, corn is grown in seedlings:
- Seeds are sown from late April to mid-May.
- Separate containers or peat cups are filled with nutrient substrate and a 3 cm depression is made in each.
- Place 1-2 grains into the resulting holes and sprinkle with a 1 cm layer of sand.
- 5 days before transplantation, the plants begin to harden, gradually accustoming the young shoots to fresh air and sunlight.
- After three weeks, the seedlings are ready for planting in the ground.
Features of care
Corn begins to bloom 6–7 weeks after germination, at which point the rapid growth of plants stops, and all the energy is spent on the formation of cobs. The plant reaches a height of 1.5 to 2.5 meters.
For the full development of the root system, it is necessary to regularly loosen the soil and promptly remove weeds. It is recommended to loosen after each rain or watering so that the soil does not become compacted and moisture does not stagnate. With the seedless growing method, the first loosening is carried out even before the grains germinate, to a depth of no more than 4 cm.
Despite its heat-loving and drought-resistant nature, the plant needs watering, especially during flowering and grain formation. But it is important to remember that due to excess moisture, plant growth stops and the root system dies. When the soil is waterlogged, the green leaves will turn purple.
Corn cultivation is impossible without periodic fertilizing with mineral fertilizers. The first is carried out in the phase of rapid growth of the plant, the second - during the flowering period, the third - in the ripening phase.
In addition, corn plants need stem formation. To do this, remove the shoots, leaving three ears on each plant.
To avoid breaking off plants, it is recommended to tie up tall stems. This is especially true in windy areas.
After harvesting, the earliest and largest specimens are left as planting material for the next year, and the remaining cobs are removed to a cool and well-ventilated place. The cobs are stored together with the leaves in a suspended state, and for long-term storage they can be frozen.
Corn: benefits and applications
Today, corn occupies a leading position in grain sales in the world, second only to wheat in popularity. In the United States, corn has been grown on an industrial scale for a long time and is still the main agricultural crop. This amazing plant has found application in various fields: food, feed and technical.
Corn is used to produce a variety of food and industrial products. Bread, cereals, margarine, gelatin, whiskey are made from grain; the leaves and ears are used as animal feed, and the stems are used to produce paper, rubber, glue, plaster and other building materials.
In nutritional value, corn surpasses most vegetable crops, and fiber ensures a feeling of fullness for a long time.
The benefits of golden cereal for the human body are invaluable: it cleanses the body of toxins and waste, protects against premature aging, supports the nervous system and strengthens the immune system. Regular consumption of corn is especially beneficial for children and the elderly. Corn is contraindicated for people with increased blood clotting and a tendency to thrombosis.
Corn silk contains vitamin K, ascorbic acid, fatty oil, resins and saponins. They are widely used in folk medicine. They are used in the treatment of liver diseases, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and obesity. The stigmas also have diuretic and choleretic properties.
In addition to all the listed qualities, it should be noted that corn is also a beautiful plant, which will effectively decorate any garden plot.