Not all people know how to get carrot seeds. But why? After all, there are seeds of various varieties on sale. Despite this, the reasons for independently obtaining seeds may be different. So, a person liked a certain carrot variety, and he wants to grow it further. This option also allows you to obtain the necessary material. There have been cases when, as a result of planting purchased seeds, fruits are harvested that are far from advertised.
In addition, it is worth noting that growing a crop independently in order to obtain material for further sowing allows you to become independent from the market. After all, the market trend is constantly changing.And over time, the desired product may disappear from store shelves. And what can we say about the fact that this allows you to save a lot of money, especially when it comes to mass cultivation of crops. Therefore, plant fruits for seeds if there is even the slightest need for it. So, how to grow carrot seeds yourself?
Preparatory stage
Carrots are a biennial plant. In the first year, the crop produces fruits that are used to prepare various dishes, including canned food. In the second year, biological material suitable for further cultivation can be obtained from the root crop. Therefore, you need to approach seed collection very carefully. And you need to start in the first year of planting carrots.
Since you can get seeds at home in the second year of root crop growth, preparation must be done in the previous season:
- When harvesting in the first year, you need to choose the largest root crops that have all the advantages of the corresponding variety. This will result in high-quality seeds.
- When selecting root crops to be used as planting material, it is worth paying attention to their condition. They must have the correct shape, sufficient size and color appropriate for this variety. In addition, the carrots must be healthy and free from any mechanical damage. Otherwise, the root crop may not withstand storage and will disappear. An important aspect is the condition of the fetal cervix and head.
- Carrots that will be used for further planting must be stored separately from the rest of the crop used for consumption. The cellar must be frost-free.Of course, the best option is a pit with a cushion of moistened sand at the bottom. To understand how to properly arrange storage, you can watch a thematic video.
Compliance with these rules will allow you to collect and preserve root crops for further cultivation in order to obtain seeds.
When to plant carrots
To obtain high-quality material suitable for further sowing, it is necessary to follow certain rules and requirements. And you should start by planting carrots by seeds:
- When carrots are planted the first year for harvest and further consumption, little attention is paid to climatic conditions. This is especially true for temperature conditions. This is due to the fact that young fruits are highly resistant to low temperatures. In this case, planting should be done when the temperature is stable and there is no frost.
- An important factor is the phase of the moon. It is better to plant carrots during the period when the night star begins to grow.
- When the time and fruits have been chosen, you can begin planting them. But first of all, it is worth preparing the ground. To do this, the bed is loosened and fertilized. A hole of the required depth is made in the selected area. The root crop should penetrate the soil easily.
- The next step is to water the hole. To do this, it is recommended to use warm water. After the liquid is absorbed, carrots are placed in the hole. Next, the fruit is carefully covered with earth and compacted. It is worth considering that the top of the root crop should be at soil level.
- Next, the carrots are watered again with warm water, and the ground around is mulched.
Thus, landing is carried out carrots for further collection seedsIt is worth considering some features. So, the fruit can germinate in the cellar. This will not affect its maturation in any way. So no need to worry about these carrots.
Caring for carrots
To get high-quality seeds, it is not enough to plant the fruit. It is also necessary to properly care for planted carrots throughout the entire ripening period:
- In order to improve the quality of the seeds, the thickened testes are watered with milk of lime. The procedure is carried out several weeks after planting the fetus.
- Throughout the entire ripening period, it is necessary to periodically mulch, weed and water the plants. Thanks to this, it is possible to ensure a sufficient level of humidity, as well as regulate temperature changes that occur throughout the day.
- After 60 days, a central stem forms on the plant, which has a flowering umbrella. All other shoots are not suitable for this, so don’t worry if they dry out.
If the umbrella has acquired a dark beige color, this indicates that the seeds are ready for collection. So how to collect carrot seeds?
How to collect seeds correctly
After the umbrella has matured, it is cut and hung in a well-ventilated area. It is also wrapped with gauze or thin cloth. This will prevent the planting material from being scattered under the influence of a draft or wind. Also, special paper bags are often used for this.
When the umbrella is dry, it is gently rubbed with your hands, which allows you to extract the seeds. It is worth considering that the highest quality material for further sowing is the material located along the edge of the inflorescence. To treat the umbrella, experts recommend using water.With its help, you can not only get seeds, but also clean them of dirt.
The resulting seeds are laid out on cloth or paper and sent for drying. At the same time, you need to stir them periodically. In the future, it is recommended to store them in cardboard boxes or paper bags.