Field mint is considered a fairly common perennial plant, which belongs to the Lamiaceae family. This plant is actively used in folk medicine and cooking in the creation of salads and various dishes. Before you start growing mint, you need to familiarize yourself with its description and the nuances of cultivation.
Field mint has a number of features that distinguish it from other varieties. Mint bushes grow up to one and a half meters in height.The main distinguishing feature is the stems, which are covered with shaggy reddish hairs. The leaves on the bushes grow up to five centimeters in length and are ovoid in shape. At the edges of each leaf small teeth are visible, the length of which reaches 3-4 mm.
On mature plants, flowers are formed, colored lilac or violet. They are located at the base of the stems near the leaves. After flowering, mint is covered with rounded fruits that look like smooth nuts.
Where does it grow
Mint bushes are not found in all countries as they cannot grow in some climates. Field varieties grow in western and central Asia and Nepal. They are also found in most European countries and in Russia.
The plant does not like dry weather and needs constant moisture. Therefore, mint bushes most often grow on the banks of rivers, ponds or lakes. Less commonly, they can be found in swampy areas or areas with clay soil.
Medicinal properties and contraindications of meadow mint
It's no secret that the field variety mint has many beneficial properties, thanks to which it is used in the treatment of diseases. Mint leaves contain a lot of menthol, which is considered an excellent anesthetic. When treating the leaves, rub the skin or apply them to the irritated mucous membrane.
Medicinal decoctions and tinctures are also made from the stems, which improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and cleanse the digestive tract. Such remedies are drunk twice a day - morning and evening.
Before using mint medicines to treat diseases, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications. Mint should not be used for therapeutic purposes when treating children under six years of age.Pregnant girls and people with allergies will have to avoid using the plant.
When to plant mint
Before you start planting mint, it is recommended to determine the optimal time for planting it. Experts recommend planting the plant in late spring or in the second half of summer. It is not worth planting in early spring and mid-summer, as the material will not grow well due to spring frosts and summer heat.
If the bushes are grown in a greenhouse, then the planting date can be postponed to any other month. With this growing method, too high or low temperatures outside will not affect the planted seedlings in any way.
Preparation of planting material
It is recommended to prepare the seed in advance so that the mint grows well. To do this, preliminary disinfection of all seeds is carried out. This is done using a weak manganese solution in which the seeds should be soaked. Soaking the seeds lasts 15-20 minutes, after which all seeds are removed from the solution, washed and dried.
Disinfection is carried out only if self-collected seed material is used during planting. If the seeds were purchased in a store, disinfection is not necessary.
Choosing a landing site
The choice of place to grow mint should be taken seriously, as the speed of its growth depends on it. It is recommended to plant the plant in a well-lit area with sufficient protection from gusts of wind. Areas with fertile, loose soil and the required amount of nutritional components are best suited for mint bushes. Therefore, many people plant them in black soil.
Calcareous soil is not suitable for mint, as it produces weak and low-aromatic bushes. In order for the plant to grow stronger, you will have to treat the area with fertilizers in advance. To do this, add to the soil:
- superphosphate;
- potassium chloride;
- ash;
- saltpeter
Planting a plant
It is imperative to familiarize yourself with the peculiarities of the planting process in order to sow the seeds correctly.
First, rows are marked on the site where holes for planting will be made. The rows should be spaced about 50-60 cm apart so that the bushes do not shade each other. Small holes about 5-7 cm deep are made on each row. All holes are first filled with humus, watered with warm water, after which seeds are planted in them.
After planting, the planted mint is covered with soil and watered again.
Basic rules for caring for mint
Mint is considered an unpretentious plant, and therefore some people practically do not care for it. However, for normal growth and development of bushes, you will still have to carry out standard care procedures.
When growing, be sure to water the bushes so that they have enough moisture. Moistening of the soil is carried out in the evening, after sunset. When all the mint has been watered, the soil is loosened to remove the crust that has formed on the surface and remove weeds.
Plants are also fed with fertilizers so that there is no deficiency of nutritional components. Once a season, ash with compost and peat is added to the soil.
Diseases and pests
Mint, like any other plant, is attacked by pests and suffers from various diseases. Among the dangerous diseases are:
- Rust. The disease manifests itself as yellowing of the leaves and often leads to the death of seedlings.
- Fungal diseases. Appear as a result of high humidity and deficiency of fertilizers.
The most dangerous pest for seedlings is the mint flea beetle, which feeds on young leaves. It appears on bushes in late spring, when the air temperature rises to 15-20 degrees. If you do not get rid of this insect in a timely manner, the plant will begin to dry out and die.
Harvest and storage
Mint is harvested when it is actively blooming. During the flowering period, the stems and leaves are saturated with essential oils and tannins. During harvesting, you should carefully inspect all the bushes and make sure that they are not very young. Immature seedlings have a weak odor and are less useful.
After harvesting, the entire harvest is hung in the sun and dried for several days. Dried plants are left for storage so that they can be used in winter.
Some gardeners want to start growing field mint on their plots, but do not know how to do it. To understand this, you should familiarize yourself with the features of cultivating and caring for mint bushes.